Tractacus' photos with the keyword: Clag


19 Sep 2014 1 396
East Midlands Trains HST 43044 dispenses the clag as it gets away from East Midlands Parkway, on the rear end of 1B48 1332 Nottingham - St Pancras. Tue16Sep14.

And for my next impression....

29 Jul 2013 3 391
I'll pretend to be an ALCO.... 47790 'Galloway Princess' gets underway from Ravenglass with 1Z52 1720 charter to Darlington. Sat10Sep11

Not very ladylike!

29 Jul 2013 4 443
In a gesture unbefitting of a lady, 47790 'Galloway Princess' clears her throat at Ravenglass whilst drawing up the stock of 1Z52 1720 charter to Darlington. Sat10Sep11