severance_23's photos with the keyword: john d macdonald

John D. MacDonald - Nemico alle spalle

05 Mar 2019 1 246
Originally published in the U.S. by Dell as "Area of Suspicion" in 1954. This Italian edition is number 24 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 7 April 1963. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

John D. MacDonald - The Crossroads

26 Jul 2015 1 294
First published in hardback by Simon & Schuster in 1959. This paperback edition published by Crest ( s400) in September 1960. Cover art by Ron Lesser.

John D. MacDonald - Bright Orange for the Shroud

09 Jun 2013 290
First published by Fawcett Gold Medal in 1965. This 3rd printing (T2134) is dated September 1969. Cover art by Ron Lesser.

John D. MacDonald - Where is Janice Gantry?

06 Sep 2011 214
First published by Gold Medal in 1961. This 3rd printing (d1776) is undated but is circa 1967. Cover art is uncredited.

John D. MacDonald - Murder in the Wind (1st Dell e…

03 May 2012 273
Published by Dell (A113) in 1956. Cover art by George Gross.

John D. MacDonald - The End of the Night

27 Aug 2011 214
First published by Simon & Schuster (hardback) in 1960 and Crest (paperback) in 1961. This edition published by Gold Medal (d1633) is dated 1966. Cover art by Barye Phillips.

John D. MacDonald - April Evil (Pan edition)

28 Feb 2011 215
First published by Dell in 1956. This U.K. edition published by Pan (G348) is dated 1960. Cover art is not credited, though there is a signature to the right of the car (Thanks to David Roach for identifying Hans Helweg).

John D. MacDonald - Area of Suspicion

21 May 2010 216
Orginally published by Dell in 1954. The first Gold Medal edition was in 1961, this edition (d1528) is dated May 1965. Cover art by Barye Phillips.

John D. MacDonald - Murder in the Wind (2nd Dell e…

02 Apr 2010 268
First published by Dell in 1956. This second edition (B167) is dated November 1960. Cover art by Robert Abbett.

John D. MacDonald - Death Trap (Dell edition)

04 Apr 2010 317
Published by Dell (A130) in February 1957. Cover art by Victor Kalin.

John D. MacDonald - Darker Than Amber

05 Apr 2010 217
Published by Fawcett Gold Medal (d1674) in May 1966. Seventh in the Travis McGee series. Cover art by Ron Lesser.

John D. MacDonald - All These Condemned

08 Mar 2010 213
First published by Gold Medal in 1954. This third printing (894) is dated June 1959.

John D. MacDonald (edited by) - The Lethal Sex

24 Mar 2010 240
Published as a Dell First Edition (B141) in November 1959. Edited and with an Introduction by John D. MacDonald. Includes stories by Christianna Brand, Ursula Curtiss, Margaret Millar, Bernice Carey, Margaret Manners, Anthony Gilbert, Jean Potts, Miriam Allen deFord, Gladys Cluff, Carolyn Thomas, Nedra Tyre, D. Jenkins Smith, Veronica Parker Johns and Juanita Sheridan. Cover art by Robert McGinnis.

John D. MacDonald - Soft Touch

25 Mar 2010 289
Published as a Dell First Edition (B121) in August 1958. Cover art by Victor Kalin. Shame about the triangular cut on my copy, but thankfully doesn't really spoil the gorgeous Kalin artwork.

John D. MacDonald - April Evil (Dell edition)

25 Mar 2010 279
First published by Dell in 1956. This edtion (B146) published in May 1960. Cover art by Robert McGinnis.

John D. MacDonald - A Bullet for Cinderella

28 Mar 2010 260
Published by Dell as a First Edition (62) in 1955. Cover art by George Gross.

John D. MacDonald - April Evil (Gold Medal edition…

08 Feb 2010 192
First published by Dell in 1956. This first Gold Medal edition (d1579) is undated but is from 1965. Cover art by Bill Johnson.

John D. MacDonald - The Only Girl in the Game

08 Feb 2010 221
First published by Gold Medal in 1960. This (2nd?) printing (d1636) published in March 1966. Cover art by Robert McGinnis.

29 items in total