Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Excerpt from


11 Jan 2020 1 72
Our luck didn't stop with the physical properties of the universe. S.tchadensis, O.tugenesis, A. ramidus, A. anamensis, A. afarenesis, K. platyops, A. garhi, A. sediba, A. aethiopicus, A. robustus, P. boisei, H. habilis, H. erectus, and H. georgicus -- among other hominid species -- all went extinct. even the Neanderthals went extinct. we alone made it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgHOUWJA190

Charles Darwin on Music

01 Aug 2023 8 8 98
Excerpt below: From "Descent of Man"

Gobineau's introspection

Charles Darwin

18 Apr 2022 3 57
Darwin around 1855, four years before 'The Origin of Species' appeared and three years before he found that Alfred Russel Wallace had separately discovered the theory of natural selection. He wrote to Charles Lyell in 1858, "So all my originality, whatever it may amount to, will be smashed. . . ." His ensuing struggle to avoid the fate seems to have involved convenient self-deception

Lady truth

27 Dec 2019 2 65
Painting the Lady Truth eclecticlight.co/2018/07/19/painting-truth-when-did-she-emerge-from-a-well en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_Coming_Out_of_Her_Well

Immanuel Kant

12 Apr 2022 1 3 65
The German philosopher ~ Immanuel Kant ~ one of the greatest philosopher of all times - argued that we gain knowledge through both experience and understanding THE BUSINESS OF PHILOSOPHY IS NOT TO GIVE RULE, BUT TO ANALYZE THE PRIVATE JUDGEMENTS OF COMMON REASON ~ IMMANUEL KANT

Story telling

12 Aug 2021 3 59
Creative story telling -- perhaps the oldest of arts -- is found throughout history, and like language itself, is spontaneously devised and understood by human beings everywhere. Human pleasure in imaginative fictions, from tales told in preliterature tribes through Greek theater, bulky nineteenth-century novels, and film and televised entertainments today. Far from being derived from sets of cultural conventions, the enjoyment of fiction shows clear evidence of Darwinian adaptation, for instance, in how even every young children can rationally deal with the make-believe aspect of stories, distinguishing story-worlds from each other and from reality with a high degree of innate sophistication. Not only does the artistic structure of stories speak to Darwinian sources: so does the intense pleasure taken in their universal themes of live, death, adventure, family conflict, justice, and overcoming adversity.

The 24th alphabet ~ X

22 Jun 2021 2 51
Little info on the letter "X"

Human Migration

06 Aug 2019 1 2 129

^ ^

26 Jun 2020 3 91
Lenin and Stalin in 1922 Lenin re-established limited economic freedom throughout Russia in 1921, but he ran the country and the Communist party in an increasingly authoritarian way. Stalin carried the process much further and eventually built a regime based on harsh dictatorship (Sovfoto)