Scott Holcomb's photos with the keyword: 3 X 35mm Negative Merge


26 May 2013 378
In the southern area of the Great Rift Valley on the Malawi border with Moçambique is the highest area in southern Africa. It is actual an enormous (25km diameter) granite massif with a dozen peaks, the highest reaching approximately 3,000m+. Pictured in the background is Chambe Peak 2,557 meters. There are a series of huts where camping is allowed--all food must be packed in by foot. In the morning one can look over the tops of clouds gathered in the Great Rift Valley below. Those clouds rise into the highlands by afternoon, usually resulting in rain by early evening. This image came from three old 35mm negatives shot from a Yashica ELECTRO 35CC camera, scanned by an HP Scanjet 5470c, merged and restored using multiple Photoshop operations.