tarboat's photos with the keyword: odonata

Common Hawker

29 Aug 2016 401
Whilst I was eating my lunch this teneral female Common Hawker ( Aeshna juncea ) landed in an adjacent bush and was good enough to remain whilst I took a photo.

Female of the species

25 Dec 2013 1 1 409
The male Variable Damselfly Coenagrion pulchellum is fairly easily recognised and differentiated from similar species whereas the female can be rather more difficult to identify. This is a female seen at a marl pit at Churton in the west of Cheshire.

Hairy dragonflies

23 May 2010 273
It was a fine sunny day for looking at dragonflies and a trip to west Cheshire yielded plenty of action. These are a tandem pair of Hairy Dragonflies ( Brachytron pratense ) at a marl pit in Churton.

Downy Emerald

11 May 2009 174
The dragonfly season started today for me when I found this teneral male Downy Emerald ( Cordulia aenea ) at Newchurch Common.

Common Blue

11 May 2009 221
Sitting on the heather in the sun was this teneral female Common Blue Damselfly ( Enallagma cyathigerum ) at Newchurch Common.

Downy Emerald

29 Jan 2009 197
The brilliant emerald eyes of the mature Downy Emerald ( Cordulia aenea ), and from which it derives its name, are clearly seen on this male at Hatchmere.

Emerald Damselfly

29 Jan 2009 227
The distinctive semi-openwinged stance of the Emerald Damselfly ( Lestes sponsa ) at rest is clearly seen wih this female at Delamere

Keeled Skimmer

09 Nov 2008 206
Male Keeled Skimmer ( Orthetrum coerulescens ) in typical pose and typical boggy habitat high up in Snowdonia.

Southern Hawker

15 Aug 2008 211
We don't often get dragonflies in the garden here at Tarboat Towers but this morning we were graced by a female Southern Hawker ( Aeshna cyanea ) feeding along the hedge. The resident Speckled Wood butterflies appeared to be unimpressed.

Hairy Dragonfly

06 Jun 2008 245
When the weather forecast was for a fine day I just had to head into Cheshire in search of the early season Odonata. The Hairy Dragonfly ( Brachytron pratense ) was once very scarce in the county but in the last ten years has expanded its range and there are now several areas where it can be confidently expected amongst the marl pits and slow-flowing rivers. This male took a short break from its labours before resuming the search for females amongst the marginal vegetation of a pond.

Common Hawkers

04 Sep 2007 224
It may have been a poor summer in the UK but a trip to the Lancashire moors yielded one of the highlights when I found this pair of Common Hawkers (Aeshna juncea). Best viewed large.

Broad-bodied Chaser

14 May 2007 161
A male Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa) at Newchurch Common in Cheshire.