Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Anthurium

Red and green - meant for each other

22 Oct 2014 1 330
This is one of the beautiful, shiny Anthuriums that was growing in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 14 October 2014. Love these plants, with their almost metallic look. The solitary, red spathe is a showy modified bract that can be somewhat leathery in texture. They have such a beautiful finish to them. "Anthurium is a large genus of about 600- 800 (possibly 1,000) species, belonging to the arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "Flamingo Flower" or "Boy Flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix." From Wikipedia.

Glowing red

24 Mar 2008 150
I can never resist photographing a brilliant red Anthurium when I see one! This large one was growing at the Calgary Zoo Conservatory. "They grow in the most diverse habitats, mostly in wet tropical mountain forest of Central America and South America, but some in semi-arid environments. Most species occur in Panama, Colombia, Brazil, the Guiana Shield and Ecuador. The flowers are small (about 3 mm) and develop crowded in a spike on a fleshy axis and called a spadix, a characteristic of the arums. The flowers on the spadix are often divided sexually with a sterile band separating male from female flowers. This spadix can take on many forms (club-shaped, tapered, spiraled, and globe-shaped) and colors (white, green, purple, red, pink, or a combination). The spadix is part of an inflorescence. The outer portion of the inflorescence is known as the spathe. Some people like to call the spathe a "flower", however it is simply a modified leaf. The spathe may be a single color (yellow, green, or white) or possibly multicolored including burgundy and red. The spathe is a showy modified bract that can be somewhat leathery in texture." From Wikipedia.


03 Sep 2012 246
Photographed this Anthurium in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo, on 30 April 2012. I remember being surprised when I saw it, as I usually see either white, pink or red Anthuriums, but not pale green. The tiny spider has been busy spinning its web. "Anthurium is a large genus of about 600–800 (possibly 1,000) species of flowering plants, belonging to the arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "flamingo flower" or "boy flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix. Anthurium flowers are small (about 3 mm) and develop crowded in a spike on a fleshy axis, called a spadix, a characteristic of the Araceae. The flowers on the spadix are often divided sexually with a sterile band separating male from female flowers. This spadix can take on many forms (club-shaped, tapered, spiraled, and globe-shaped) and colors (white, green, purple, red, pink, or a combination). Anthurium inflorescenceThe spadix is part of an inflorescence, the outer portion of which is known as the spathe. The spathe may be a single color (yellow, green, or white) or possibly multicolored including burgundy and red. That sometimes colorful, solitary spathe is a showy modified bract that can be somewhat leathery in texture. Anthurium grown for the florist trade generally have highly coloured spathes and spadices. There are no flowers on the spathe as is sometimes thought; flowers are found solely on the spadix. The spathe can vary in color from pale green to white, rose, orange or shiny red (such as A. andrenaum). The color changes between the bud stage and the anthesis, (the time the flower expands). Thus the color might change from pale green to reddish purple to reddish brown." Hope everyone has had a great long weekend!

Elegant pink

02 May 2012 179
A beautiful, pale pink Anthurium growing in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. Photographed on April 27th. "Anthurium is a large genus of about 600–800 (possibly 1,000) species, belonging to the Arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "Flamingo Flower" or "Boy Flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix. Anthurium flowers are small (about 3 mm) and develop crowded in a spike on a fleshy axis, called a spadix, a characteristic of the Araceae. The flowers on the spadix are often divided sexually with a sterile band separating male from female flowers. This spadix can take on many forms (club-shaped, tapered, spiraled, and globe-shaped) and colors (white, green, purple, red, pink, or a combination). The spadix is part of an inflorescence, the outer portion of which is known as the spathe. The spathe may be a single color (yellow, green, or white) or possibly multicolored including burgundy and red. That sometimes colorful, solitary spathe is a showy modified bract that can be somewhat leathery in texture." From Wikipedia.

Wrinkles and shine

06 Mar 2012 210
This is one of the beautiful, shiny Anthuriums that was growing in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 13 March 2010. The photo was taken with my old Panasonic DMC-FZ28. Love these plants, with their almost plastic look. The solitary, red spathe is a showy modified bract that can be somewhat leathery in texture. They have such a beautiful finish to them. "Anthurium is a large genus of about 600- 800 (possibly 1,000) species, belonging to the arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "Flamingo Flower" or "Boy Flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix." From Wikipedia.

Flamingo Flower / Anthurium

29 Sep 2011 160
One of several beautiful pink Flamingo Flowers at the Calgary Zoo. They are much smaller than shown in this macro photo. Taken on September 26th. "The colorful, solitary spathe is a showy modified bract that can be somewhat leathery in texture. Anthurium grown for the florist trade generally have highly coloured spathes and spadices. There are no flowers on the spathe as is sometimes thought; flowers are found solely on the spadix. The spathe can vary in color from pale green to white, rose, orange or shiny red (such as A. andrenaum)."

Framed with green

23 Apr 2010 122
Couldn't resist a shot or two of this beautiful, small Anthurium/Flamingo Flower in the Enmax Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo.

Well done, Team Canada!

28 Feb 2010 186
Congratulations to our Canadian Olympic hockey team, for winning the Gold this afternoon! A superb, close game, played at such a high standard on both sides. You've done us proud, all Canadian athletes, breaking an Olympic record for the number of Gold medals ever earned, in any Games and for any country. All of you, enjoy your well-earned happiness! So, I went with this big red heart instead!!! We love you, Canada! LOL, I tried and tried during the hockey game to capture a tiny Canadian flag in a water droplet, but all I succeeded in getting were about 30 blurry images. It's SOOOO difficult to do!

HOT red

07 Dec 2009 245
I just HAD to post something that was vibrant, rich RED, to take my mind off how cold it is : ) It is -21C today with a windchill of -27C. It can get a lot colder than this - and I really don't want to think about THAT : ) This was one of the beautiful, shiny Anthuriums growing in the new Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. "Anthurium is a large genus of about 600- 800 (possibly 1,000) species, belonging to the arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "Flamingo Flower" or "Boy Flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix." From Wikipedia. Just spent a good part of the afternoon copying four folders of nature images into a new folder, ready to burn to DVD. For some weird reason, it kept removing all my titles, leaving just the number of each photo, which is definitely not what I wanted. That's what I call a wasted afternoon : )

White Anthurium

17 Apr 2009 160
At least, I believe it is White Anthurium, seen in the old (now demolished) Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. "Anthurium is a large genus of about 600- 800 (possibly 1,000) species, belonging to the arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "Flamingo Flower" or "Boy Flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix." From Wikipedia.


09 May 2008 105
Trying to distract myself from the fact that there is a Snowfall Warning in effect for my city! Thought a bright Tropical plant might do the trick : ). My part of the city has so far had only continuous rain, but who knows what we'll all wake up to tomorrow morning?

Colour on colour

28 Jan 2008 108
Needed a nice bright flower photo to upload today! It is -21C (-36C with windchill) windy with blowing snow. Converted, that is -36F, with windchill of -32.8F. I don't plan on going ANYWHERE tomorrow and maybe not even Tuesday! I was out with a friend for a two-hour walk this afternoon - what WERE we thinking, LOL?!

Tropical red

15 Jan 2008 156
Spent a few hours at the Calgary Zoo this afternoon. The temperature was up to 8C or 9C, which is totally ridiculous for a winter's day here! This plant was growing in the Conservatory, and I should know the name by now. Sounds as if we are probably going to have snow overnight.


01 Dec 2007 148
Seen growing in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. These pink Anthuriums are quite small and I love the way they don't look real - the modified leaf (pink) almost looks enamelled.