tarboat's photos with the keyword: paranoia

This scares me

26 Mar 2009 225
Seen today in Nottingham after a morning when I was harassed severely for taking photographs quite legally in a public place. What the hell is this meant to achieve? Along with the blessed Gordon's plans to 'train' thousands of people in anti-terrorism measures this is another step in trying to convince the public that the bogeyman is out there and anyone doing anything that 'they' consider to be abnormal should be reported to the authorities immediately. Any real terrorist should be laughing like a drain at the way this sort of official action is rapidly reducing our freedoms. Very few people seem to be bothered by the significant erosion of freedom that the current government is steadily imposing on society.

You can't take photos here!

01 May 2008 365
I had a day out mooching around the Potteries with the camera snapping a bit of industry here, a bit of dereliction there. Mid-afternoon I reached the former Twyfords sanitaryware factory at Cliff Vale and was happily taking photographs from out on the road when this guy walked out and asked me what I was doing. When I told him I was taking pictures of the factory he said that this was prohibited because it was a private building. I advised him that it did not mean that I could not take photos from a public place but he was quite insistent and wanted to know where I was from. When I refused to answer any more of his questions he called his boss on his radio and advised him that I was an awkward *$!*%£. He headed back in and I took this shot, but when another guy came out and walked down the street behind me I decided it was time to leave. It's a strange old world these days!