Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Fernando Pessoa


04 Jul 2021 1 61
Beyond the bend in the road there may be a well, a castle. There may be simply more road. I neither know nor ask. As long as I’m on the road before the bend I simply look at the road before the bend, since I can see only the road before the bend. It would do no good to look elsewhere or at what I can’t see. ........................... ~Beyond the bend in the Road Fernando Pêssoa


07 Jun 2021 1 1 70
In the country of bridges The bridge is more real Than the shores it doth unsevere. ~ Fernando Pessoa
15 Jul 2013 103
If only my life were an oxcart That creaks down the road in the morning, Very early, and returns by the same road To where it came from in the evening....... I wouldn't have to have hopes, just wheels..... My old age wouldn't have the wrinkles or white hair........ When I was of no more use, My wheels would be removed And I'd end up at the bottom of a ditch, broken and overturned. Or I'd be made into something different And I wouldn't know what I'd been made into........... But I'm not an oxcart, I'm different. But exactly how I'm different No one would ever tell me. ~ Fernando Pessoa

Infinite Anxiety

04 Mar 2021 2 79
www.redalyc.org/jatsRepo/3074/307446626006/html/index.html en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_Pessoa

The Road

29 Jun 2014 159
.................... Let them worry about what’s beyond the bend in the road. That, for them, is the road. If we’re to arrive there, when we arrive there we’ll know. For now we know only that we’re not there. Here there’s just the road before the bend, and before the bend There’s the road without any bend. Excrpt: "Beyond the bend in the Road: ~ Fernando Pessoa
05 Sep 2013 113
I love what I see because one day I'll stop seeing it. I also Love it because it is. In this calm moment when I feel myself By loving more than by being, I love all existence and myself. No better thing could the primitive gods Give me, were they to return- They, who also know nothing. From "A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe" ~ Fernando Pessoa


04 Aug 2013 149
When I die and you, meadow, Become something strange to me, There will be better meadows For the better self I'll be. And the flowers that are beautiful In the fields I see down here Will be stars of many colors In the vast fields there. And perhaps my heart, seeing That other nature, more natural Than the vision that fooled us Into thinking it was real, Will, like a bird at last alighting On a branch, look back and recall This flight of existence As nothing at all. ~ Fernando Pessoa
08 Jun 2013 7 12 191
No one loves anyone else; he loves What he finds of himself in the other. Don't fret if others don't love you. They feel Who you are, and you're a stranger. Be who you are, even never loved. Secure in yourself, you will suffer Few sorrows. ~Fernando Pessoa