Phil's photos with the keyword: Round

Shipwreck silver.

27 Jun 2014 4 4 757
The 300 ft S.S. Gairsoppa was launched in 1919 by the British India Steam Navigation Company Ltd. of London, a company that got its start transporting mail between Calcutta and Rangoon. As World War II unfolded the United Kingdom enlisted the ship to help out with the war effort. Towards the beginning of the war (December of 1940), the ship was loaded full of supplies which included pig iron, tea and over 7 million ounces of silver in the form of ingots. Today the value of its cargo has been estimated at £150,000,000 and is believed to be one of the richest of any sunken vessel. On its trip from Calcutta to Britain the ship began to run low on fuel. It was forced to set a new course on the most direct route to port. As the ship headed towards the British Isles it was spotted by German aircraft which then relayed its position to a U-Boat which was in the area. The Gairsoppa was hit by a torpedo and later sunk on February 17, 1941, approximately 300 miles off the coast of Galway. Gairsoppa lay at a depth of some 2.9 miles (deeper even than the Titanic) on the bottom of the Atlantic for more than 70 years until it was finally recovered. In 2010 the British Government sought out the help of Florida-based Odyssey Marine Exploration to help locate the ship and try to recover the 110+ tons of precious silver. They succeeded in 2012 and ended up recovering nearly all of the sunken silver. After the success of their recovery the company decided to commemorate the ship and its rich history by producing a number of silver bars and coins minted with actual silver from the recovery. This is one of those coins. Camera Sony RX100: Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

"Freedom Girl". (2 of 2)

24 Jun 2014 8 2 867
"Freedom Girl" is the first medallion in the Silver Bullet Silver Shield series done with full creative control given to American sculptress Heidi Wastweet. Heidi is known for her images of strong and beautiful women, most notably "Pandora Defiant". Now she has created a new beauty for a new generation. Men have been known to fight to the death for women, treasure and freedom. Freedom Girl is a stunning combination of all three. Every aspect of Heidi's design brings out a gorgeous update of the classic Peace Dollar. The original Peace Dollar had her hair tied in a bun with an uncomfortable tiara perched on her head. Freedom Girl's hair is wild and free. Freedom Girl's parted lips and gaze of almost ecstasy looking forward to the future is so seductive, as Freedom should be. Even her shoulder arching forward brings out more emotion from this modern beauty. She is finished off with the modern cues of a hoop earring and a tattoo of the Trivium. (Edited & shortened extract from an article at The Numismatic Bibliomania Society) . This coin is created on the basis of the "Peace Dollar" which is regarded as one of the most beautiful coins in the world (struck by the U.S. mint after World War One to commemorate the "War to End All Wars"). These coins are made from 1 Troy ounce of 99.999% pure silver. The medieval Trivium design (on her shoulder) symbolizes the foundation for individual freedom from outside manipulation. These coins (A.K.A. "rounds" or "medallions") are not legal tender and have no "face value"....they are for collectors and investors in precious metals.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.

21 Jun 2014 14 6 1194
"Sic Semper Tyrannis", one of the most infamous phrases in U.S. history, was shouted by John Wilkes Booth as he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. This phrase (Latin for "thus always to tyrants") encircles the obverse of the newest "round" in the Silver Bullet Silver Shield series. This time it celebrates the overthrow of the Debt and Death paradigm. Here, Freedom Girl stands triumphant over Debt and Death. She holds a spear and a buckler shield emblazoned with the Trivium, both of which she used to slay Debt and Death who is portrayed with his five arrows from the Rothschild's family crest and the chains he used to enslave mankind. The slain foe lies on a pile of U.S. currency, one of his greatest tools in enslaving humanity. (Silver bullet, silver shield). Photographed with a Sony RX100 camera and processed with Nikon NX2 software.

Veritas Lux Mea (1 of 2).

02 May 2014 11 5 929
This Silver "Round" was designed by American sculptress Heidi Wastweet, the first in her new Latin series. The inscription translates as "Truth Is My Light" or "Truth Enlightens Me". Photographed with a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Truth Is My Light (2 of 2).

02 May 2014 7 4 776
The reverse / rear of the "Veritas Lux Mea" silver "Round" / "Medallion" designed by American sculptress Heidi Wastweet, the first in her new Latin series (see previous photo). Photographed with a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Freedom Girl (1 of 2).

30 Apr 2014 8 2 856
Freedom Girl is the first medallion in the Silver Bullet Silver Shield series done with full creative control given to American sculptress Heidi Wastweet. Heidi is known for her images of strong and beautiful women, most notably "Pandora Defiant". Now she has created a new beauty for a new generation. These coins are made from 1 Troy ounce of 99.999% pure silver and the 47 "bullets" in the design represent the element Silver, whose atomic number is 47 ("Silver Bullet" is also the name of the mint which produces these coins). The medieval Trivium design symbolizes the foundation for individual freedom from outside manipulation. These coins (A.K.A. "rounds" or "medallions" are not legal tender and have no "face value"....they are for collectors and investors in precious metals). Camera: Sony RX100