Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Etymology


23 Mar 2025 3 14
The word 'Reflection: Reflection comes from the Latin reflectere, made up of the prefix re-, "back," and flectere, "to bend." So it's bending something back: your reflection in the mirror is the light waves that bounce your image back at you. When you pause for reflection — serious thinking, that is — your thoughts are bending inward.
10 May 2022 1 52
"abstract pictures that look like commercial color charts"


17 Feb 2022 1 60
window (n.) c. 1200, literally "wind eye," from Old Norse vindauga, from vindr "wind" (see wind (n.1)) + auga "eye" (from PIE root *okw- "to see"). Replaced Old English eagþyrl, literally "eye-hole," and eagduru, literally "eye-door." Compare Old Frisian andern "window," literally "breath-door." Originally an unglazed hole in a roof. Most Germanic languages later adopted a version of Latin fenestra to describe the glass version (such as German Fenster, Swedish fönster), and English used fenester as a parallel word till mid-16c. Window dressing in reference to shop windows is recorded from 1853; figurative sense is by 1898. Window seat is attested from 1778. Window of opportunity (1979) is from earlier figurative use in U.S. space program, such as launch window (1963). Window-shopping is recorded from 1904.
03 Jan 2022 2 1 100
graffiti (n.) 1851, "ancient wall inscriptions found in the ruins of Pompeii," from Italian graffiti, plural of graffito "a scribbling," a diminutive formation from graffio "a scratch or scribble," from graffiare "to scribble," ultimately from Greek graphein "to scratch, draw, write" (see -graphy). They are found in many ancient places, but the habit was especially popular among the Romans. Sense extended 1877 to recently made crude drawings and scribbling in public places. Graffiti and street art is an anonymous tool used to express yourself and your point of view on on almost anything, including politics, personal expression, culture etc. Graffiti is gaining popularity and people are being more creative and expressive with art form. graffitiexhibition2015.weebly.com/purpose-of-graffiti.html

Thumbs Up

02 Nov 2021 7 5 101
The thumbs-up gesture has its roots in ancient Rome, where gladiators would literally live or die by it. ... While in modern times it has a positive meaning, back then it meant "get him out of here," or death, while a concealed thumb (considered thumbs-down) meant the gladiator lived.


11 Jun 2021 1 2 70
Bolt (n.) Old English bolt "short, stout arrow with a heavy head;" also "crossbow for throwing bolts," from Proto-Germanic *bultas (source also of Old Norse bolti, Danish bolt, Dutch bout, German Bolzen), perhaps originally "arrow, missile," and from PIE *bheld- "to knock, strike" (source also of Lithuanian beldžiu "I knock," baldas "pole for striking"). Applied since Middle English to other short metal rods (especially those with knobbed ends): meanings "stout pin for fastening objects together" and "part of a lock which springs out" are both from c. 1400. A bolt of canvas (c. 1400) was so called for its shape. Adverbial phrase bolt upright (like a bolt or arrow) is from late 14c. Meaning "sliding metal rod that thrusts the cartridge into the chamber of a firearm" is from 1859. From the notion of an arrow's flight comes the bolt of lightning (1530s) and the sense of "a sudden spring or start" (1540s).
01 Jun 2021 1 62
Late 19th century: alteration of holy Moses, popularized in the 1940s by the character Captain Marvel in DC Comics' comic book of the same name. It is most likely a minced oath, a cleaned-up version of a taboo phrase such as "Holy Moses". It was popularized in the U.S. as an expression often used by Billy Batson, the alter ego of Captain Marvel, a superhero created for Fawcett Publications.


23 Mar 2021 8 2 92
Fence (n.) early 14c., "action of defending, resistance; means of protection, fortification," shortening of defens (see defense). The same pattern also yielded fend, fender; and obsolete fensive "defensive" (late 16c.). Spelling alternated between -c- and -s- in Middle English. Sense of "enclosure" is first recorded mid-15c. on notion of "that which serves as a defense." Sense of "dealer in stolen goods" is thieves' slang, first attested c. 1700, from notion of such transactions taking place under defense of secrecy.

‘Fors’ ~ Good luck

10 Jun 2019 1 1 85
To the Romans, whatever life brought, good or bad, was chance -- ‘fors.’ Good luck creates fortunes for the ‘fortunate’ In Latin that ‘bh’ was softened further, to become ‘ferre.’ That gives us ‘fertile.’ But as a suffix, ‘-fer’ is used in all sorts of words ‘-suffer’ is to bear pain, ‘transfer’ is to carry a load from one side to the other, ‘prefer’ is to weigh more on one side than the other, ‘refer’ is to hand the burden to someone else, ‘proffer’ is to hold out the burden as a gift, ‘concer’ is to share it with other people, ‘differ’ is to carry it in an unconventional way and ‘defer’ is to put it down with the intention of picking it up some other time. ~ Page 37