StoneRoad2013's photos with the keyword: prehistoric

SBB[24]/lms{11/11} - offerings

06 Sep 2024 35
Both ash trees had a small number of votive offerings attached to the lowest branches.

SBB[24]/lms{10/11} - Bella on top

06 Sep 2024 43
It took a little persuasion for Bella to climb up onto the stone, she was getting a little tired as we had had a long day already.

SBB[24]/lms{9/11} - SW arc

06 Sep 2024 42
The South Western arc / segment of the stone circle, with the Long Meg monolith at the extreme right of the image.

SBB[24]/lms{8/11} - two Ash trees

06 Sep 2024 41
Just inside the eastern edge of the circle there are two Ash trees. Although they are of a significant age, to judge by their girth, they are mere youngsters compared to the circle itself. The trees could be a couple of hundred years old, the stone circle is probably 4,000 years old [I don't know if it has been reliably dated].

SBB[24]/lms{7/11} - western monolith

06 Sep 2024 36
One of the larger stones in the Western section

SBB[24]/lms{6/11} - the SW Portal

06 Sep 2024 55
These "extra" stones mark the SW portal to the stone circle.

SBB[24]/lms{5/11} - fallen stones

06 Sep 2024 39
Some of the 69 stones still visible are lying flat.

SBB[24]/lms{4/11} - more daughters

06 Sep 2024 48
Looking generally towards the North

SBB[24]/lms{3/11} - east side stones

06 Sep 2024 48
Stones on the eastern side - some are quite large.

SBB[24]/lms{2/11} - Long Meg and the Portal

06 Sep 2024 1 51
Looking past Long Meg towards the gap or Portal into the interior of the stone circle. Long Meg stands 80ft outside the circle itself and 20ft higher up the sloping site.

SBB[24]/lms{1/11} - Long Meg standing stone

06 Sep 2024 1 48
Long Meg is located to the South West of the Stone Circle, made of the local red sandstone and stands 12ft in height. The side facing the circle has rock art carvings. .

SBB[24]/crs{6/6} - third infographic

06 Sep 2024 46
One of the three infograhic boards at the entrances to the field containing Castlerigg Stone Circle, high on the fells above Keswick, in The Lakes. It was one of the first 69 ancient monuments to receive statutory protection under the 1882 Act of Parliament. .

SBB[24]/crs{5/6} - second infographic

06 Sep 2024 83
One of the three infograhic boards at the entrances to the field containing Castlerigg Stone Circle, high on the fells above Keswick, in The Lakes. It was one of the first 69 ancient monuments to receive statutory protection under the 1882 Act of Parliament. .

SBB[24]/crs{4/6} - View to the West

06 Sep 2024 2 83
The view to the West is quite splendid today. This "opening" isn't quite as wide as the one on the Northern edge.

SBB[24]/crs{3/6} - The Sanctuary

06 Sep 2024 1 67
Inside the main circle, on the Eastern side, is this almost rectangular enclosure. Known as The Sanctuary, it's purpose is unknown. Bella having an investigate of the smells ... You can see quite a long way to the east today, even at 16:44 the sky seems cloudless.

SBB[24]/crs{2/6} - Opening & looking south

06 Sep 2024 1 2 45
The entrance gap on the Northern edge of the circle, which is approximately 11feet [3.3m] wide. So, this view is looking South.