tarboat's photos with the keyword: van

Wagon bodies

24 Jan 2020 264
These repurposed wagon bodies in the yard of builders Tyler & Coates in Ashbourne must be over 100 years old. It would be good to know which railway company was the original source but so far I have been unable to find any images of similar designs in service. The double outside bracing on all side panels and door is distinctive.


21 Jun 2018 4 279
More signs than you can shake a stick at. What the hell does all this mean? What is the point of it all?

East Van Mine

31 Mar 2017 454
In 1871 The East Van Mining Company was floated with a capital of £15,000 to work lead ore at Van near Llanidloes. They sank an engine shaft and eventually purchased a horizontal steam engine with a 24-inch diameter by 48-inch stroke cylinder to wind from the shaft. A 30 feet by 7 feet diameter boiler was supplied by the Sandycroft Foundry. It was first steamed in April 1872. Output was minimal and only 1880 saw production with only 21 tons of lead ore raised. This was after £90,000 had been subscribed to the company which was inevitably liquidated in 1882. Today the remains of this ill-fated venture comprise the octagonal chimney, foundations of the engine house and boiler, a run-in shaft, and a small brick building which was probably an office and maybe also contained a blacksmith's shop.

Managing cash in society

28 Apr 2016 398
Seen outside our local Tesco store. I wondered whether this was the vehicle used by the treasurer of the local numismatic group, but it turned out to be corporate bollocks!

Whatever will they think of next?

27 Feb 2015 3 1 455
A tin bath in the yard was always good enough for dogs, but now they can be treated to the full salon treatment in the back of a white van. I note that the delights include turbo drying and that the van is fitted with external cctv. Not something my dogs will be sampling any time soon.

Open day catering

17 Sep 2014 3 3 439
One of the catering options at the Hope Cement Works open day was refreshments served from this Citroen H van. I am grateful to Cold War Warrior for the information as to what this is.

Central Van mine

07 Jan 2014 2 557
The Central Van Lead Mining Company Limited was floated in 1871 and was another example of blind optimism triumphing over common sense as the majority of the rich ores in the area had already been extracted. No lead was produced and operations ceased in 1878. The remains of this expensive venture include two chimneys and foundations of the enginehouse.

Pen-y-Clyn Mine

29 Dec 2013 1 2 601
In 1846 William Lefeaux was fortunate enough to discover a rich lead orebody close to the surface at Pen-y-Clyn in about 1846. This did not persist in depth but work appears to have continued on and off here until at least 1869. It has been suggested that this was also known as West Van Mine. The tiny engine house at Pen-y-Clyn Mine seems to have little information available about its history. David Bick suggested that it was erected c1863 and contained a rotative Cornish Engine of c20" cylinder. The buildings here have been subject to some restoration and consolidation by the Welsh Mines Preservation Trust.

Dispense solutions

26 Oct 2013 1 484
More corporate nonsense splurged on the side of a van. Surely it should be 'dispensing' rather than 'dispense'? The company appears to supply beer pumps and refrigeration to the licensed trade.

Electric vehicles

13 Feb 2011 363
The central power plant of the City of Stoke-on-Trent Electricity Department at Hanley was started up on 10th April 1913. This allowed a three-phase supply in bulk to the undertakings of Burslem, Hanley, Longton and Stoke. Demand was such that the plant was extended in 1919 and 1922. The Electricity Department operated a fleet of electric vehicles as seen in this view from c1920 outside the power house at Hanley. I have no information about the vehicles and would welcome further details.