Phil's photos with the keyword: Portrait


19 May 2019 3 2 531
I saw this old man with the young boy standing in the entrance to a garage across the street so I grabbed a quick "candid" shot with my new camera to see how it performs with portraiture. I'm very pleased with the result....much better than I expected from a quick snapshot. Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II Software: Nikon Capture NX2

Pretty in pink.

30 Nov 2018 12 5 479
Camera: Sony RX100 Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Lady of Spain.

26 Nov 2018 5 5 362
Camera: Nikon D300s Lens: AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Mister Cool.

26 Nov 2018 4 2 389
Camera: Nikon D300s Lens: AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Face of experience.

26 Nov 2018 2 1 293
Camera: Nikon D300s Lens: AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Mute swan (Cygnus olor).

19 Jul 2015 8 9 1114
A mute swan photographed on the Leeds-Liverpool canal near the town of Burnley in the North-West of England. "The mute swan (Cygnus olor) is a species of swan and thus a member of the waterfowl family Anatidae. It is native to much of Europe and Asia and (as a rare winter visitor) the far north of Africa. It is also an introduced species in North America, Australasia and southern Africa. The name 'mute' derives from it being less vocal than other swan species. Measuring 125 to 170 cm (49 to 67 in) in length, this large swan is wholly white in plumage with an orange bill bordered with black. It is recognisable by its pronounced knob atop the bill." (Wikipedia). Camera: Nikon D300s Lens: Samyang 135mm f2.0 Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Why the long face?

21 Jun 2015 12 9 1126
A close-up portrait photographed from a distance of approximately 1 foot / 0.3 mtrs using a Samyang "super-wide" 10mm manual-focus lens. Camera Nikon D300s and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.


15 Oct 2014 13 10 1104
Horses photographed near Burnley in the North-West of England using a Sony RX100 compact camera. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Dressed to impress.

15 Oct 2014 7 6 988
Photographed between Brierfield and Burnley in Lancashire, North-West England. I was actually trying to photograph some other horses (see next photo) in the same field but this one kept following me along the fence and obscuring my view of them. Camera: Sony RX100. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Chilling out.

24 May 2013 7 4 867
Just me...."chilling". Photographed at The Pendle Inn in Barley, Lancashire. Camera: Nikon D90. Software: Nikon Capture NX2.