Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: weathering
Hoodoos everywhere
07 Aug 2019 |
"Hoodoos take millions of years to form and stand 5 to 7 metres tall. Each hoodoo is a sandstone pillar resting on a thick base of shale that is capped by a large stone. Hoodoos are very fragile and can erode completely if their capstone is dislodged (in other words, no climbing allowed). This protected Hoodoos site is a guaranteed spot to see Hoodoos but smaller versions of these sandstone giants can be found all over the Badlands.
The name "Hoodoo" comes from the word "voodoo" and was given to these geological formations by the Europeans. In the Blackfoot and Cree traditions, however, the Hoodoos are believed to be petrified giants who come alive at night to hurl rocks at intruders." From (geology)
Wow, what a day I had the day before yesterday, 5 August 2019! For a few decades, I had longed to get out east of the city again, to the Badlands of Alberta. I had been a few times in more recent years, either on botany trips to Horseshoe Canyon, or a couple of times for the Christmas Bird Count. However, we always carpooled and we never went to the places I really, really wanted to go to. Finally, in 2014, I took my daughter out there, taking the main highway into Drumheller. She has an amazing sense of direction and is great at navigating, so I knew I wouldn't get lost.
This time, though, I wanted to avoid Drumheller itself, so I took a back way to the few places and things I wanted to see and photograph. Each year, I try and make a new, long drive that I have never done before. Trust me, a real challenge to someone with a driving phobia!! Now, there are a handful of places that I make myself get back to each summer, to make sure I don't lose the courage to make the drive by myself.
Maps had been made, a few 'drives' taken along a few bits of road on Google Earth, so I was well-prepared. Still, I felt sick to the stomach at the thought of doing the last half of the drive. If I happened to take one wrong road, would I ever get out of the Badlands?
When I checked the weather forecast, I noticed that rain was expected on some upcoming days, but not for that day, so I knew I needed to go. It was still quite hazy all day, getting up to 30C. When I was almost ready to leave home, I suddenly realized that it was a public holiday! Never a good time to visit anywhere, with so many people everywhere. Normally, I would have stayed home. Left home at 8:45 am and got back home at 7:15 pm, after driving 402 km, using roughly three-quarters of a tank of gas. In this time, I was able to see my favourite hoodoos (with so many cars parked along the road and endless people climbing all over the hoodoos), a little almost-ghost town, and one of my absolute favourite old grain elevators. My route also took me past the Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Dalum - I had seen photos of this church before and I had always wanted to photograph a church like this. One other stop had been on my mental list, but, even though I would have had time to get there, my big concern was running out of gas on the way home.
There was only one unpleasant thing that happened and it still keeps coming to mind. Along one of the paved roads on the way to the Badlands, I had noticed a very scruffy looking hawk standing on the road. I turned around and drove back to see if I could check if it was OK. Just when I was going to pull over so that I could slowly walk back, I looked in the rear view mirror and there was a car coming behind me. Not sure if the driver tried to position his wheels so that they were either side of the hawk, or not. Anyway, the bird tried to fly and got caught up by the car, which ripped and mangled it. I could see it being tossed and caught back. I walked back to see if I could tell if it was still alive. I couldn't tell, but it was a real mess. Much as I would have liked to move it to the ditch, I couldn't. Trying to convince myself that, because it had looked so scruffy to start with, and stayed on the road, maybe it had been sick. I have seen plenty of dead wildlife of all kinds, but never before have I had to witness something actually being killed. Still haunts me.
Yesterday, 6 August 2019, my daughter and I had planned to spend the day together but decided to cancel, as the forecast was for rain and it's no fun taking photos in the rain. Such a shame, as I had been looking forward to being out with her. Her free days are so few and far between. Sure enough, 4:30 pm and we had torrential rain, wind and thunder - SO glad we weren't out in this! Today, it is very overcast - happy I decided to do my long drive two days ago.
McIntyre Ranch from the Hoodoos
29 May 2007 |
A view of the huge barn on the McIntyre Ranch, seen through a gap in the row of Hoodoos (weathered rocks).
On Saturday, 26th May 2007, I joined a group of Field Naturalists (NOT to be confused with nudists!) on a day's bus trip down to the Milk River Ridge area in southern Alberta. About two years ago, a friend had told me about the McIntyre Ranch, and his passion about the Ranch and how it was being run on a "balance of/with nature" method rubbed off on me. A trip was planned a year ago, but torrential rain made it impossible for a large bus to drive on the Ranch land and the trip was cancelled. Now, a year later, I have finally stood on Ranch land, breathed in its fresh air, listened to its silence, admired some of its flora and fauna, met its General Manager (Ralph Thrall 111) and taken some photos that don't do any justice at all to the immense beauty of this special land. For anyone interested in this very precious and protected area, the Ranch has a great website ( ). Also, two documentaries have been made. One, by Janet and John Foster, is called "A Passion for Prairie". The other is called "The Gift". Both are superb.
