StoneRoad2013's photos with the keyword: CO2

clch - CO2 emissions rising

01 Dec 2021 95
China and to a lesser extent, India - as well as "all others" - still have rapid rises in their carbon dioxide emissions, whereas Europe and the USA have slightly lowered theirs in the latter part of the time period shown. The downtick & uptick for 2020 - 2021 is due to the lockdowns attempting to control the spread of infection during the pre-vaccine period of the Covid-19 pandemic. . Despite the Paris protocols and more recently the COP26 pledges to reduce CO2 emissions, there is still a very serious risk of global temperature rises exceeding the targets leading to climate change. . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

clch - CO2 emissions, High Peak & Northumberland

01 Dec 2021 96
This highlights the relative changes in these two areas. Note the significant changes in "Industry" and "Land & Forestry" - For Northumberland, the former is the closure of the Lynmouth Aluminium smelter and the later is mainly felling trees & replanting in Kielder Forest. . . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

clch - CO2 emissions England [map - 2005 to 2019]

01 Dec 2021 100
Northumberland's reduction in CO2 during this period was probably due to the closure of the smelter at Lynmouth and the associated power station. {Although, in 2022, I believe this now relies on Biomass for fuel instead of the previously locally-mined coal. I don't think this takes into account the [net] removal of CO2 by the trees in the extensive areas of Kielder Forest, which is in Northumberland]. . . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

cvd - global emissions [CO2]

01 Dec 2021 98
The global lockdowns in 2021 temporarily reduced carbon dioxide emissions. This would have been a good start towards further reductions. Unfortunately, it looks like the reduction was both very short-lived and in overall terms, somewhat insignificant. But it did show what could be done ... . . Not my Image : Fair Use & Public Information

clch - USA 1990 - 2019 greenhouse gases

01 Dec 2021 99
Over the period 1990 to 2019, the USA's greenhouse gas emissions have varied. There was a sustained increase to approx 2008, when there was a significant economic recession. During the "Obama years" one of the factors reducing these emissions was the "Paris Accords" - wef from late 2016. Unfortunately, trump attempts to withdraw from these protocols has undone some of the gains made. Hopefully, Briden's re-enactment and COP26 agreements will see further controls on pollution. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

clch - ten ways to help

01 Dec 2021 116
Top ten ways to reduce your carbon footprint - tonnes carbon dioxide or equivalent. Interesting options. Not everybody can make the indicated changes, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. At present, utilising the either the air or the ground source heat pump technology require too great a capital investment for many households. Personally speaking - I don't "do" long-haul flights, but that is the only one I can definitely accomplish... However, I can make "carbon reductions" in several other areas of my lifestyle. Also, for the other side of the equation, I've planted over 200 trees and big shrubs in the past 25 years, partly to fuel a log-burner for renewable heating, but also to absorb carbon dioxide. . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information.

clch - coal power

01 Dec 2021 1 101
Not my image, so I don't which power station is illustrated here. . Always amuses me when this type of image is used to depict pollution from power stations. For the uninitiated - those clouds are just that, clouds. They are Water vapour - not steam - emitted from cooling towers [five visible]. There are three chimneys, without visible exhaust fumes in the image. What those exhaust gases contain would depend on the fuel, and which "scrubbing" processes are used ... . . Not my Image ; Fair use & public information

clch - Indonesian deforestation

01 Dec 2021 106
The forests have been cleared for several reasons, the largest cause being for oil palm plantations & otehr "cash" crops, much of the timber was pulped for paper if not suitable for furniture and the like. Creating grass and scrubland was the second largest purpose, all contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions and significant loss of biodiversity. President Widodo has, in 2021, repeated assurances that deforestation would be reversed [COP26 agreement]. . . Not my Image ; Fair use & public informtion

clch - COP26 vs USA

01 Nov 2021 122
Changing proportions of energy sources in USA over the past three decades. Despite the technology available, the USA is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Hence their significant output - both totals and per capita - of greenhouse gases like CO2 which cause global warming aka climate change. Although the relative proportions have changed [less coal but more natural gas] and there has been a drop since the mid-2000s, there is still an overall increased use in energy. [Trump's running away from the Paris Agreement didn't help solve the problem - the USA should be setting a better example] . . . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

clch - Indian emissions [1990 to 2019]

