tarboat's photos with the keyword: signs

Westbrecks crossing

13 Oct 2023 2 2 184
Sign overload at the approach to Westbrecks crossing on the railway serving Cottam power station. That's a lot for drivers to absorb whilst avoiding other traffic and road junctions. I am sure they are all deemed necessary but I doubt that the average motorist will register everything. The gated crossing sign is incorrect as there are no gates or barriers on this level crossing.

Signs and handles

01 Jan 2023 1 155
The Canal & River Trust is the charity which is charged with managing and maintaining the majority of canals in England & Wales. Its idea of doing this seems to comprise erecting a huge number of blue signs and notices across the network. This is the old toll office at Marple which is listed Grade II. The wooden board upon which notices to boatmen were displayed is decaying, with the top to keep the rain off disintegrating. This has not prevented the placing of a hideous sign welcoming people to the Marple Welcome Station, whatever that is. Meanwhile a new notice has appeared on the porch which advises us that this is a Green Heritage Site, whatever that is. To cap it off the accessibility handles at the entrance have been made as bright and hideous as possible. Doesn't any of this require listed building consent?


21 Jun 2018 4 279
More signs than you can shake a stick at. What the hell does all this mean? What is the point of it all?

Are we safe enough?

11 Feb 2017 1 343
A plethora of signs at this access to the railway in Marple. I suppose that this ticks the relevant boxes in the safety manual, but do wonder whether such overkill and duplication means that few ever bother to read any of it.

Textiles, music, and bikes

26 Jun 2012 281
It may be selling textiles now, but this shop at 10 Mount Pleasant, Bilston, clearly offered cassettes and cds not so long ago. The painted adverts are a reminder that this was once Hartill's motorbike and cycle shop. Abraham Hartill opened the shop in 1937, having moved from a smaller unit in the same block. He sold mainly second-hand motorcycles, some fifteen or so a week. Bicycles were also sold, and hire purchase facilities were provided. The sale of spares and provision for repairs completed the service. Hartills still operate a motorcycle repair business and MOT station on Caledonia Street at the rear of these premises.


10 Apr 2011 292
Jamestone Quarry, Grane.

The Etruria wall

07 Jun 2010 1 1 247
I should have photographed this years ago when it was much more accessible. Driving away from Hanley I suddenly spotted this wall at the back of the former Etruria station site. I remembered it from many train journeys which stopped here and I would admire the old adverts for a cornucopia of goods and services once available to the denizens of the Potteries. Now they lurk behind security fences and bushes and the platform that allowed a fine view has been demolished.

Reflecting on safety

30 Jun 2009 274
Thomas Bolton copperworks at Froghall, Staffordshire.

The old and the new

20 Sep 2008 174
Two signs, different eras, one message. Little Street, Macclesfield.