severance_23's photos with the keyword: harry schaare

John Bartlow Martin - Butcher's Dozen

09 May 2019 2 356
First published in hardback by Harper & Brothers in 1950. This paperback edition published by Signet (909) in February 1952. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

George Harmon Coxe - Murder on Their Minds

15 Jul 2017 1 304
First published in hardback by Alfred A. Knopf Inc in 1957. This first paperback edition published by Dell (D271) in February 1959. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Lionel White - Marilyn K

22 Jun 2015 323
Published by Monarch (171) in October 1960. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Al Fray - The Dame's the Game

18 Aug 2014 1 294
Published by Popular Library (G431) in April 1960. Al Fray was a pseudonym of Ralph Salaway. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Alan Hynd - The Case of the Attic Lover

26 Nov 2013 383
Published by Pyramid (577) in 1958. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

John Trinian - The Big Grab

13 Jun 2013 1 275
Published by Pyramid (G548) in October 1960. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Stuart Friedman - Fathers and Daughters

23 Apr 2011 176
Published by Monarch (351) in June 1963. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Carlton Keith - A Gem of a Murder

03 May 2011 216
Originally published in hardback as "The Diamond-Studded Typewriter" by Macmillan in 1958. This re-titled paperback edition published by Dell (1007) is dated November 1959. Carlton Keith was a pseudonym of Keith Robertson. Wonderful cover art by Harry Schaare.

Adam Knight - Murder for Madame

29 May 2011 219
First published in hardback by Crown Publishers, Inc. in 1951. This paperback ediiton published by Signet (920) is dated Januay 1952. Adam Knight was a pseudonym of Lawrence Lariar. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Robert Colby - Kim

19 Aug 2010 203
Published by Monarch (244) in March 1962. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Don Smith - China Coaster (Popular Giant edition)

22 Oct 2010 170
First published in hardback by Henry Holt & Co. in 1952. This Popular Giant paperback edition (G443) published in May 1960. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Wade Miller - Jungle Heat

21 Nov 2010 218
Originally published by Pyramid in 1954 as by Dale Wilmer. This third Pyramid printing (G495)(though it states it's only the second ) is dated April 1960 and this time appears under Wade & Miller's more usual byline of Wade Miller. Cover art by Harry Schaare.

Bruno Fischer - Stairway to Death (2nd Pyramid edi…

18 Dec 2009 247
First published in hardback by the Greystone Press as "So Much Blood" in 1939. First re-titled in paperback by Pyramid in 1951, this 2nd edition (G270) is dated 1957. Cover art by Harry Schaare.