Jaap van 't Veen's photos with the keyword: Groningen

Nederland - Haren, Horus Botanicus / Chinese Garde…

13 Nov 2024 56 51 268
The Chinese Garden - part of the Hortus Botanicus Haren was built in 1995 after an earlier visit of a Groningen trade mission to several cities in China. It is a historical reconstruction of a garden from the Ming period. The walled garden was designed a famous Chinese urban garden architect from Shaghai. Almost all the material used to build the Chinese Garden was shipped from China to the Netherlands, from the stones in the garden and the wood of the pavilions to the furniture of tea house. Chinese workers laid out the park largely by hand. The result of this cooperation between the Netherlands and Shanghai is the beautiful Chinese garden “The Hidden Kingdom of Ming”, which was officially opened by H.M. Queen Beatrix in 1995.

Nederland - Haren, Hortus Botanicus

11 Nov 2024 57 48 267
The Hortus Botanicus in Haren is one of the oldest and largest botanical gardens in the Netherlands. It was founded in 1626 by the pharmacist and botanist Henricus Munting and was originally situated in the city of Groningen. Because of space considerations it relocated to its current location; from 1929 on a new botanical graden was created on that site and became the largest botanical garden in the country. At the Hortus, which covers about 20 acres, there are a large number of very different gardens. Among others the garden consists of an arboretum, pinetum, English garden, a water garden, a rock garden, bamboo garden, a grass garden, agricultural gardens, and Celtic gardens. Since 1995 it also has a walled Chinese Garden . The Hortus was part of the University of Groningen and until the 1980s’ played an important role in the teaching and research of biology especially. Since 2002 a foundation is managing the gardens. We visited the Hortus in late October, so there were almost no flowers to be seen. We just could make a walk along trees and shrubs in beautiful autumn colours.

Nederland - Appingedam, stadhuis

12 Dec 2022 39 29 437
The city of Appingedam developed in the early part of the 12th century, when sailors, merchants and craftsmen settled here, because there was an excellent connection with the open sea. The settlement soon became a flourishing trade and market centre. In 1630 an excisting Guildhall was converted into a town hall. The upper floor was used as the town hall; the ground floor served as the town weighhouse (until 1825, the weighhouse was still used for weighing pigs). The (former) town hall of Appingedam is one of the smallest Renaissance town halls in the Netherlands. In 1825 the town hall was extended at the rear to the Nicolaïkerk . The open passageway of the building is very special and gives the building an elegant character. The façade shows among other things a sculpted woman's head with the city arms above it and an almost life-sized statue of an unblindfolded Lady Justice.

Nederland - Appingedam, Nicolaïkerk

09 Dec 2022 49 54 493
The Nicolaïkerk (Nicolai Church) is a hall church with three naves, built in a Romano-Gothic style. This church is the biggest in the province of Groningen, apart from the Martini-church and the A-church which are situated in the city of Groningen. The building of the church was completed in seven phases between approximately 1200 and 1560. Its construction closely followed the development of Appingedam, the most important harbour in the province of Groningen during the Middle Ages. In the first instance a hall-church was built between 1200 and 1225, consisting of the two first bays of the nave with dome-shaped vaults and a tower. After several enlargements and addtions, the church became its current shape. The outside measurements are approximately: length = 48 meters, width = 28 meters and from the top of the vault to the floor 13 meters in height. The first tower of the church was built on the west-side. Mid 16th century that tower was demolished because it was thought that it caused too much pressure on the building. A new built tower was demolished in 1835 due to its condition. The present tower clashes somewhat with the church building. Originally the church was dedicated to Maria, but changed early in the 15th century to St. Nicholas, patron saint of the sailors and merchants. The Nicolaïkerk is s Dutch national heritage site since 1968 and one of the top 100 sites in the Netherlands.

Nederland - Pieterburen, Zeehondencentrum

13 Sep 2022 63 42 505
Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen (Sealcentre Pieterburen) is a seal hospital. In the shelter are only animals who for whatever reason are sick, injured or are in trouble. The goal is to rehabilitate these animals and release them in their natural habitat. The Seal Centre -founded in 1971 - is one of the world's leading centers when it comes to the care and rehabilitation of seals. Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen started as a simple crèche evolved into a professional scientific research-based seal hospital, with accompanying facilities such as quarantines, a laboratory, a chemist and all the research equipment imaginable. All seals are released into the wild after their rehabilitation period.

