Dinesh's photos with the keyword: E.O.Wilson


29 Feb 2020 114
These woods are where silence has come to lick its wounds. Samantha Hunt The woods were a biological maelstrom of which only the surface could be scanned by the naked eye. Within my circle of vision, millions of unseen organisms dies each second, their destruction was swift and silent; no bodies thrashed about, no blood leaked into the ground. L the microscopic bodies were broken apart in clean biochemical chops by predators and scavengers, then assimilated to create millions of new organisms, each second. ~ Page 11 (Biophilis - E.O.Wilson)


29 Jun 2019 1 1 108
The Ancient days, William Blake, 1794, his favorite work, shows the god Urizen creating the second Enlightenment. Urizen, thought Blake, was an evil god, because he invented science in order to force humanity into a single way of thinking. special.lib.gla.ac.uk/exhibns/month/nov2007.html en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_of_Days

What is a species?

06 Aug 2019 84
Every part of human body and mind has a physical base obedient to the laws of physics and chemistry. And all of it, so far as we can tell by continuing scientific examination, originated through evolution by natural selection. To continue the basics: evolution consists of a change in the frequency of genes in populations of species. A species is defined (often imperfectly) as a population, or series of populations, whose members freely interbreed or are capable of freely interbreeding under natural conditions. ~ Page 17


03 Jul 2019 1 74
Stock Photograph by White House Public Domain Image Number: 0519-0908-0711-5836