"The McIntyre Ranch has changed very little since it was established in 1894. The 'balance of nature' philosophy that guided fifty-three years of McIntyre ownership has continued since Ralph Thrall bought the 87 section property from the McIntyre estate in 1948 (one section equals 640 acres, 1581 hectares or one square mile). Twelve sections that were once farmed have been seeded back to tame grasses for grazing while the other seventy-five sections remain in their native condition. Several factors are considered in order to maintain and enhance the healthy range condition. Appropriate stocking rates (number of cattle) in conjunction with duration and time of year grazing, water requirements, natural shelter, strategic fencing and salt distribution all must be considered for effective balanced grazing. Our goal of achieving excellence with all aspects associated with the McIntyre Ranch will be worked at while functioning in harmony with nature. Sustainable ranching has been and continues to be the main objective of this company.
Ralph A. Thrall passed away in 1978. The Ranch is presently owned by Ralph A. Thrall Jr. and managed by Ralph A. Thrall III (General Manager 1990), Duane Spitzer (Controller 1973) and Jamie Christie (Foreman 2001)."
From the Ranch website.
Added on 30th October 2011, from the Lethbridge Herald Newspaper. I noticed that quite a number of people were looking at my photo via Google yesterday and today. I was greatly saddened when I read the reason.
"MR. RALPH AMBROSE THRALL JR. of Lethbridge, beloved husband of Mrs. Catherine C. Thrall, passed away in Calgary on Friday, October 28, 2011 at the age of 78 years."
I send my condolences to the family and friends of Ralph Thrall Jr. A friend and I met this gentleman just the one time, at an exhibition about the McIntyre Ranch, but a group of us was privileged to spend a wonderful day on the Ranch back on 26th May 2007. I know that there will be a great number of people offering support to the family at this very difficult time and keeping them in their thoughts and prayers.
McIntyre Ranch, the Hoodoos
29 May 2007 |
This row of Hoodoos (weathered rocks) was spectacular - such a contrast to the green, rolling hills of the McIntyre Ranch.
On Saturday, 26th May 2007, I joined a group of Field Naturalists (NOT to be confused with nudists!) on a day's bus trip down to the Milk River Ridge area in southern Alberta. About two years ago, a friend had told me about the McIntyre Ranch, and his passion about the Ranch and how it was being run on a "balance of/with nature" method rubbed off on me. A trip was planned a year ago, but torrential rain made it impossible for a large bus to drive on the Ranch land and the trip was cancelled. Now, a year later, I have finally stood on Ranch land, breathed in its fresh air, listened to its silence, admired some of its flora and fauna, met its General Manager (Ralph Thrall 111) and taken some photos that don't do any justice at all to the immense beauty of this special land. For anyone interested in this very precious and protected area, the Ranch has a great website ( ). Also, two documentaries have been made. One, by Janet and John Foster, is called "A Passion for Prairie". The other is called "The Gift". Both are superb.
"The McIntyre Ranch has changed very little since it was established in 1894. The 'balance of nature' philosophy that guided fifty-three years of McIntyre ownership has continued since Ralph Thrall bought the 87 section property from the McIntyre estate in 1948 (one section equals 640 acres, 1581 hectares or one square mile). Twelve sections that were once farmed have been seeded back to tame grasses for grazing while the other seventy-five sections remain in their native condition. Several factors are considered in order to maintain and enhance the healthy range condition. Appropriate stocking rates (number of cattle) in conjunction with duration and time of year grazing, water requirements, natural shelter, strategic fencing and salt distribution all must be considered for effective balanced grazing. Our goal of achieving excellence with all aspects associated with the McIntyre Ranch will be worked at while functioning in harmony with nature. Sustainable ranching has been and continues to be the main objective of this company.
Ralph A. Thrall passed away in 1978. The Ranch is presently owned by Ralph A. Thrall Jr. and managed by Ralph A. Thrall III (General Manager 1990), Duane Spitzer (Controller 1973) and Jamie Christie (Foreman 2001)."
From the Ranch website.
UPDATED on 30th October 2011, from the Lethbridge Herald Newspaper. I noticed that quite a number of people were looking at my photo via Google yesterday and today. I was greatly saddened when I read the reason.
"MR. RALPH AMBROSE THRALL JR. of Lethbridge, beloved husband of Mrs. Catherine C. Thrall, passed away in Calgary on Friday, October 28, 2011 at the age of 78 years."
