Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Panpsychism

31 Aug 2021 2 1 84
Source of the image www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHTuI40HjVE&t=837s

Fechner on a Summer day

31 Aug 2021 5 1 99
Fechner’s plato.stanford.edu/entries/fechner personal, intuitive feel for the plant-soul is abundantly evident throughout his writing. One finds passionate and poetic words, such as the following: I stood one on a hot summer’s day before a pool and contemplated a water-lily which had spread its leaves evenly over the water and with an open blossom was basking in the sunlight. . . . It seemed to me that nature surely would not have built a creature so beautiful, and so carefully designed for such conditions, merely to be an object of idle observation. . . . I was inclined rather to think that nature had built it thus in order that all the pleasure which can be derived from bathing at once a sunlight and in water might be enjoyed by one creature in the fullest measure. ~ Page 147 -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o . . . When a Buddhist becomes enlightened, he or she remains in this world. The image of a beautiful lotus blossom floating atop of grimy, mucky pond conveys symbolically the Buddhist perception of life in this world. ~ Page 91 Excerpt: “When Religion Becomes Evil” ~ Author” Charles Kimball
30 Aug 2021 1 58
Schopenhauer explicitly acknowledges his debt to Empedocles, especially for the general concept of existence as a struggle between forces of will -- specifically, Love and Strife: “Everywhere in nature we see strife, conflict, and the fickleness of victory . . . This strife may be seen to pervade the whole of nature, indeed nature . . . exists only through it.” He cites Aristotle’s commentary: “as Empedocles says, if there were no strife in things, everything would be one and the same.” Thus nature reflects a kind of law of the jungle, with each form of existence competing with all others to maintain and fulfill itself. Schopenhauer saw struggle and strife all around him, and that led to his notoriously pessimistic assessment of life in general. He was exceptional in that instance, most all panpsychist philosophers seem to have adopted sympathetic, compassionate, and optimistic worldviews. . . . Page 145

Edge of the Universe

28 Aug 2021 7 5 92