tarboat's photos with the keyword: wilmslow

Saltersley Moss

01 Sep 2010 245
Typical habitat on Saltersley Moss at Wilmslow. This is great for Black Darters and Four-spottted Chaser and the occasional Common Hawker if you are lucky. Just off to the right the peat is being extracted, but no longer using the narrow gauge railway of yore. Nowadays a tractor and tracked trailer do the job of moving the peat to the mill.

Big breakfast

01 Sep 2010 256
A male Brown Hawker Aeshna grandis tucks in to a breakfast fly on Saltersley Moss this morning. His wings may be a bit battered but this has not affected his flying and catching abilities. He was keeping a close eye on me and was off before I could venture any closer.

Black Darter

01 Sep 2010 254
Female Black Darter Sympetrum danae taking the morning sun on a piece of ancient bog wood at Saltersley Moss. There were still plenty of these about today.

Loading the peat

28 Apr 2010 389
Lindow Moss peat railway with loading underway on a typical train. The unstable nature of the surface and trackbed is evident in the varying angles of wagons, excavator and locomotive. May 1985.