Phil's photos with the keyword: Receiver

Icom IC-R8500.

05 Feb 2016 11 5 1907
My SWL (ShortWave Listening) equipment....the excellent Icom IC-R8500 "professional" all-mode communications receiver. Photographed with a Nikon D300s camera and Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 lens. Information below for SWL / Radio "Ham" enthusiasts. This is the European version with continuous frequency coverage from 100khz to 2Ghz (the USA version has gaps in the frequency coverage) and 10Hz resolution. Modes available are USB, LSB, AM (wide / narrow / normal), FM (wide / narrow / normal) and CW (normal / narrow) assuming the relevant filters are fitted. There are three antenna sockets at the rear (HF 50 Ohm / HF 500 Ohm and one for VHF / UHF). There is a RS-232C interface for computer control and with the optional UT-102 voice synthesizer unit it will even talk to you (it announces the frequency). Other "goodies" include programmable tuning-steps, IF shift, BFO and APF controls, voice squelch and a 1000-memory scanner. The 1990s-vintage Howes CTU8 antenna tuner / matcher was bought "pre-owned" from E-Bay (for half the price of the cheapest modern one !!) and works very well with my (indoor) 10 metre wire antenna and 9:1 balun, boosting RX and reducing the "noise floor" by, on average, about 3 S-points.

Eton Sattelit 750.

05 Feb 2016 6 3 764
Eton Sattelit 750 all-mode radio receiver. This is one of the best portable shortwave receivers (according to most reviews) and until I recently upgraded to a "professional grade" communications receiver I used it daily to listen to "Ham" stations all around the world. This radio is made by Tecsun but also appears under various other names such as Eton, Grundig and a few others.....they're all made by Tecsun. Using just a 22-feet-long (6.7metres) indoor wire attached to the built-in telescopic whip antenna I've listened to stations as far away as Japan, Siberia, USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia and Clipperton Island (Eastern Pacific ocean).