Dinesh's photos with the keyword: From the Book

08 Jun 2024 2 2 53
10 May 2022 3 1 51
The Greek philosopher and mathematician was the first person to have the idea that all the workings of the material universe are expressible in terms of mathematics.

Ernst Haeckel ~ "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"

10 Nov 2021 1 13
Recapitulation theory en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recapitulation_theory

Sound, Symbols & Script

22 Jun 2021 1 2 94
“four score and seven years ago” After DeFrancis, 1989 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_DeFrancis


10 Mar 2021 1 1 100
An 1851 editorial cartoonist imagines an overcrowded London in the future. th British essyist Thomas Malthus raised the possible dangers of overpopulation; his ideas helped Darwin formulate his ideas of natural selection

Bread / Brot

20 Apr 2020 2 98
Sent from my iPhone
07 Nov 2020 3 3 121
FIGURE 7.2 The marriage of business and genius. Henry Ford and his friend Thomas Edison. Culver Pictures / Art Archive of Art Resource, New York.
01 Sep 2020 83
Portraits of the head of Government should not exceed a postage stamp size. ~ Valdimir Nabakov

Nok sculpture (Nigeria), ca 400 BC

Billions and Billions!

Carl Sagan - Johnny Carson

Evolutionary relationship among organisms

30 Jul 2020 2 9 237
Figure 3-2 : A highly simplified modern version of the tree of life, emphasizing the diversification of species from a common ancestor. In this radial version no species occupies a privileged position. Courtesy of Dr. David Hillis en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hillis

Figure 8

24 Jul 2020 1 91
Invasion of the land. An early lobe-finned fish from about 385 million years ago; a land dwelling tetrapod from Greenland, about 365 million years ago; and the transitional form’Tiktaalik roseae,’ from Ellesmere Island, about 375 million years ago. The intermediacy of Tiktaalik’s body form is mirrored by the intermediacy of its limbs, which have a bone structure in between that of the sturdy fins of the lobe-finned fish and the even sturdiest walking mammals: the bone with darkest shading will become our humerus, and the medium- and light-shaded bones will become the radius and ulna, respectively.

Sartre and Beauvoir

15 Jul 2020 2 106
Existentialism Is a Humanism www.marxists.org/reference/archive/sartre/works/exist/sartre.htm

A Synapse

12 Jul 2020 2 80
At a presynaptic terminal (top) small vesicles twenty or thirty nanometers in diameter filled with neurotransmitter molecules are waiting. Arrival of an action potential (or spike) induces a fusion of the membrane with some of the vesicles so that a neurotransmitter can diffuse into the synaptic cleft and reach receptors (not shown) at the other side, which then open ion channels they are attached to. A synapse becomes more or less efficient, like when vesicles get bigger or smaller, or more or fewer release sites become available, while postsynaptically the ion channels may increase or decrease iun number and stay open during a longer or shorter period of time. So most, though not all, of the active processes are happening in the pre- and postsynaptic membrane. The result is called learning. (Image courtesy of Synaptic Corporation Aurora, Colorado, United States; www.synapticuse.com)
02 Aug 2019 1 100
I claim we anthropomorphize because guessing that the world is humanlike is a good bet. It is a bet because the world is uncertain , ambiguous, and in need of interpretation. It is a good bet because the most valuable interpretation usually are those that disclose the presence of the whatever is mot important to us. That usually is other humans. ~ Page 3 (intro) There are two standard explanations of anthropomorphism: that it comforts us and that it consists in using our good knowledge of ourselves to account for what we know less well. Although each explanation has some truth, neither is sufficient. Comfort does not explain anthropomorphism well because much anthropomorphism is uncomfortable. Reliance on self-knowledge does not explain it well either, because our knowledge of ourselves is no more reliable than knowledge of what is not ourselves. - Page 6 Anthropomorphism in Philosophy and Science, shows that anthropomorphism occurs even among philosophers and scientists, although they are its most consistent critics. Scientists in particular try to avoid it, but they must make a constant effort. Its cause here appears the same as elsewhere: we strive to understand our world by pursuing important possibilities, and humanlike forms and behaviors are the most important ones we know. ~ Page 7

24 items in total