Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Rodentia
I'm hiding - she can't see me
12 Jul 2015 |
This photo of a little Least Chipmunk was taken on 21 June 2015, when some of us walked to a campground to find an outhouse before starting on a hike along the Crandell Lake Trail, in Waterton Lakes National Park. The least chipmunk (Tamias minimus) is the smallest species of chipmunk, and the most widespread in North America.
I was so lucky to be invited to join friends Sandy and Heide on a three-day trip to Waterton Lakes National Park, from 19-21 (inclusive) June 2015. We met up with other members of the Alberta Native Plant Council for their annual Botany Alberta weekend. Most people who attended stayed at the Crooked Creek Campground, a 5.6 km drive east of the Waterton Park Gate on Highway 5, but my friends and I stayed at the Crandell Mountain Lodge on the edge of Waterton town. The ANPC people had a list of species that they hoped to find, and they were very successful.
Our stay down south overlapped the annual Waterton Wildflower Festival, but we came across very few people on our various drives and hikes. Needless to say, I was extremely fortunate to spend three days with people who are very knowledgeable about plants (and other things). This meant that I got to see many wildflower species, including several that were new to me, such as the gorgeous Mariposa Lily. It was one of the flowers that was on my Wish List - and there were hundreds of them to be seen! I had also never seen the spectacular Bear Grass and I was so thrilled that there were still several plants in bloom. Absolutely made my day!
Our two main hikes of the weekend were the Bertha Lake Trail as far as the Bertha Falls (on 20 June), and the Crandell Lake Trail (on 21 June). Makes me smile when a described "short, easy hike" in a book or on the Internet turns into a full day of exploration along the trail, taking hours to reach the destination, though returning to the cars in a much shorter time. Our walks/hikes are very slow-paced with endless stops to look at/for plants and to take photos. This makes it possible for me to go along.
Crandell Lake from the Crandell Campground trailhead:
Return distance 4.0 km (2.4 miles), elevation gain 150 metres (492'), hiking time 1.5 hours (we took all day!).
Bertha Falls from the townsite trailhead:
Return distance 5.6 km (3.4 miles), elevation gain 150 metres (492'), hiking time 1.5 hours (again, we took all day). For me, this hike felt much further than it was!
The wind made photographing plants a real challenge, including the beautiful Mariposa Lilies in the meadow along the Hay Barn road. Though I took plenty of photos, I wasn't sure that I would end up with any that were sharp enough. Trying to catch a quick shot when a flower is blowing in and out of the viewfinder is not easy! Unfortunately, I'm no longer able to get down and take macro shots (my lens needs to be about 4" away from the subject), so my photos have to be telemacro.
I've been trying to find a list of plant species in Waterton Park, but have so far been out of luck. I do have the book, "Wildflowers of Waterton Park" by Jacinthe Lavoie and Ian Wilson, which has an Index of Plant names, but I was hoping to find a list that I could print out.
Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
16 Mar 2015 |
There were a few of these very cute Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels at Cameron Falls, in Waterton Lakes National Park. There were picnic tables nearby and where there are people, these little creatures know that, if they are "lucky", someone will give them food. This one managed to get a Sunflower seed from people who were at one of the tables. I love the tiny hands of these little guys, and of any of the species in the Sciuridae family that consists of small or medium-size rodents. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs.
"Spermophilus lateralis is found in Canada and the United States. It ranges from southeast British Colombia and southwest Alberta, into the western United States as far east as western Colorado and down to northwestern New Mexico and southern California.
Golden-mantled ground squirrels have little positive economic importance to humans. They do however, provide amusement and enjoyment for many campers as they can become quite tame, living at campgrounds and taking food from eager campers hands. (Bartels and Thompson, 1993).
Spermophilus lateralis can have a negative impact on the timber industry. In the fall, coniferous seeds make up a large portion of their diet, and S. lateralis can harm reforestation efforts by eating newly sprouted conifer seeds. They have little impact on agriculture because of habitat selection."
During three days away (26, 27 and 28 August 2014) with friends, Cathy and Terry, we saw so many things, including breathtaking scenery, 4 Black Bears (including one that was swimming in the lake), Bison, Deer, Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels, Chipmunks, various bird species including endangered Burrowing Owls (way east of Waterton, on our last day), a few wildflowers, several Yellow-bellied Marmots (a first for me, and seen way east of Waterton Park), a few different insect species, and a family of Dusky Grouse that are uncommon in the park. I even got the chance to see three or four new-to-me old, wooden grain elevators. Definitely a great trip!
Even the weather was perfect - that is, till the moment we decided that it was time to start driving back to Calgary. Around 5:00 p.m., a mesocyclone rolled in, totally engulfing our car and bringing pounding hail, maybe 3 feet visibility, and tremendously strong winds. Fortunately, we weren't caught in the very centre of the storm - can't imagine how bad that would have been!
Our beautiful, mild winter weather came to an end last night. We woke up to snow everywhere (16 March 2015), with a temperature of -1C this morning, supposedly soaring to a balmy 3C this afternoon.
