Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Nicholas Wade

Francis Galton (1822 - 1911)

Ivo Kohler

27 Jun 2018 2 63
Portrait after frontispiece photograph in: Spillmann, L., and B. Wooten, eds. 1984. Sensory Experience, Adaptation and Perception, Festscrift in Honor of Professor Ivo Kohler, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum

Roger Walcott Sperry

27 Jun 2018 2 49
Portrait after a photograph in: Gregory, R.L 1981. Editorial: the Noble Prizes. Perception 10:243-244. Motif after a diagram in: Sperry, R.W.1974. Laeral specialization in the surgically separated hemisphere. In 'The Neurosciences: Third Study Program. F.O. Schmitt and F.G.Worden, eds. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press

Leo Semionovich Vygotsky

27 Jun 2018 2 55
Portrait after frontispiece photograph in : Vygotsky, L.S. 1978 Mind in Society. The development of Higher Psychological Processes. M. Cole, V.John-Steiner, S.Scribner, and E. Souberman, eds. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press Motif after an arrangement of Vygiotsky's blocks


23 Jun 2018 3 63
Portrait after a photograph in: Runes, D.G. 1959. Pictorial History of philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library

Charles Robert Darwin

24 Jun 2018 6 72
Portrait after a photograph in: Irvine W. 1955. Apes, and Victorians. A Joint Biography of Darwin and Huxley.' London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson Motif after text in Darwin, C 1872. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, London: John Murray

Arthur Schopenhauer

23 Jun 2018 2 4 60
Portrait after frontispiece engraving in: Volkelt, J 1900. Arthur Schopenhauer. Seine Personlichkeit, seine Lehre, sein Glaube. Stuttgart: Frommanns. Schopenhauer's writing is replete with oppositional pairs like life and death, pleasure and pain, love and hate, and his portrait has been transfigured to display this conflict between positive and negative aspects of human endeavor. - Page 39

School time

20 Aug 2013 149
The rules of sentence formation are so complex that babies must presumably possess an innate syntax-gathering machinery, rather than having to figure out the rules for themselves. The existence of such a natural mechanism would explain why infants learn to speak so effortlessly, and at a specific age, as if some natural developmental program is being rolled out at that time. Evolution has not yet had time to engineer similar programs for reading and writing, which is why they must be taught so laboriously in school. ~ Page # 8 "Faith Instinct" ~ Nicholas Wade

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