Phil's photos with the keyword: Clouds

"Red sky at night, shepherd's delight" (best viewe…

30 Mar 2020 3 1 577
At this time of the year I get to see some spectacular sunsets as the sun sets in the gap between these buildings, almost due West. For most of the year its hidden from view by houses and other buildings. Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX II Software: Nikon Capture NX2

Sunset & silhouettes.

19 Aug 2018 11 7 523
Summer sunset photographed a few weeks ago. Photographed with a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2 software.

At the rainbow's end.

07 Nov 2017 16 6 707
Photographed after an early morning rain shower today. The sun had just risen (behind the camera viewpoint) and can be seen reflecting from clouds near the top of the frame. This eventually turned into a double rainbow spanning most of the Western sky. Camera: Sony RX100 Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Fisheye test.

06 Aug 2016 11 4 849
A test shot taken with my new Samyang 8mm full-frame "fisheye" lens. This lens produces a 180 degree (measured diagonally) field-of-view on a APS-C camera. This is a manual-focus lens (with non-Nikon cameras the exposure settings are also manual). For this shot the best available viewpoint meant that the sun was almost in the centre of the viewfinder but there is very little "flare", considering the conditions. Most Samyang lenses are manual-focus, hence the much lower prices, but they are extremely sharp, well constructed and much cheaper than the Nikon or Canon equivalents. Samyang lenses are also branded as Falcon, Rokinon, Walimex, Bower, Opteka, Bell and Howell, Polar, and Pro-Optic but they are all made by Samyang in South Korea. Camera: Nikon D300s + Samyang 8mm full-frame fisheye lens. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Eclipse: Maximum (3 of 3).

20 Mar 2015 12 6 873
The Solar eclipse on March 20th 2015, photographed at maximum (approximately 90% coverage) 63 minutes after the start. Camera Sony RX100 compact and processed with Nikon Capture NX2. The eclipse (at my location) started at 8.30 a.m. and ended at about 10.40 a.m., reaching maximum at approximately 9.33 a.m.

Eclipse: 55 minutes (2 of 3).

20 Mar 2015 4 3 634
The Solar eclipse on March 20th 2015, photographed 55 minutes after the start. Camera Sony RX100 compact and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Eclipse: 30 minutes (1 of 3).

20 Mar 2015 8 3 707
The Solar eclipse on March 20th 2015, photographed 30 minutes after the start. Camera Sony RX100 compact and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Sky and steel.

05 Oct 2014 8 4 826
Pendle Forest TV & radio relay mast, situated on the ridge between the villages of Fence and Spen Brook in Lancashire, North-West England. This is a part of the Winter Hill (near Bolton, about 15 miles South of here) group of transmitters and acts as a relay for the towns and villages around the Pendle area. Photographed with a Sony RX100 camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2 software.

Sunset over Pendle Hill.

08 Aug 2014 12 6 904
A relatively-low-resolution photograph taken a few years ago with an Olympus AZ-1, one of my first digital cameras (3 megapixels). This was taken from a moving car (No....I wasn't driving !!) so I think the results were quite reasonable considering the conditions and the technology available. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Red dawn (Equinox sunrise).

20 Mar 2014 12 5 966
Photographed at 6 a.m. this morning using a Sony RX100 compact camera. Ten minutes later the sun had fully risen and the sky had turned into a mixture of grey and white. Unprocessed apart from a slight crop. According to the old "shepherd's wisdom", a red sky in the morning means bad weather is on the way.

Homeward bound.

30 Jan 2014 5 4 999
A group of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) flying home at the end of the day before an approaching storm. Photographed near Lake Burwain at Foulridge in Pendle district, North-West England. The camera used was a Nikon D300s fitted with a Nikkor AF-S VR 70-200MM F2.8 IF ED II telephoto lens and the processing was done with Nikon Capture NX2.

Rainbow after the storm.

29 Jul 2013 12 4 1163
Rainbow photographed shortly after a severe thunderstorm had ended in Brierfield, North-West England. Camera Nikon D90 with a Nikkor 10-24mm "super-wide angle" lens. Processed using Nikon Capture NX2.

Summer days.

15 Jul 2013 12 5 1250
Photographed near the village of Roughlee in Pendle district, Lancashire, UK. Taken four years ago (one of the rare occasions when Summer actually arrived on time) using a Canon Powershot G10 compact camera. This is the view looking North-East and Blacko Tower can just be seen in the distance (see NOTE).