Columbian Ground Squirrel
06 Mar 2015 |
These little Columbian Ground Squirrels are seen only in the mountains, not in the city. Photographed this one when friends, Cathy and Terry, and I, had a quick stop on 15 May 2014. Saw quite a few of them during our two-day trip through the Rocky Mountains, west of Calgary.
I always think of these animals eating grass and plants, so I found the following information interesting.
"Diet includes a wide variety of vegetation: roots, bulbs, stems, leaves, seeds, and berries. Also eats some animal food (e.g., insects, mice, dead fish). May climb into trees and shrubs to obtain buds and fruits. Spends about 70% of year in hibernation."
Great dexterity
22 Sep 2014 |
There were a few of these very cute Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels at Cameron Falls, in Waterton Lakes National Park. There were picnic tables nearby and where there are people, these little creatures know that, if they are "lucky", someone will give them food. This one managed to get a Sunflower seed from people who were at one of the tables. I love the tiny hands of these little guys, and of any of the species in the Sciuridae family that consists of small or medium-size rodents. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs.
"Spermophilus lateralis is found in Canada and the United States. It ranges from southeast British Colombia and southwest Alberta, into the western United States as far east as western Colorado and down to northwestern New Mexico and southern California.
Golden-mantled ground squirrels have little positive economic importance to humans. They do however, provide amusement and enjoyment for many campers as they can become quite tame, living at campgrounds and taking food from eager campers hands. (Bartels and Thompson, 1993).
Spermophilus lateralis can have a negative impact on the timber industry. In the fall, coniferous seeds make up a large portion of their diet, and S. lateralis can harm reforestation efforts by eating newly sprouted conifer seeds. They have little impact on agriculture because of habitat selection."
During three days away (26, 27 and 28 August 2014) with friends, Cathy and Terry, we saw so many things, including breathtaking scenery, 4 Black Bears (including one that was swimming in the lake), Bison, Deer, Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels, Chipmunks, various bird species including endangered Burrowing Owls (way east of Waterton, on our last day), a few wildflowers, several Yellow-bellied Marmots (a first for me, and also way east of Waterton Park!), a few different insect species, and a family of Dusky Grouse that are uncommon in the park. I even got the chance to see three or four new-to-me old, wooden grain elevators. Definitely a great trip! Even the weather was perfect - that is, till the moment we decided that it was time to start driving back to Calgary. Around 5:00 p.m., a mesocyclone rolled in, totally engulfing our car and bringing pounding hail, maybe 3 feet visibility, and tremendously strong winds. Fortunately, we weren't caught in the very centre of the storm - can't imagine how bad that would have been!
Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel hoping for food
03 Sep 2014 |
There were a few of these very cute Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels at Cameron Falls, in Waterton Lakes National Park. There were picnic tables nearby and where there are people, these little creatures know that, if they are "lucky", someone will give them food. I noticed this one doing its best to attract attention.
"Spermophilus lateralis is found in Canada and the United States. It ranges from southeast British Colombia and southwest Alberta, into the western United States as far east as western Colorado and down to northwestern New Mexico and southern California.
Golden-mantled ground squirrels have little positive economic importance to humans. They do however, provide amusement and enjoyment for many campers as they can become quite tame, living at campgrounds and taking food from eager campers hands. (Bartels and Thompson, 1993).
Spermophilus lateralis can have a negative impact on the timber industry. In the fall, coniferous seeds make up a large portion of their diet, and S. lateralis can harm reforestation efforts by eating newly sprouted conifer seeds. They have little impact on agriculture because of habitat selection."
A few of the things friends, Cathy and Terry, and I, saw during our three-day trip to Waterton Lakes National Park (26, 27 & 28 August 2014) included fantastic scenery, 4 Black Bears (including one that was swimming in the lake), Bison, Deer (including several that we saw in the village of Waterton, where we stayed the two nights at the clean and friendly Bear Mountain Motel), Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels, Chipmunks, various bird species including the endangered Burrowing Owls (new to all three of us), a few wildflowers, several Yellow-bellied Marmots (a first for me!), a few different insect species, and a family of some species of Grouse (still not sure what kind). I even got the chance to see three or four new-to-me old, wooden grain elevators.
On guard
03 Jun 2014 |
These little Columbian Ground Squirrels are seen only in the mountains, not in the city. Photographed this one when friends, Cathy and Terry, and I, had a quick stop on 15 May 2014. Saw quite a few of them during our two-day trip through the Rocky Mountains, west of Calgary.
I always think of these animals eating grass and plants, so I found the following information interesting.
"Diet includes a wide variety of vegetation: roots, bulbs, stems, leaves, seeds, and berries. Also eats some animal food (e.g., insects, mice, dead fish). May climb into trees and shrubs to obtain buds and fruits. Spends about 70% of year in hibernation."
