Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Gutenberg


07 Oct 2024 1 22
archive.org/details/hypatiac01kingiala/page/n1/mode/2up www.cuemath.com/learn/mathematics/geometry-hypatia-of-alexandria www.gutenberg.org/files/6308/6308-h/6308-h.htm

Richard Wagner in 1842, from the Portrait by E. Ki…


02 Dec 2022 5 1 78


21 Mar 2020 3 46
17 Feb 2019 1 81
A telling moment in this journey is Rousseau’s ‘Confessions,” www.gutenberg.org/files/3913/3913-h/3913-h.htm when, for the first time, a memori confides in its readers the nature of a sexual obsession. Rousseau knows enough to signal to his readers that his behavior and revelation are memorable, worthy of writing about, and notable, as they have been, from his time to ours. Rousseau’s confession is the guilty telling through a writerly bravado of how a moment in time became fixed as a moment in sensibility. Rousseau, recounts an early experience of being spanked as a child and led to a lifelong preoccupation. He could not have an orgasm with a woman unless he was spanked. It’s hard to imagine that previous writers could define themselves so strongly in terms of particular sexual obsession. Rousseau along with De Sade move us from lovesickness, to the infatuation with a single beloved, to a process -- sexuality as pain. ~ Page150/151 ~ Excerpt: Obsession - A history ~ Author ~ Lennard J. Davis www.gutenberg.org/files/3913/3913-h/3913-h.htm