Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Carmichael Park

Sunday ante meridiem

This property is protected by Video surveillance

25 Mar 2021 65
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute. Josh Billings
19 Mar 2021 3 5 92
To U.S Open -- come 2031 or 2032.....

Bamboo fence

18 Mar 2021 9 11 101
HFF Have a great week end ye all


18 Mar 2021 1 1 78
A lady is at leisure, and so also her dignified friend Leisure (n.) c. 1300, leisir, "free time, time at one's disposal," also (early 14c.) "opportunity to do something, chance, occasion, an opportune time," also "lack of hurry," from Old French leisir, variant of loisir "capacity, ability, freedom (to do something); permission; spare time; free will; idleness, inactivity," noun use of infinitive leisir "be permitted," from Latin licere "to be allowed" (see licence (n.)). Especially "opportunity afforded by freedom from necessary occupations" (late 14c.). "In Fr. the word has undergone much the same development of sense as in Eng." [OED]. The -u- appeared 16c., probably on analogy of pleasure (n.), etc. To do something at leisure "without haste, with deliberation" (late 14c.) preserves the older sense. To do something at (one's) leisure "when one has time" is from mid-15c. leisure (adj.) "free from business, idle, unoccupied," 1660s, from leisure (n.).
16 Mar 2021 11 10 115
If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live. Lin Yutang HBM & have a wonderful week too.....

A tree....

16 Mar 2021 1 73
...and the Californian sky