tarboat's photos with the keyword: pennsylvania

Self-dumping and Self-righting

13 Feb 2015 1 638
Page from the 1908 catalogue of S. Flory Manufacturing Co of Bangor, Pennsylvania which is new to me as a ropeway manufacturer. The company manufactured a wide range of hoisting machinery and specialised in suspension cablways. It also offered an "Improved Elevated Wire Rope Tramway with Patent Carriage and Grip", for which these buckets would have been ideal.

The mine motor at work

18 Feb 2012 256
Today's offering from the tarchives shows an overhead electric wire locomotive at a coal mine near Pittston in Pennsylvania. Best to keep your head down with all that electricity just above.

Mouth of tunnel

09 Jan 2012 255
Colliery drift entrance near Pittston, Pennsylvania, near Wilkes-Barre. A postcard from the Tarchives.

Mule on cage

20 Jan 2012 222
Another view from the tarchives. I believe that this is at a mine near Pittston in Pennsylvania c1908. Quite why the mule was on the cage is unexplained.