Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: DMC-FZ18

Time for a neck-lift?

08 Dec 2011 209
This is one of the Wild Turkeys that are free to roam the Calgary Zoo. If you are lucky, you might find them wandering along the path, as I was, on 3rd February 2009. Taken with the very first model of Panasonic I bought. I have seen these birds in the wild a couple of times, way south of Calgary a few years ago, but couldn't get close photos like this.

How do you like my best side?

17 Nov 2011 215
This Wild Turkey might not be the most handsome of birds (especially that face), but he definitely has an amazing set of feathers. He and several others are free to roam the Calgary Zoo. Taken on 3rd February 2009. I have seen Wild Turkeys in the wild, way south of Calgary, but my photos were distant ones taken from a friend's car a few years ago.

African Blue-bellied Roller / Coracias cyanogaster

19 Nov 2011 181
Photographed at the Calgary Zoo almost three years ago, on 3rd February 2009. "The Blue-bellied Roller (Coracias cyanogaster) is a member of the roller family of birds which breeds across Africa in a narrow belt from Senegal to northeast Zaire. It is resident, apart from some local seasonal movements, in mature moist savannah dominated by Isoberlinia trees. The Blue-bellied Roller is a large bird, nearly the size of a Jackdaw at 28-30 cm. It has a dark green back, white head, neck and breast, with the rest of the plumage mainly blue. Adults have 6cm tail streamers. Sexes are similar, but the juvenile is a drabber version of the adult. Blue-bellied Roller is striking in its strong direct flight, with the brilliant blues of the wings contrasting with the dark back and white head, and the tail streamers trailing behind. This is a common bird of warm open country with some trees. These rollers often perch prominently on trees, posts or overhead wires, like giant shrikes, whilst watching for the grasshoppers and other large insects on which they feed. The display of this bird is a lapwing-like display, with the twists and turns that give this species its English name. It nests in a hole in a tree cavity. Widespread and common throughout its large range, the Blue-bellied Roller is evaluated as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species." From Wikipedia.

Happy Thanksgiving!

23 Nov 2011 280
Hope all my American friends will be lucky enough to enjoy a turkey (or equivalent such as vegetarian) dinner tomorrow, the US Thanksgiving. There is so much to be thankful for, though of course more so for some people than others. A special Happy Thanksgiving to all those US servicemen and women (and their families, who also make so many sacrifices), who risk their lives on a daily basis, in order to keep the rest safe and free. Happy Thanksgiving (tomorrow), everyone! Please drive safely if you are on the roads. Our Canadian Thanksgiving was on October 10th. This image shows a Wild Turkey that lives at the Calgary Zoo, free to roam wherever he pleases. He looks such a character with that amazing face and neck : ) He and I happened to pass each other on the path : ) Taken on 3rd February 2009. Can't remember if I've seen Wild Turkeys in the wild just the one time or twice, way south of Calgary, several years ago, but my photos were very distant.

Woodland Caribou

13 Apr 2011 186
Can you imagine having to go about your daily life with huge antlers right in front of your eyes, lol? It must give these beautiful Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) at least a couple of "blind spots". Woodland caribou are classified as At Risk in the General Status of Alberta Wild Species report. Photographed at the Calgary Zoo in the Canadian Wilds section on 5th November 2007. "Woodland caribou inhabit the boreal forest of northern Alberta and mixed coniferous forests and alpine regions of west-central Alberta. Recent assessments estimate that Alberta's woodland caribou inhabit about 113,000 square kilometres (43, 630 square miles) of the northern and west central parts of the province. Unlike their counterparts in other deer species, both caribou males and females grow antlers. Mature bulls grow large racks, but those of cows are shorter and have fewer points. Summer coats are a rich dark brown on back, sides, legs and face, and creamy white at the neck."

Large Indian Breadroot / Pediomelum esculentum

27 Mar 2011 441
This is another plant that I rarely come across, but I did find it in my archives from almost three years ago. I needed this image for something the other day and thought I'd add it to my Plants of Alberta Set here, too. This was taken at Hawkwood Natural Area. This RARE, native plant grows from Alberta to Manitoba south to New Mexico, Arkansas. This species is known locally as Large Indian Breadroot. The shift from Psoralea to Pediomelum is an example of a recent trend of renaming North American genera and species. Belongs to the Fabaceae family and blooms June-July.

