Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Basho

06 Nov 2014 8 8 107
Taking a nap feet planted against a cool wall ~ Basho en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsuo_Bash%C5%8D HWW -- Have a great day
24 Jun 2013 4 1 210
Come on let us see All the real flowers of this Sorrowful world ~ Basho
15 Jan 2022 8 4 74
None is travelling Here along this way but I, This autumn evening. ~ Basho
25 Dec 2021 4 2 50
The moon glows the same: it is the drifting cloud forms make it seem to change. Basho
02 Nov 2021 6 1 85
おもしろき 秋の朝寝や 亭主ぶり It’s great. Having an autumn lie-in. As the host. ~ Basho
19 Mar 2021 2 90
A mushroom, ha! or, some unknown tree, with a clinging leaf Matsuo Bashō
14 Jul 2020 62
Won't you come and see loneliness? Just one leaf from the kiri tree. ~Basho
31 May 2020 1 69
初雪や 聖小僧が 笈の色 The first snow That the young Hijiri-monk has The color of the wooden box. ~ Basho
24 May 2020 75
On a withered branch a crow has settled -- autumn nightfall Basho
19 Feb 2019 1 3 139
Won't you come and see loneliness? Just one leaf from the kiri tree. ~ Basho
21 Dec 2018 3 114
Unknown to birds and butterflies A flower blooms The autumn sky ~ Basho “The earth laughs in flowers.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
04 Nov 2014 167
Pine mushroom -- some kind of leaf sticking to it ~ Basho
23 Feb 2014 132
"Clapping my hands with the echoes the summer moon begins to dawn." - Basho

A Stream

11 Aug 2013 125
Like the little stream Making its way Through the mossy crevices I, too, quietly Turn clear and transparent. -Basho
15 Jul 2013 1 1 118
Autumn moonlight-- a worm digs silently into the chestnut. ~ Matsuo Basho


12 Jul 2013 162
"When I speak My lips feel cold - The autumn wind." - Basho

Winter Solitude

24 Jun 2013 173
Winter solitude-- in a world of one color the sound of wind. ~ Matsuo Basho

A stream - turbulence

21 Jun 2013 1 189
Like the little stream Making its way Through the mossy crevices I, too, quietly Turn clear and transparent. -Basho

21 items in total