tarboat's photos with the keyword: nordrhein-westphalia

Kalkofen Bilstermühle

26 Apr 2022 2 1 203
The Bilstermühler Straße limekiln south of Krauthausen was built around the end of the 19th century as a free-standing shaft kiln made of quarry stone masonry on a square base. It has two draw tunnels for removing the lime and achieved a daily output of around 30 tons. At some point the stonework was reinforced by concrete banding. The kiln became disused in the 1950s and in 1987 was restored by the RWTH Geological Institute. It is subject to a preservation order.

Bilstermühler Straße limekiln

18 Feb 2020 1 285
The Bilstermühler Straße lime kiln south of Krauthausen was built around the end of the 19th century as a free-standing shaft kiln made of quarry stone masonry on a square base. It has two draw tunnels for removing the lime and achieved a daily output of around 30 tons. At some point the stonework was reinforced by concrete banding. The kiln became disused in the 1950s and in 1987 was restored by the RWTH Geological Institute. It is subject to a preservation order.

Eschweiler pump

14 May 2013 428
In 1784 Johann Peter Wültgens extended the coal concessions he had in the area of Eschweiler near Aachen. In 1794 a Newcomen type pumping engine was erected on the colliery which is described as driving 2 pumps with 42m of rods. It worked at 11-12 1.76m strokes per minute. It was one of the earliest steam engines in Germany. The enginehouse survives and is rather different from the normal British practice where the beam pivoted on an outer wall and the shaft was outside the building. In this case it looks as if the engine was entirely within the building.

Inden mine conveyors

23 Dec 2011 251
RWE Power operate the Inden opencast mine with the output of Brown Coal going to their nearby power station. The spoil and overburden heads back to the worked out areas via a raft of conveyors.

Heizkraftwerk Wuppertal-Barmen

18 Nov 2011 1 455
This combined heat and power plant has two 42 MW combined cycle gas and steam turbine units. These also produce up to 110 MW of thermal energy to feed the the urban heating network. The 135m high brick chimney was one of the highest masonry chimneys in Germany and was taken down during 2011.

Kraftwerk Datteln

12 Sep 2011 263
On the Dortmund-Ems Canal is the E.ON power plant with a capacity of 303 MW distributed among the three power generating units A to C, which were built starting in 1964. It is used to produce single-phase traction power and district heating . 20% of the German rail current can be generated from the power plant dates. 45% of all households in Datteln are supplied by the power plant with district heating. The two chimneys are 165m high.

Kalkofen Wolfspfad

11 Aug 2011 213
This limekiln at Hahn near Aachen was built in 1924 by the firm Schornstein und Drisch. The works was later operated by Gilles das Kalkwerk and this draw kiln produced 30 tons of lime per day. The kiln was restored in 1987 and is an important local historical monument.

Bucketwheel excavator

26 May 2011 249
RWE Power operate the Inden opencast mine with the output of Brown Coal going to their nearby power station. These bucketwheel excavators are 96 metres high, 225 metres long and weigh some 13,500 tons – and are operated by four to five men. They can handle up to 240,000m³/day of overburden.

Zeche Amalie

05 Jun 2011 223
Although coal winding ceased at the combined Sälzer-Amalie colliery in 1966, some shafts, including that at Amalie have been retained for pumping and drainage purposes relating to other mines in the Ruhr. On the morning I took this photograph the wheels were spinning as winding operations were underway. An unusual feature is that the headframe steelwork is at an angle relative to the shaft tower.