Endangered Przewalski horses

31 Mar 2011 233
The Calgary Zoo has a ranch just south of the city and once a year we get the chance to visit. The ranch is a 320-acre captive breeding facility at DeWinton, and is not open to the public. It also serves as a Zoo quarantine and holding area for everything from elk to zebras. There is also a wonderful Whooping Crane breeding program. This photo was taken on 4th October 2008. "The horses at the Calgary Zoo ranch ain’t never been rode – and they ain’t never going to be. They’re Przewalski horses, the world’s only truly wild breed, and the Zoo’s mandate is to keep them wild. Also known as Asian horses, Mongolian Wild horses or Takhi, they were native to Asia and became extinct in the wild. Their captive breeding is now monitored under a worldwide Species Survival Plan, an international program that controls the breeding of most zoo animals today. All the estimated 1,500 Przewalskis today are descended from 13 ancestors captured in Mongolia during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Today, at least 60 Przewalski horses live on their own at Hustain Huruu, a Mongolian steppe area. Przewalskis are virtually untameable, suspicious and very difficult to manage compared to modern domesticated breeds." From article by Tyler Trafford in Canadian Country Cowboy magazine.

Woodland Caribou

01 Apr 2011 232
Can you imagine having to go about your daily life with huge antlers right in front of your eyes, lol? It must give these beautiful Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) at least a couple of "blind spots". Woodland caribou are classified as At Risk in the General Status of Alberta Wild Species report. Photographed at the Calgary Zoo in the Canadian Wilds section on 5th November 2007. "Woodland caribou inhabit the boreal forest of northern Alberta and mixed coniferous forests and alpine regions of west-central Alberta. Recent assessments estimate that Alberta's woodland caribou inhabit about 113,000 square kilometres (43, 630 square miles) of the northern and west central parts of the province. Unlike their counterparts in other deer species, both caribou males and females grow antlers. Mature bulls grow large racks, but those of cows are shorter and have fewer points. Summer coats are a rich dark brown on back, sides, legs and face, and creamy white at the neck."

White Rose

28 Feb 2011 176
I guess it's a white Rose with a tinge of yellow : ) It's hard to even imagine a time when such beautiful flowers can grow. Today, here, it is -23C (-9F) with a windchill of -36C (-33F) with heavy snow! Think I'll stay home - yet again. Just noticed I took this photo two years ago.

For six amazing friends

02 Feb 2011 132
I went to Safeway yesterday to buy three different coloured roses to make into photos and then realized that I wasn't going to have time (in sunlight) to photograph them, write e-mail letters and get them to England in time for tomorrow. So, I'm using this previously posted rose. Just wanted to post this in the hope that vibes of strength and love will cross land and sea to reach my six wonderful, long-time friends in Birmingham, England, who have been working SO hard to arrange my Brother's funeral and see to things connected to my Brother's house, it's belongings, mail, legal matters, etc. ... everything that needs doing when a death occurs. John's funeral is at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow (Thursday) morning, English time, so I will set my alarm for about 4:15 a.m. so that I can be up while I know his service is taking place. I've said that I want smiles and laughter to be seen and heard : ) Friend, Tony, has borrowed two Flip video recorders and will record the morning for me, which will be very precious. I will be there in spirit. Thank you, my friends!!! Can you believe that I'm having problems with my e-mail today, just when it is vital that I can send and receive e-mails to and from England!!!! Just been on "Chat" at the Shaw Cable website and explained that two of the incoming e-mails have been sending themselves over and over again. It says that I am "receiving e-mails", but then goes to an error message. I've turned my computer off and back on, but it's still doing the same. They would charge $129 to remote look and fix, which is terrible!!! Anyone have any ideas???

A splash of orange

30 Oct 2010 174
Totally unoriginal and uninspiring, LOL, but Halloween just wouldn't seem right without a real pumpkin and that gorgeous splash of brilliant orange. Actually, I took this photo two years ago, I see!

Welcome - come on in

24 Dec 2007 92
A friend made the base of this wreath for me two years ago, from barbed wire! I have it hanging in my tiny hallway, just inside the front door. My original plan was to hang it outside on my front door or wall, but then I discovered that the outside electric socket does not work. Now I love the light shining from the tiny Christmas lights cozy inside my place.