Nederland - Oudeschans, Garnizoenskerk

09 Sep 2022 40 44 507
Oudeschans is a village with a population of less than 100 people in the Dutch province of Groningen. The 16th-century fortification is now a state protected village area with a couple of national heritage sites, among which a 17th-century garrison church. The former garrison church was built in 1626 and originally served the military stationed here. It is an extremely austere hall church. In 1772, the church and the presbytery were joined together to form a whole, which is quite exceptional. The church of Oudeschans serves as a multifunctional centre for the village. It functions as polling station, village hall, concert hall and wedding hall. Once a year, on New Year's Eve, a service is held in the church.

Nederland - Kerk van Ezinge

26 Aug 2020 73 44 835
The Kerk van Ezinge (Church of Ezinge) is a single nave Romanesque church, which was built in the 13th century. The free-standing tower also dates from this period. The original entrances to the church are bricked-up. On the south side was the entrance for men - with a separate entrance for priests - and on the north side the entrance for women. The church was restored in 1959 and is recognized as a national monument. The detached tower and the house built against the tower also have the status of a national monument. The small building beside the tower was originally a vergery and school. In 2011-2013 church and organ were restored again. The buildings are located on the edge of a partially excavated wierde (a man made mound), protecting them against the sea. I have used some pictures from 2007, because nowadays trees largely hide the buildings almost completely (PiP1). Ezinge is a village in the north of the province of Groningen; it is the oldest, constantly inhabited village in the Netherlands and is in archaeological context referred to as "the Pompeii of the North". The village is a protected village area

Nederland - Zoutkamp

07 Aug 2020 99 68 906
Zoutkamp is a village with a long history. The name "Soltcampum" was first used in 1418. Most probably because there was salt mined in this area: "sol" means salt and "campum" means fenced field. In the Eighty Years' War (1568 – 1648), Zoutkamp was a defensive fortification and after that it was mainly a bustling fishing village situated on the Lauwerszee. Once Zoutkamp was the 'gateway' to the city of Groningen, as the passage via the Lauwerszee was for ships the only route from sea to the city. Until 1960 Zoutkamp had a large fishing port, but after the Lauwerszee was closed off the village lost this important position. The village still has the appearance of an ancient fishing village, thanks to the monumental locks and still widely used old inner harbour. There are still fishing boats moored next to a striking row of brightly coloured buildings with shops, an eel smokehouse and a café/restaurant.

Nederland - Den Ham, Kerkje Harkema

05 Aug 2020 63 43 922
Not the most impressive, beautiful or oldest church, but most probably one of the most remarkable churches in the Netherlands is Kerkje Harkema . Around 1960, livestock farmer Albert Harkema became the owner of a monastery farm and the surrounding farmlands. Harkema soon started with digging and expanding of the old moat around the farm and in miniature he imitated the head-neck-torso farm as a shelter for the ducks. Later on he constructed the tower, followed by the construction of a miniature version of the former hospice of the nearby Abbey of Aduard. He used 12.000 bricks from Belgium, the organ from the Dutch village of IJhorst and Maria-statues of from more southern places. Forty years later his long cherished wish - building his own church - became reality. A hidden gem in the middle of nowhere, surrounded from all sides by more than 2.000 years old landscape. Next to the church is a teahouse, also built by Harkema.

Nederland - De Onlanden

03 Aug 2020 68 54 847
De Onlanden is a 2.500 ha nature and water storage area, which is enclosed between the sand of Drenthe and the clay of Groningen. It is a low moor area, where water from several brooks used to be stored before flowing to the sea. In earlier times it was one large peat area. Nobody could pass through it and it was unsuitable for agriculture. It was not until the Middle Ages that the first attempts to dewater the area were made. Slowly they succeeded in lowering the water level and systematically the area could be put into use; first only in the summer and from the 19th century onwards throughout the year, although sometimes the moorland was completely flooded. During the last century, the area has been fully used as pastureland. In 2004 plans were made to give the area back to nature. Nowadays it has changed into an immense wet world with grasslands, swamps, marsh forests and creeks. Brooks flow again through De Onlanden and a swamp is developing develop with naturally changing water levels. De Onlanden itself are difficult to visit, but we did find one path - Onlandsedijk - through the swamp with a lot of reed, but also with several species of flowers.

