tarboat's photos with the keyword: abandone


21 Feb 2021 2 228
This enginehouse once formed part of the Albion Ironworks at Aspull, Wigan. It clearly housed a large beam engine, with the bob wall on the other side, but its purpose has never been satisfactorily explained.

Cokeries d'Anderlues

12 Feb 2013 2 670
S.A. Cokeries et Houillères d'Anderlues first erected coke ovens in 1904 which were replaced by new ones in 1931. The works produced foundry coke and was one of the smallest and oldest coke by-product plants still operating in Belgium at the time of closure in November 2002. In the foreground is the remains of a cooling tower whilst in the background the building shows signs of the failed conversion scheme that was begun here some time ago. It was apparently stopped due to the contaminated state of the site.