tarboat's photos with the keyword: glass


18 Jun 2021 1 159
Leaded light over door at the White Swan, now Pig & Pump, Chesterfield.

Pavement Lights

13 Nov 2019 373
Vault Lights, also known as Pavement Lights, in a Cardiff arcade. The St Pancras Ironworks Company was established by Henry Bessemer c1854 and was wound up in 1916. In the early 1900s the company was involved in the manufacture of steam road vehicles.

General Waiting Room

03 Oct 2017 1 4 438
Glazed brick and etched glass at Bolton station.

Albion Hotel

28 Aug 2008 248
I have always enjoyed seeing acid etched glass in windows and pubs have been a great source of examples. These days the selection is greatly reduced through unsympathetic modernisation or maybe just accidental or deliberate breakage by the local philistines. This well known Macclesfield watering hole sports a particularly fine personalised example. Now I need to dig out my books on Macc pubs to identify which brewery was responsible for it. Robinson's now provide the ale but they will have obtained the pub through a buyout at some time in the past.