~ MCJ's photos with the keyword: cat

Raphael kisses Josie

17 Dec 2016 1 190
She came up to him for a kiss, and he obliged.

How a cat sleeps in 34°C at 22%humidity.

03 Dec 2016 1 2 210
Raphael. He's a hot boy. Mercedes looking at him in disgust.

Josie not eating.

08 Jul 2016 1 2 173
JOSIE UPDATE 8TH JULY 2016 The vet ran me 8.30am this morning. Josie is very distressed and not eating. When he opens her box up, she is vocal, i.e. she is crying, but not vocal when no-one is there. She is not eating, he said this is due to stress and this is what they worry about. He has given her an appetite stimulant under the skin and he won't be in over the weekend. there will be another vet there. He said he will scan her on Monday to see the levels of her radiation, and hopefully she will be able come home. He said she might be like she was the first time on coming home, (she was aggressive and didn't want to be handled). The clothing I had worn and asked them to put in there for her so she has my smell does not seem to be giving her any comfort at all he said. It's a bit heartbreaking, but she has to be there now till Monday hopefully her radioactive levels will be down enough for her to come home. This is the hardest part of the treatment. Not all cats react this way.


06 Jul 2016 161
He's over 7kg now, 7.3kg in fact. He should be 6kg. I've got a job on my hands to get his weight down. He needs more cuddles, I think that will relax him a bit about not getting as much as he wants. At the moment he sprays if he doesn't get more when he wants more. It's driving me a bit crazy this behaviour. A few of them are doing it, I think a lot of it is because they need more attention.


23 Jun 2016 1 2 190
She is doing well most of the time. She never came back properly after she was poisoned a while ago. She vomits bile in the morning if I don't feed her a second dinner late at night, and it has to be meat, not canned. She is eating more than she used to, and I am worried she may be going the way as Josie. Matilda's thyroid level was 35. Over 30 can be pre-hyperthyroid. So I will test her again 12months from the last test. At the moment I am happy she eats. She does go off her food sometimes though. She starts to drop weight. I give her vitamins when she starts to go off her food and she bounces back. But she hates the vitamin paste.

Josie's Booked in for Radioactive Iodine Treatment

15 Jun 2016 1 1 219
I've booked Josie in for her Hyperthyroid treatment on the 29th June, 2016 at the Sydney University Vet Hospital. I've stopped her medication now, as she has to be off it for 2 weeks prior to her treatment. Her treatment will be a tablet of Radioactive Iodine. She will stay isolated in the hospital for 5-7 days while she's radioactive and they will feed her and change her bedding etc. Everything she comes into contact with in that week in hospital is destroyed. They know when she can come home when she stops giving off high levels of radiation. I've raised just over half her costs, thanks to everyone who has supported her treatment, which is enough for the deposit when I admit her. If anyone would like to contribute to her costs through paypal, for when I have to bring her home. www.facebook.com/helpcurejosie/

Charlie Inside.

24 May 2016 1 143
I've been worried about Chariie, he's constantly dehyrated. So I added water to his wet food and almost removed all cat biscuits, but he needed a lot of water added at intervals, especially before bedtime. The blood tests revealed he is very healthy, except his immune is bordering on the low end of normal. The vet said the next test would be chest xray to find out what's going on. When he said that I then realised that the chemical fumes the neighbours are making (it is their new way of harassing me), is making him sick. I kept him inside mostly for several days, and now I don't need to add water to his food. His hydration is ok, it's not too bad, and I'm also giving him vitamin paste to help his immune. Charlie already suffers with bronchial problems, asthma. Therefore he is more sensitive to the fumes. The fumes have been rotten egg gas smell and awful chemical smells. It's really foul. It nauseates me. My doctor doesn't think I should be worried about it affecting my physical health. I'm not so sure about that though considering I don't know what they are burning, and they run indoors or drive off in their car after they create the fumes. So they are worried for their own health.


15 May 2016 1 2 152
He's looking good here. I have had to put a lot of water mixed in his food as he's been constantly dehydrated. I'm waiting on test results to find out why.

Matilda (2 of 2)

10 May 2016 1 1 195
These two photos were taken at the same time of the last post of Matilda.

Matilda (1 of 2)

10 May 2016 162
These two photos were taken at the same time of the last post of Matilda.


21 Mar 2016 155
He's just been brushed.

Sleeping Tiger

20 Mar 2016 1 1 255
Matilda is fast asleep outside. Our cooler weather has arrived finally. She has a very sore tooth at the moment. Trying to organise a vehicle to get her to my vet far away. I don't trust the local vets, and they charge a lot more than my old vet. Update on Josie: Josie is doing ok but gaining weight rapidly. I'm letting her eat more, then I put her on a low Iodine diet but she began to refuse the food. After researching online I'm giving her high quality protein, and when she wants to overeat I give her the low Iodine food. She's not drinking like a maniac anymore, but she's gaining fat weight. If I reduce her food, she loses muscle weight. I'm looking at homeopathic ideas to treat her. Realistically I don't have the means to treat her with a vet.

Matilda my Gorgeous Girl

12 Mar 2016 1 1 193
She's 10yo and my darling. I've had her from a kitten, and she adored me whilst choosing her from a heap of kittens at the pet store. When others held her she was scared, when I held her, she snuggled in and showed obvious signs of affection. She turned 10yo on 23rd Dec 2015.


16 Dec 2015 1 1 214
I cut her cute paws off!! It is so difficult to get a nice photo of Josie up close. She has to run and muzzle into the camera or into my legs. I got this shot because I was pretending to ignore her and took the photo without looking to see if she was in the frame, otherwise she would have muzzled into the camera, so it's all right considering I was guessing the subject position.