tarboat's photos with the keyword: photography is not a crime

Stop that - no photography allowed!

15 May 2008 1 288
It's happened again! I am getting really tired of security people, and others, trying to tell me that photography is not allowed. In this case I was with two friends taking photographs from the canal towpath outside the Lostock Works of Brunner Mond. Then this guy arrives in his little white van, crosses the bridge and comes up the path shouting that we must stop immediately and that photography is not allowed. After I asked him who he was and why no photos allowed he said because Brunner Mond didn't allow it. I suggested that Brunner Mond had no say in whether I could take photos from a public place and he went off to get the police. Funnily enough no police arrived and when we saw him later he was still insisting that we could not take photos. I wonder how many people are put off by this sort of intimidation.

And again!

28 May 2008 222
The harassment continues. I went for a look at the Manchester Ship Canal at Latchford and the adjacent Novelis aluminium recycling factory. It wasn't more than a minute before I was accosted by a woman demanding to know why I was taking photographs and insisting that it wasn't allowed in the works. When I pointed out that I was stood on a public road and not in the factory she went off making a mobile phone call. Next came a guy waving a security ID telling me to stop as it was illegal to photograph private property. When I ignored him and attempted another shot he put his hand on my lens...... It's a good job that I am non-violent as many people would have decked him at that point. Instead I withdrew to the other side of the road and snapped him as he phoned the police to ask for their attendance. He didn't like it! By the time I had walked back to my car I espied a police officer and a police community service officer walking down the road. As they walked past the car and towards the factory I decided that I didn't need any more hassle and questions and headed off for other adventures where, it transpired, the locals were much more friendly and co-operative. I will not be stopped by all this bluster and antagonism. Why should a lawful pastime be so interrupted and harassed? I got my shots anyway. :-)

You can't take photos here!

01 May 2008 365
I had a day out mooching around the Potteries with the camera snapping a bit of industry here, a bit of dereliction there. Mid-afternoon I reached the former Twyfords sanitaryware factory at Cliff Vale and was happily taking photographs from out on the road when this guy walked out and asked me what I was doing. When I told him I was taking pictures of the factory he said that this was prohibited because it was a private building. I advised him that it did not mean that I could not take photos from a public place but he was quite insistent and wanted to know where I was from. When I refused to answer any more of his questions he called his boss on his radio and advised him that I was an awkward *$!*%£. He headed back in and I took this shot, but when another guy came out and walked down the street behind me I decided it was time to leave. It's a strange old world these days!


16 Dec 2007 1 385
Tinsley cooling towers seen from Meadowhall Interchange. I did not expect to find myself being harassed when I walked outside of the railway/tram interchange and started to photograph the towers. The next moment a member of the Transport South Yorkshire staff was telling me that photography was only allowed if I went and applied on an official form at the booking office. I asked him whether I was in a public place and when he said that it was I continued to take pictures. This caused him to summon backup by radio and, rather than get into a big argument, I left having got the shots I wanted. Subsequent correspondence with TSY finally elicited the information that the footpath in the place is private property administered by TSY. I think they will brief their staff to be clearer about what is a public place and what is not, and in future I will have to ask permission before taking photographs in this area.

Dowlow Quarry Hoppers

09 Feb 2007 498
Storage and rail loading hoppers at the Dowlow Quarry operated by Omya UK. The plant extracts and processes calcium carbonate to produce a range of fillers and extenders used in a variety of industrial applications. The photograph was taken from a public footpath but I was soon accosted by a health and safety type who tried to persuade me that I shouldn't be there without dayglo clothing. Apparently if you don't sign in at the gatehouse you are almost certain to be crushed to death by giant dump trucks. I think that there is more likelihood of being hit by a big truck whilst walking alongside most roads.