Columbian Ground Squirrel
22 May 2014 |
These little Columbian Ground Squirrels are seen only in the mountains, not in the city. Photographed this one when friends, Cathy and Terry, and I, had a quick stop on 15 May 2014. Saw quite a few of them during our two-day trip through the Rocky Mountains, west of Calgary.
I always think of these animals eating grass and plants, so I found the following information interesting.
"Diet includes a wide variety of vegetation: roots, bulbs, stems, leaves, seeds, and berries. Also eats some animal food (e.g., insects, mice, dead fish). May climb into trees and shrubs to obtain buds and fruits. Spends about 70% of year in hibernation."
Columbian Ground Squirrel
14 Dec 2013 |
This little guy/gal posed so nicely for us near the side of the road. Seen on a great day out with friends, Cathy and Terry, when we went west of Calgary to the mountains, on 20 May 2012. If I remember correctly, this was taken along the Smith-Dorrien road. Here, in the city, we only get the Richardson's Ground Squirrels, but in the mountains, you see these attractive Columbian Ground Squirrels. Don't like to say it, but I suspect the main purpose in life for Ground Squirrels is to provide snacks, lunches and dinners for predators such as Coyotes, Hawks, etc..
Carnations for his sweetheart : )
08 Mar 2013 |
I remember being so puzzled when I saw a patch of red moving across the pond at Bridlewood on 7 June 2011. When it got closer, I realized that it was a Muskrat carrying a bouquet of Carnations (that someone in one of the nearby houses obviously threw out) in its mouth, lol! Ha, ha, what with my female Mallard with beautiful snowflakes on her feathers, and now this .....
Little seed muncher
20 Feb 2013 |
I was surprised to find that this photo came out OK, as usually my photos taken in the forest in Weaselhead don't come out - not enough light. A few of us had been standing, waiting, hoping that a Boreal Chickadee would appear, but we only lucked out on Black-capped Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatch and a Downy Woodpecker. Shortly before we carried on with our walk, this little Red Squirrel joined in the fun. Unlike the Eastern Grey Squirrel, the smaller Red Squirrel is native to Alberta.
Black-tailed Prairie Dog
21 Feb 2012 |
This is a typical view of one of these Black-tailed Prairie Dogs that reside at the Calgary Zoo. Amazing how they can live on thin bits of "greens" and yet end up so rotund, lol!
"In Canada, Richardson’s ground squirrels are ubiquitous throughout the mixed-grass and fescue prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, whereas Black-tailed prairie dogs are found only in the vicinity of Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan." From .
Some of you might be interested in this link to an article about an "Ice Age plant revived after 30,000 years in frozen burrow | CTV News". Thanks for sending me this link, Gerry (altamons)!
Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel / Callospermophilus…
08 Sep 2011 |
This little Ground Squirrel came over to see us when we were hiking up to Arethusa Cirque, Kananaskis, on July 30th.
"The golden-mantled ground squirrel is a type of ground squirrel found in mountainous areas of western North America. It eats seeds, nuts, berries, insects, and underground fungi. It is preyed upon by hawks, jays, weasels, foxes, bobcats, and coyotes. A typical adult ranges from 23–30 cm (9–12 inches) in length ... They dig shallow burrows up to 30m (100 ft) in length with the openings hidden in a hollow log or under tree roots or a boulder. The female gives birth to a single litter of 4–6 young each summer." Can you imagine, a comedy about birding, lol?
For you bird lovers out there, Cornell Lab of Ornithology added the following link to their Facebook page. Apparently, there's a movie about birding coming out this fall, called The Big Year, starring Steve Martin, Owen Wilson, and Jack Black.
Food .... please, pretty please?
09 Aug 2011 |
These Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels are the cutest litle things, but they move so fast. I managed to get just this one, almost sharp image : ) Photographed at Kananaskis Lakes, in Kananaskis Country, on August 7th. A typical adult ranges from 23–30 cm (9–12 inches) in length.
Growing by the minute
10 Apr 2008 |
Yes, this photo was taken 3 or 4 days after the first posted photo of this tiny Deer Mouse. This little family has filled a bird nesting box with the fluffy seedheads of the Goldenrod plant, so they should have a warm and cosy nest. This baby was removed briefly by a Naturalist for us to see.
"Breeding starts very late in the winter and young are then born in April. They have many litters each from 2 to 9. On average, the deer mouse has about four litters each year. The gestation period varies from 22 to 27 days, averaging about 24 days. Litter size ranges from one to nine, averaging about four. At birth the young are blind, pink, and hairless and weigh from 1.1 to 2.3 g. The male, while not present at birth, does return to assist in the care of the young. Sexual maturity is reached before the young lose their "blue" juvenile pelage, and females born early in the year may themselves produce young by late summer or early fall.
The deer mouse is omnivorous, and feeds on seeds, plant greens, berries, nuts, mushrooms, insects, and carrion. They will also gnaw on bones or antlers for the calcium.
Deer mice in turn are an important food source for many carnivores, like weasels, foxes, skunks, minks, raccoons, bears, coyotes, and wolves. Owls and snakes are also important predators." From
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