Dinesh's photos with the keyword: The Capitol

22 Dec 2021 65


08 Feb 2019 136
The Capitol building needs some time to explore and watch exhibits etc. And suppose you are low in energy -- we are here to help!

Office - Secretary of State - 1902

The Grapes of Wrath

08 Jan 2018 1 216
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grapes_of_Wrath . . . Deep plowing and other methods used to prepare the land for cultivation eliminated those native prairie grasses that held the soil in place and retained the moisture during period of drought. When and condition caused crops to wither and die, topsoil lay exposed to the elements. The first “black duster” or “black blizzard” occurred on September 14, 1930. The worst came on April s14, 1935, when multiple storm in a single afternoon moved twice as much dirt and had been dug in seven years to create the Panama Canal. All this reduced the Great Plains farmers to a wretched poverty and forced many to migrate westward in a thankless quest for work (as depicted in John Steinbeck’s ‘Grapes of Wrath’). Yet there was no mass starvation. And those who expressed their opposite to government policy -- notably Hugh Hammond Bennet, the author of ‘Soil Erosion: A National Menace’ -- were not persecuted but promoted. The National Industrial Recovery Act, passed in June 1933, established the Soil Erosion Service in the Department of the Interior. Bennett was put in charge of it in September 1933. He also sat on the Great Plains Drought Area Committee, the interim report of which, on August 27, 1936, stated unequivocally, “Mistaken public Policies have been largely responsible for the situation.” . . . Page 186

To O'Hara from Jack London

08 Jan 2018 2 1 366
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_London en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_O%27Hara

Office - Secretary of State - 1902

Library desk - Sacramento CA -1904

Sutro Library, SF. CA 1960s

Mobile Library of the yore

08 Jan 2018 1 204
Photographed at Capitol, Sacramento CA. ~ Behind the glass case, no flash allowed

The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer

29 Dec 2017 223

Saint Benedict / San Benito County


07 Jan 2018 197
The folio Atlas with brilliant plates depicting natives, customs and the architecture of Mexico must be regarded as one of the most beautiful books ever published about a Western Hemisphere county. German born Nebel en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Nebel travelled to Mexico from 1829 to 1934. So impressive are these prints they are frequently produced to illustrate California rancho era (Except that was beneath the image)

Relacion Historica~ Junipero Serra

06 Jan 2018 215
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun%C3%ADpero_Serra Franciscan missionary Francisco Palou wrote the first biography of his friend and his colleague Serra, now recognized as a saint in Catholic church. His text described the establishment of the church in missions in California by Serra. It is illustrated by an allegorical portrait of Serra ministering the native American and the earliest map not only to show the missions but also showing the church between Alta and Baja California. Paulo's work the first biography of a Californian personality (Copies from below the image exhibit)

American Dictionary of the English Language - 1828

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Dictionary

Gutenberg Bible

05 Jan 2018 1 4 178
A spectacular Gutenberg Bible reproduction of Die Zweiudevierzigzellge Bible, Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz 1450-1453 facsimile; Leipzig, Insel-verlag 1913-1914 - 2 volumes On display a bejeweled facsimile reprint of Gutenberg's 42 lines Latin Bible, the first book printed with movable metal type. The binding is by Emanuel Steiner of Basel and was copies from an original in the Standisch Landesbibliothek at Fulda, Germany. The leather uses in clasps and corners etc., are chased silver and the stones are blue malachite and onyx.

25 items in total