severance_23's photos with the keyword: harry bennett

Talmage Powell - With a Madman Behind Me

06 Jun 2016 1 225
Published by Permabooks (M-4233) in December 1961. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Roy Huggins - The Double Take

02 Feb 2016 1 234
First published in hardback by William Morrow in 1946. Published in paperback by Pocket in 1948, though this second printing (2524) is dated July 1959. Cover art by Harry Bennett. Huggins went on to work in television, creating "The Fugitive," "The Rockford Files" and "Maverick" amongst others.

Spencer Dean - Murder After a Fashion

01 Feb 2016 1 245
First published in hardback by Doubleday & Co. in 1960. This paperback edition published by Pocket (6111) is dated December 1961. Spencer Dean was a pseudonym of Prentice Winchell. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

William P. McGivern - Seven Lies South

02 Apr 2014 1 286
First published in hardback by Dodd, Mead & Co. in 1960. This paperback edition published by Crest (s499) in January 1962. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Philip Atlee - The Green Wound

20 Jun 2011 1 285
Published by Gold Medal (k1321) in July 1963. First book in the 'Joe Gall' series of espionage thrillers. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Don Tracy - Naked She Died

04 Dec 2012 203
Published by Pocket (6099) in October 1962. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Harry Whittington - A Haven for the Damned

14 Jul 2011 212
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal in 1962. This U.K. edition published by Frederick Muller (603) is dated 1963. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Malcolm Braly - Shake Him Till He Rattles

21 Sep 2011 1 183
Published by Gold Medal (k1311) in June 1963. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Henry Klinger - Murder Off Broadway

12 Oct 2011 188
Published by Permabooks (M-4255) in Auguast 1962. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Thomas B. Dewey - Draw the Curtain Close (Pocket e…

23 May 2010 229
First published by Jefferson House (hardback) in 1947 and by Signet (paperback) in 1948. This edition published by Pocket Books (64003) in January 1968. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Thomas B. Dewey - Deadline

15 Jun 2010 190
First published by Simon & Schuster (hardback) in 1966. This paperback edition published by Pocket books (55002) in June 1968. Cover art by Harry Bennett.

Peter Rabe - Code Name Gadget

24 Jun 2010 183
Published by Fawcett Gold Medal (d1830) in 1967. Cover art is not credited, but thanks to uk vintage for identifying it as Harry Bennett.

Stephen Longstreet - Living High

13 Apr 2010 150
Published by Gold Medal (s1205) in April 1962. Cover art is uncredited, though there is a sketch on the back with what appears to be the initials HB (which uk vintage has confirmed as belonging to Harry Bennett)

Vin Packer - Alone at Night

12 Dec 2009 295
Published by Gold Medal (k1294) in April 1963. Vin Packer is a pseudonym of Marijane Meaker. Artist signature is partially obscured by permanent marker pen, but has been identified as Harry Bennett.