01 Nov 2021 97
In the past decade, India's CO2 emissions have greatly increased, especially the proportions from Coal [power stations] and "other" sources. Mainly due to rapid industrialisation and urbanisation. A pity that India [& China] have not by-passed the coal-dependent stages of economic development. . . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information.

clch - new build coal stations in China [2021]

01 Nov 2021 118
[First count - well over 60 ... second count 67] That's a lot of coal-fired power stations, in a country that had already produced 11,535 megatonnes of CO2 in 2019. CO2 - greenhouse gas - emissions are a major driver of climate change. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

clch - EU [inc UK] emission map; 2019

01 Nov 2021 107
The most significant emissions in Europe are from Germany, as shown by this map. Although the UK, France, Poland, Italy, Spain and Belgium also emit large amounts. There is a long way to go before Europe reaches a carbon neutral position. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information.

clch - CO2 emissions; 2019

01 Nov 2021 1 118
Interesting comparisons here, the per capita figure is particularly revealing. Just imagine the climate problem the world would have if China emitted CO2 at the same per capita rate as that of the USA. [In that scenario - emissions would be almost double the 2019 figure]. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

clch - transport emissions

09 Nov 2021 166
Range of "carbon dioxide emissions" from various modes of transport [2019] calculated as grams per passenger km travelled. Personally - I am Quite impressed with the low figure for "Eurostar" - guessing that's because the electricity is from low carbon generation - eg French nuclear - it is also a very limited route. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

clch - UK temps timeline, 1880 to 2020

03 Aug 2021 114
Although there has been a lot of variation between the mean temperature for individual years, there has been an overall increase between c1880 and 2020, even with the slight drop in the 1950s. One of the lowest appears to be c1962/3 which I remember as being a particularly hard and long winter. . So, what changed ... In the 1950s, private car ownership began expanding. Home central heating started being installed in new houses, and there was a baby / housing boom. Industry, even the traditional heavy users of coal, began a period of boom - ever increasing production. More nations became industrialised, greater international trade, all of the post WW2 "brave new world" ... . All these changes would have increased carbon dioxide emissions, and other waste materials polluting the atmosphere and the environment on top of, and amplifying the natural process of warming up after a glacial episode. What was, initially referred to as the "Greenhouse affect" then "global warming" and now "climate change emergency". . . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

clch - smog particles and lockdown

28 Oct 2021 1 141
Comparison of particulates pollution [main cause of urban smog] in the UK during the 2020 lockdown, with the average figures for 2015-19. Data from nine conurbations. There are some striking images showing the clearer air during Lockdowns. The main source of these particulates will be internal combustion engines, specifically old and poorly maintained diesels, but also from the oil-burning by some older petrol engines. Also, some public transport vehicles are contributing to this problem. Plus, using fuel oil for heating buildings and some industrial processes can add to the smog. Unfortunately, re-opening the economy without choosing "greener" transport etc modes has reversed the situation, so any gains [reduction in pollution] was very shortlived. . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

clch - temperature anomalies [UK 2020 - 2080]

21 Jun 2021 115
Even the UK would be affected by rises in world temperatures ["global warming" or the "greenhouse affect"] and these anomalies will also have further affects in the general weather patterns [mainly rainfall] and hence flooding & average sea level. . . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

clch - food's footprints [range chart, 2018]

27 Oct 2021 1 4 180
Various foods have a range of impacts from greenhouse gas emissions. These gases include carbon dioxide and methane. Cattle, especially intensively reared ones, emit a lot of methane [CH4] as part of their digestive processes, plain grass fed animals produce rather less. . I'm not sure if this data includes the affects of transporting that food from farm to plate, or other detrimental environmental affects. eg the pollution from fish farms affects water quality. . . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

21 items in total