Imogen's photos with the keyword: imogen

Bee abstract

29 May 2015 6 2 672
A Megachile species Bee, resting on a leaf between foraging, or perhaps about to cut a piece of leaf out of this plant. Megachile is a solitary bee living alone in a hole in the ground or crevice in a tree. They do not form hive colonies nor store honey. Also called Leafcutter Bees as they cut neat round pieces out of plant leaves which they use as construction material in their nest. They are useful pollinators of alfalfa and other crops having been introduced to North America and Australia for this purpose.

Bee Heaven

05 Jan 2015 9 7 660
Honeybee, clambering around in search of nectar in gaura flower.

Delights of Summer.

05 Jan 2015 2 2 530
A honeybee, apis mellifera, enjoying the profusion of flowers in Summer.

Blue magnet

05 Jan 2015 8 3 632
Australian native bee, Amegilla or Blue Banded Bee coming in to land on Salvia inflorescence. This bright blue flower is the most attractive to native bees. For some reason this salvia has grown twice as high this summer standing over two metres tall - the bees love it as it is in their direct line of flight.

Devil's Horns

01 Nov 2014 8 7 744
Devil's Stinkhorn fungus, Lysurus mokusin, 70mm tall (3 inches), suburban garden, Australia. Belonging to an interesting family of fungi that appear overnight out of the soil, live and die within a day or so. They hatch out of egg like structures below or at soil level and the spores are contained in a slime substance on the lantern tip. The slime exudes a strong smell hence the common name Stinkhorn. Flies and other insects are attracted to the smell and help disperse the spores. Lysurus mokusin is non-toxic and some say it is edible!

Bee helicopter

22 Sep 2014 9 9 854
A honey bee hovering at the entry to an Azalea flower. What is interesting is one can see the outline of the right-side wing quite clearly at the same time as the high speed blur of the wing motion. Also this female bee has clearly just begun her pollen gathering as there is not a lot of pollen stored in the leg sac which can be seen as a yellow blob on her hind leg.