I send my condolences to the family and friends of Ralph Thrall Jr.. A friend and I met this gentleman just the one time, at an exhibition at the Alberta College of Art, about the McIntyre Ranch, but a group of us was privileged to spend a wonderful day on the Ranch back on 26th May 2007. I know that there will be a great number of people offering support to the family at this very difficult time and keeping them in their thoughts and prayers.
McIntyre Ranch Hoodoo
10 Jun 2007 |
One of the fascinating Hoodoos seen on a recent visit to the McIntyre Ranch in southern Alberta.
On Saturday, 26th May 2007, I joined a group of Field Naturalists (NOT to be confused with naturists, i.e. nudists!) on a day's bus trip down to the Milk River Ridge area in southern Alberta. About two years ago, a friend had told me about the McIntyre Ranch, and his passion about the Ranch and how it was being run on a "balance of/with nature" method rubbed off on me. A trip was planned a year ago, but torrential rain made it impossible for a large bus to drive on the Ranch land and the trip was cancelled. Now, a year later, I have finally stood on Ranch land, breathed in its fresh air, listened to its silence, admired some of its flora and fauna, met its General Manager (Ralph Thrall 111) and taken some photos that don't do any justice at all to the immense beauty of this special land. For anyone interested in this very precious and protected area, the Ranch has a great website ( ). Also, two documentaries have been made. One, by Janet and John Foster, is called "A Passion for Prairie". The other is called "The Gift". Both are superb.
"The McIntyre Ranch has changed very little since it was established in 1894. The 'balance of nature' philosophy that guided fifty-three years of McIntyre ownership has continued since Ralph Thrall bought the 87 section property from the McIntyre estate in 1948 (one section equals 640 acres, 1581 hectares or one square mile). Twelve sections that were once farmed have been seeded back to tame grasses for grazing while the other seventy-five sections remain in their native condition. Several factors are considered in order to maintain and enhance the healthy range condition. Appropriate stocking rates (number of cattle) in conjunction with duration and time of year grazing, water requirements, natural shelter, strategic fencing and salt distribution all must be considered for effective balanced grazing. Our goal of achieving excellence with all aspects associated with the McIntyre Ranch will be worked at while functioning in harmony with nature. Sustainable ranching has been and continues to be the main objective of this company.
Ralph A. Thrall passed away in 1978. The Ranch is presently owned by Ralph A. Thrall Jr. and managed by Ralph A. Thrall III (General Manager 1990), Duane Spitzer (Controller 1973) and Jamie Christie (Foreman 2001)."
From the Ranch website.
Added on 30th October 2011, from the Lethbridge Herald Newspaper. I noticed that quite a number of people were looking at my photo via Google yesterday and today. I was greatly saddened when I read the reason.
"MR. RALPH AMBROSE THRALL JR. of Lethbridge, beloved husband of Mrs. Catherine C. Thrall, passed away in Calgary on Friday, October 28, 2011 at the age of 78 years."
I send my condolences to the family and friends of Ralph Thrall Jr. A friend and I met this gentleman just the one time, at an exhibition about the McIntyre Ranch, but a group of us was privileged to spend a wonderful day on the Ranch back on 26th May 2007. I know that there will be a great number of people offering support to the family at this very difficult time and keeping them in their thoughts and prayers.
Double Arch, Arches National Park
14 Feb 2007 |
This is known as the Double Arch, in Arches National Park, US. Scanned from a photo I took in July 1981.
"Double Arch is famous for the close-set pair of arches-- one of the more impressive features of Arches National Park in Utah, USA. There are no guardrails or fences to prevent visitors from exploring directly beneath and through the arches.
The area was used as a backdrop for the opening scene of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in which the arches are briefly visible. However, the cave shown in the movie does not exist.
Double Arch was formed differently than most of the arches in Arches National Park. It is known as a Pothole Arch - it formed by water erosion from above rather than more typical erosion from the side." From Wikipedia.
Bryce Canyon
15 Feb 2007 |
Bryce Canyon is such an amazing place with all its weathered rock pillars. Such beautiful colours, too. Scanned from an old photo that I took in August 1981.
Grand Canyon 2
15 Feb 2007 |
Another scanned photo from August 1981, showing a view looking across the Grand Canyon.
Monument Valley
15 Feb 2007 |
Another scanned reminder of those old cowboy movies! This is one of my favourite places, Monument Valley, seen on 1st August 1981. You can see someone's vehicle down on the narrow road, which gives a better sense of the size of these gigantic buttes. These twin buttes are called The Mittens.
Grand Canyon
15 Feb 2007 |
A very typical view looking down into the Grand Canyon, USA, scanned from a photo I took in August 1981.
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