Dinesh's photos with the keyword: The Invention of Science

26 Jan 2022 79
One of the several portraits of Kenelim Digby by Anthony van Dyck. Digby, a friend of Hobbes and a founding member of the Royal Society, played a crucial role in popularizing the word ‘fact’. The sunflower is a symbol of constancy, and the portrait represents Digby in mourning for his wife, Venitia, who had died suddenly in 1633. The sunflower’s ability to follow the Sun could not be explained in Aristotelian terms, and Digby presented it (along with magnetism and the weapon salve) as a paradigmatic example of the problems addressed by th new science of experiment en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenelm_Digby


24 Apr 2019 1 99
Gardeners, for example, create a peculiar micro-environment for their plants. If the gardner stops working, nature takes over. A garden is thus both natural and artificial, and it is both of these things entirely and simultaneously. It is easy to assume that the law of the excluded middle requires something to be either natural or artificial. . . . . Such activities depend on a complex collaboration between the natural and social. Thus it must be wrong to say, as Andrew Cunningham does, that science is ‘ a human activity.’ Poetry and Scrabble are nothing but human activities. Science belongs to the very extensive class of activities which combine the natural and artificial, which are constrained by both reality and culture. ~ Page 539

Space Age and Ice Age proto-writing

Luca Pacioli

25 Jan 2022 2 1 95
This portrait of Luca Pacioli, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luca_Pacioli often mistakenly attributed to Jacopo de Barbari, was apparently painted in 1495 (the slip of paper on the desk gives the date). Pacioli is teaching from Euclid, and a copy of one of his own books on mathematics is in the right foreground. This is how mathematics was taught in the Renaissance and indeed for centuries afterwards

Speed of Light

24 Jan 2022 2 85
The speed of light could then be found by dividing the diameter of the Earth's orbit by the time difference. The Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens, who first did the arithmetic, found a value for the speed of light equivalent to 131,000 miles per second. The correct value is 186,000 miles per second. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_light

Pendulum / pendulum clock

24 Jan 2022 1 66

Water wheel

12 Aug 2013 1 147
Painted Creek Cider Mill. Fitz Water Wheel Co., Oakland

Page 260

24 Feb 2021 4 100
23 Jan 2022 2 3 79
A Renaissance image of Aristotle: from ‘The Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas (1471) by Benozzo Gozzoli. The book Aristotle is holding is his ‘Metaphysics’ the text, translated, reads: ‘A Sign of those who know is that they can each.’ Aristotle with Galen and Ptolemy, was taken to be the basis of all knowledge of a natural world until the Scientific Revolution, and within universities he continued to be the basis of teaching until the end of the seventeenth century. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_of_Saint_Thomas_Aquinas_(Lipo_Memmi) Summa Theologica www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/17611/pg17611-images.html
22 Jan 2022 1 52
The oldest surviving celestial globe, made in Valencia by Ibrahim ‘Ibn Said and his son Muhammad in year 478 of the Hegira (1085 of the Christian era). Arabic astronomy was highly sophisticated, and at least the equal of any Western astronomy until Copernicus -- indeed, Copernicus may well have used technical solution devised by Arab astronomers.
22 Jan 2022 48
Richard of Wallingford (1292-1336) constructing a mathematical instrument, probably an astrolabe. Richard of Oxford mathematician and abbot of St.Albans, made sophisticated instruments and designed an important clock. He was the closest thing the medieval world had to what we would call a scientist; however, he assumed that mathematics could be employed to interpret the heavens but not the sublunary world, and he had no notion of the experimental method. His face is spotted with what his contemporaries believed to be leprosy.
22 Jan 2022 70
Waldsemuller’s world map of 1507, the first to include the name ‘America’ the first to show the New World as, in effect a new continent, and the firest to show antipodes. This map was crucial in destroying the two spheres theory and in making Copernicanism possible. At the top are the figures of Ptolemy (with a map of the Old World) and Vespucci (with the map of the New). www.loc.gov/rr/geogmap/waldexh.html en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Waldseem%C3%BCller


19 Jan 2022 1 70
A family of alchemists at work, an engraving of Philip Galle, after a painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, published by Hieronymus Cock, c. 1558


02 Aug 2013 2 139
The curve of your eyes circles my heart A round of dance and sweetness And if I no longer know all that I have experienced It is because your eyes have not always seen me. Paul Eluard.
17 Jan 2022 2 46
The frontispiece to Kepler’s Rudolphine tables (1627). The figures, from left to right, are astronomers Hipparchus, Copernicus, an anonymous ancient observer, Brahe and Ptolemy, each surrounded by symbols of his work. The pillars in the background are made of wood; those in the foreground of brick and marble, symbolizing the progress of astronomy. Astronomical instruments designed by Tycho Brahe serve as decorations. The figures on the cornice symboilize the mathematical sciences, with Urania, the muse of astronomy, in the centre. Kepler’s patron, the Holy Roman emperor Rulodph II, is represented by the Eagle. On the base, from left to right, are Kepler in in study, a map of Brahe’s island of Hven and a printing press


16 Jan 2022 1 1 180
The front piece of Galileo’s ‘Dialogue’ (1632). Aristotle (left), shown as a feeble Old man; Ptolemy (centre), wearing a turban because he comes from Egypt; and Copernicus, wearing the clothes of a Polish priest, stand on the shore of the Floretie port of Livorno debating questions of physics and astronomy. But Copernicus looks nothing like the Image of Copernicus that appears in other source, where he is always portrayed as a young and clean-shaven . Indeed, the Latin translation by Bergnegger soon corrected this ‘error’, providing a more accurate representation of Copernicus. It seems Galileo has decided to present himself in the role of Copernicus. Over the heads of the three philosophers hangs the curtain which rises at the beginning of a theatrical performance -- a device that was used by Galileo’s engraver, Sterano della Bella, for the frontpieces of plays. Thus Galileo implies that the argument presented in the book are not to be regarded as true, for Copernicanism had been condemned by the Church. rauterberg.employee.id.tue.nl/lecturenotes/DDM110%20CAS/Galilei-1632%20Dialogue%20Concerning%20the%20Two%20Chief%20World%20Systems.pdf


10 Jan 2022 1 57
Brahe’s observatory: the curved scale is a quadrant for measuring elevations That is built in the wall; inside it is a ‘trompe l’oeil’ section of Brahe’s observatory With a giant figure of Brahe himself. The image comes from the 1598 painting Of his ‘Astronomiae instauratae mchanica.’ In the painting above the Quadrant was done in 1587 by Hans Knieper, Hans van Steenwinckel the Edler And Tobias Gemperle, who were responsible, respectively, for the painting of The landscape at the top, the three pairs of arches representing the three Areas Uraniborg and the portrait of Brahe.

23 items in total