Nederland - Niehove en kerk

28 Jul 2020 51 42 1023
The village of Niehove dates back to before our era. Initially it was called Suxwort (Zuidwierde); around the year of 1200 it got its current name. Niehove is a beautiful example of a wierde village: a wierde is a man made elevation that served as a location for villages and as a refuge during rising water. Under the name Suxwort the village was for centuries the capital of Humsterland, which at that time - when the sea came much further inland - was a real island. Niehove remained largely unchanged through the centuries. The village resembles a kind of spider’s web on its round wierde . The little red brick houses are located in two circles around the church, with their backs turned to the fields. The church of Niehove (couldn’t find a ‘real’ name) is located on the top of the wierde . The Roman-Gothic church was built around the year of 1230, on the spot where a little wooden church has stood. Until the 16th century it was the only stone building in the village. It was not until the 18th century that the church was furnished with benches. Before then, churchgoers had to stand: men at the south side and women at the north side. For a long time, the Niehove churchyard was separated from the street by a circular canal, which was to force ghosts to remain at the churchyard and prevent them from venturing out into the village. Today the church has an interesting visitor centre with information about the village and Humsterland. It is also used for events and weddings.

Nederland - Lauwersoog, Hondsroos

27 Jul 2020 71 56 884
The hondsroos (dog rose) is quite common in the Netherlands. I came across a lot of them during a walk in the National Park Lauwersmeer. Its flowers - blooming in June and July - are usually pale pink, but can vary between a deep pink and white. They are 4 - 6 centimeters in diameter with five petals. The name hondsroos refers to ancient Greek medicine when the plant was used against hondsdolheid (= rabies).

Nederland - Haren, De Helper

24 Jul 2020 101 77 1411
Not so long ago I visited windmill The Helper on the shore of the Paterswoldsemeer . On that gray rainy day I decided to come back at another time. That moment came much sooner than expected. Due to the corona crisis, travelling abroad was no longer possible and I was already happy with a trip to this part of my country. Now under totally different circumstances: nice sunny weather with even sunbathing visitors along the water's edge. What a difference with three months ago: www.ipernity.com/doc/294067/49807386 De Helper is a polder mill on the east bank of the Paterswoldsemeer. The mill was built in 1863 south of the city of Groningen for the drainage of the Helpman polder using a screw pump. In the sixties of the 20th century the mill became permanently out of use and fell into disrepair. Because of the expansion of the city of Groningen and the construction of the A28 motorway in 1969 De Helper was demolished at its original location. In 1971 the mill was rebuilt on its present location on the banks of the Paterswoldsemeer. The mill is in operation on a voluntary basis.

Nederland - Bellingwolde, Veldkamp's Meuln

12 Jun 2020 103 80 1138
Veldkamp's Meuln (Veldkamp’s Mill) is a 19th century seven storey tower mill, with a stage at the third floor level. The mill was built in 1855 as a grist and oil mill and owned by the Veldkamp family for many years, which explains the name of the mill. During its existence the mill was regularly damaged by storms, namely in 1895, 1972 and 1976. The mill was restored several times, the last time in 2002. Since then, the mill is regularly operated by a volunteer miller. Most of the husking machinery has disappeared, the mill still possesses two pairs of millstones. Since the year of 1972 the mill is a national heritage site. Nowadays Veldkamp's Meuln is owned by the municipality. The mill is open for visitors, although it has limited opening hours.

