~ MCJ's photos with the keyword: Hyperthyroidism


13 Jul 2016 1 1 204
My baby. I did a urine dip stick test on her this afternoon. Her urine is perfect. No glucose, no blood, pH under 6. In the morning I did a Blood Sugar Level test by pricking the inside tip of her ear. It was 4.6. Almost back to 4. It was 5 yesterday when I tested it, and the same at the hospital. But in February I tested her a few times and it was always 4. Stress elevates it. I took these tests because I was worried she had been excessively drinking yesterday and this morning. This afternoon it all settled down. I gave her lots of affection today. Went through copious rubber gloves. She notices I'm using gloves, she notices there is a difference, I can't wait till I can just touch her like I used to. Only 13 more days.

Josie in January

11 Jul 2016 190
Josie Update Monday 11th July, 2016. Josie can't come home from hospital today, her radiation level is 110, and it needs to be under 100. They don't know if she can come home tomorrow, but it won't be later than Thur morning, as 8 days is the longest cats ever take to get their radiation levels back down. The dose she was given was 210, and it breaks down with half life, not a consistent amount each day. Josie is being friendly, and she did eat in the afternoons on the weekend. They said they worked out she will eat if she can keep the vet in sight, but I think this afternoon weekend vet got Josie to eat with the time she gave her, and Josie felt safe with her, since then Josie relaxed and started being friendly. She wouldn't eat in the morning on each day, only the afternoon. I suspect Josie might not come home till Wed or Thur. She may come home tomorrow. I asked if eating helps get the radiation levels down, and they said they don't believe that makes a difference. I know it took Josie 2 days to do her first pee, and I'm wondering because after she was dosed she was holding her pee, if this made a difference to her levels now. I don't really know how it works, but I do know a lot of it gets out of the body through excrements, so maybe keeping the urine in her bladder was keeping more radiation in her system in those first two days...it's just my thinking but I don't know. The photo was taken when I needed to get her to a vet and my old car had stopped running. I knew she was sick, I had taken her blood sugar and it was 4. I had tested her urine with Combur 10 Urine test strips and it showed everything was fine. I had narrowed it down to possibly her thyroid due to her excessively drinking. The cats were poisoned by the back neighbour on the 1st of January, and I didn't know if Josie was having a reaction that would pass. With the miserable way she looked here (her eyes became a mottled colour), and the way she was excessively drinking, I suspect she was suffering the hyperthyroidism and poisoning. I had her diagnosed in March eventually, as she seemed to doing better at one stage, and then the excessive drinking started to become obvious again. Then I was having difficulties getting someone to drive me there. I should have just rang a taxi. It's awful how in hindsight I can see a better way of doing things.


13 May 2016 1 2 190
I've decided to let people help me get Josie her Radioactive Iodine treatment that is a cure for her Hyperthyroidism. I was hoping her condition would reverse, but it's not. I have had her tested for her kidney function and her vital organs and the result was excellent, so I am choosing to get her the treatment she needs if I can. I didn't want to go down this path unless I was absolutely sure there are no other problems. I also have her vet supporting me with her current costs at the moment. Apart from the hyperthyroidism, Josie's blood tests show she is in excellent health. I have made a face book page for her for the people who would like to help support her treatment. www.facebook.com/helpcurejosie/timeline I'm also hoping to get enough money to get her dental surgery done. Her teeth have been rotting from the inside out, and there is a terrible foul smell in her mouth. I've already booked her in for dental surgery next week as time passes the smell from her mouth gets worse. I've never done anything like this before, yet people want to help, and I wouldn't be embarking on raising fund for Josie's treatment but for my flickr community offering, my Ipernity contact encouraging me to do it, and my vet keeping costs down with the view to get Josie cured.