Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Mckay, Hill, Bukler

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13 Jun 2020 1 1 86
A Woman Weighing Gold, Vermeer, (ca 1657) Varmeer painted picture of middle-class women involved in ordinary activities in the quiet interiors of their homes. Unrivaled among Dutch masters of his superb control of light, in this painting Vermeer illuminates a pregnant women weighing gold on her scales, as Christ in the painting on the wall weights the saved and the damned. (National Gallery of Art, Washington; Widener Collection) www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEior-0inxU</ www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2hgtFBBbxk

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13 Jun 2020 1 1 97
Rubens: The Education of Marie. One of the twenty-one pictures celebrating episodes from the life of Marie de Medici, the Influential widow of France’s Henri IV, Ruben’s painting is imbued with sensuous vitality. The three muses inspiring the studious young Marie dominate the canvas. (Louvere/Giraudon/Art Source) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_de%27_Medici


04 Sep 2019 2 59
Figure 1 Boccaccio's vision of Petrarch. Petrarch was the hero and inspiration of generations of humanists: writers, scholars and book collectors

Fork & knife

04 Aug 2023 8 6 81
{Fingers, spoons and knives were still the most popular choices when it came to actual eating. Some of the earliest known table forks made their debut in Ancient Egypt. The Qijia culture (2400-1900 BC) that resided in part of present day China also are known to have used forks.} Source: WWW