Nederland - Oudeschans, Doodenbastion

14 Apr 2020 68 45 1014
Oudeschans is the smallest fortress-village of the Netherlands. The fortress itself was built in 1593 ad the fortification was used for military purposes until 1814. The sconce changed into a common rural village and much of the military past disappeared. Until 1972, when a reconstruction of the fortress started. As a result the walls, moats and bastion are visible again. Almost twenty years later the fortification became a state protected village area. Oudeschans had and has four so called bastions: a pentagonal masonry or earthen extension of a defensive wall or embankment. On one of the bastions lies a cemetery, called the Doodenbastion (“Death Bastion”). It is situated on a bastion because the fortress itself was located in a marshy area, which is not very suitable for a cemetery. The cemetery has been put into use shortly after the construction of the fortress. The cemetery has very old tombstones and tombs from our time.

Nederland - Oudeschans

10 Apr 2020 69 69 1071
In the middle of the 16th century the first inhabitants are mentioned on the site of today's Oudeschans. In those days a zijl (lock opening to the sea) was built in the river Westerwoldse Aa, on a strategic position close to a bay of the Wadden Sea. In the year of 1593 - during the Eighty Years’ War, or Dutch War of Independence (1566–1648) - Count Willem Lodewijk van Nassau-Dillenburg built a fortress around the lock, where he moored his 150 ships and had 2.200 troops disembark. The fortress played an important role in the battle of the Dutch troops against the Spanish authority. The fortification was initially named Bellingwolderschans (Sconce of Bellingwolde). It was renamed Oudeschans (Old Sconce), after the fortification of Nieuweschans was built in 1628. As a result of reclamation and the relocation of the river, the fortress became less important in the middle of the 17th century. In the 18th century the sconce was neglected and disbanded in 1814. At the end of the 20th century, the remains of the sconce were made more clearly recognizable, reinforcing the character of the old fortress of Oudeschans. Nowadays Oudeschans is a quiet village with just more than hundred inhabitants. In 1991 the walls, canal, bastions, and several other buildings became state protected monuments. The Garrison Church was built in 1626, near the harbour, nowadays a lawn with trees (main image). In 1772 the church was moved and a presbytery was built against it on the north side. A small museum in the village reminds of the military past.

Nederland - Finsterwolde, Stefanuskerk

03 Apr 2020 71 65 819
The Stefanuskerk (St. Stephen's Church) is originally a catholic Romano-Gothic cruciform church, probably dating back to the end of the 13th century. The church belonged to the diocese of Münster (Germany). The church was originally dedicated to St. Stephen, but has been a reformed church since 1594. The current form of the NH church dates from 1586/1587. The crucifix was demolished, the building was lowered 5½ meters and a choir was added. During the World War II, the church suffered a lot of damage as a result of shootings. The church has been restored many times, the latest was in 2002. The tower stands separated from church. It was built in 1820/1822 after San Giorgio’s bell tower in Venice. The present tower replaces an old lower wooden one from 1663. The brick tower is built on 96 piles with a length between 5½ and 8½ meters. The height of the tower is more than 50 meters, nowadays serving as a lookout for visitors. Unlike almost all churches in the Netherlands it has a horse instead of a rooster on its spire. In the past the local fire brigade used the tower for drying the fire hoses.

Nederland - Noordlaren, Hunebed G1

30 Mar 2020 68 57 1095
Hunebedden (megalithic tombs) are the oldest monuments in the Netherlands. They were built more than 5.000 years ago in the last phase of the Stone Age by people of the Funnel Beaker Culture, who buried their dead in these hunebedden . They were built from the erratic boulders pushed here by the ice sheets during the Ice Ages. Hunebed G1 is the only one still standing in the province of Groningen (one other is exhibited in a museum). G1 is the most northerly hunebed on the Hondsrug (a complex of several ridges formed by the land ice at the end of the Saale glaciation, 370.000 to 130.000 years ago). Officially known as G1, the hunebed is colloquially known as Hunebed ’t Heiveen . The first written record dates from 1694. It was excavated in 1957. The tomb is no longer complete and nowadays has only one keystone, four uprights and two lintels remain. The most striking lintel is enormous (PiP1) - obviously far too large for the stone robbers. Although G1 is not complete any longer, by carefully marking with cement the position of the missing six uprights (PiP2), the one keystone and the two portal stones, which gives a good impression of the original size. Next to the tomb stands a large stone (PiP3) which was possibly once part of it.

26 items in total