Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: dainty

Spotted Coralroot / Corallorhiza maculata

06 Jul 2015 198
Took this photo of a tiny, wild orchid three days ago, on 3 July 2015, when four of us were lucky enough to visit and botanize the farm belonging to Meghan Vesey and Kwesi Haizel. This 53 acre farm, Akesi Farm, is a 90 minute drive from downtown Calgary and is near the town of Sundre, NW of Calgary. It is permaculture based with future crops of eggs, mushrooms, fruits and nuts. Hard to believe that this beautiful place has only belonged to this young, hardworking, enthusiastic couple since November 2014. A tremendous amount of work, thought and planning has already gone into adding to what was already there, with a little help from family and friends. Meghan walked with us to show us the different parts of the acreage - forest and grassland. We found this Spotted Coralroot and also Striped Coralroot - two lovely (small) wild orchids. Everything seen was listed, including plants, birds, fungi, insects, animals and so on. This list will then be given to Meghan and Kwesi, along with any photos taken while we were there for the day. We are always happy to visit someone's land and compile a very detailed list of our findings for them. It's always a win/win situation - we enjoy what we are doing and love to explore a new location, and the owner ends up with a record of what was found on their property. The weather was beautiful, though still much too hot for me. Having been out on several outdoor trips recently in very hot weather, as well as being home in a place that felt like an oven, I really was not feeling all that great and perhaps did a bit too much walking. I do have to also mention that we had the company of their three gorgeous dogs, and one cat. The latter followed us when we were walking around one of the ponds near the house, obviously hunting for "something". At one point, she disappeared a short way up one of the trees, only to come flying out of a few seconds later. Judging by her behaviour afterwards, I suspected she had been stung in the eye by one of the bees and, sure enough, that's what had happened, poor thing. We were treated royally when we sat down outside to thoroughly enjoy and appreciate a delicious lunch of different salads and goodies - and cold lemonade that was more than welcome! Thank you so much, Meghan, Kwesi and Meghan's mother, Maurita, for all the work you put into preparing this feast for us - most generous! We all wish you the very best with your endeavours. With such hard work and obvious enthusiasm, I'm sure you will do well. On the way back to Calgary, we stopped and walked down to the Elkton Bog. I had been there before, maybe a couple of times. We wanted to see how wet or dry the area was, at the same time seeing a few plants including carnivorous Sundew and Cotton Grass. This walk on extremely uneven ground (and wet in many places) finished me off for the day - I was utterly, totally, completely exhausted!!

Pink Alpine Forget-me-nots

22 Jul 2011 165
Friend Doug found this unusual pink Forget-me-not plant, on our slow hike in the alpine meadows of Plateau Mountain on July 17th. Its tiny pink flowers were so pretty, but something about them not being gorgeous blue just didn't feel right, lol. Can you believe that it's only 12C (54F) here in Calgary this afternoon? Such a relief to get some cool air after a few hot days. Unfortunately, it's also raining, though we do need it. Two possible trips this weekend, so I'm hoping it brightens up before then! Glad I took myself west of the city for the afternoon yesterday, as the weather was beautiful. Saw a few interesting things, from Ladybug larva and nymph to an Osprey catching a fish (no photo) to seeing my first Skunk in the wild (a few blurry, useless shots, but I might still post one for my own records - and you are more than welcome to laugh : ) Wish I could send some of this refreshing rain and coolness to all you guys out there who are having dreafully hot weather! Oh, panic! Had an e-mail from one of my good friends in England today, saying that one of our other friends "thinks your shipment is on the move via Toronto but no more details". I'm reading that as meaning that the 12 boxes of belongings (of my Brother and my parents) that are coming from England may have landed in Canada and might actually be on the road to Calgary! Oh, my goodness, I have so much to do before they arrive, including guessing at a value for around 400 little sentimental items that Canada Customs insists that I make. My friends sent me a list of all items, I just have to think up the values. I was motivated enough a couple of months ago, but then everything came to a halt when the busiest time of the year, for me, arrived. I need to do some more clearing and definitely some cleaning (which never even makes my priority list or any kind of list, ha!) before I want to let anyone in through my front door. Also, a slight hitch in the sale of my brother's house in England. Apparently, the buyer is asking for a further reduction, reckoning that survey estimates that he had done, were inaccurate. I will be so relieved when all this has been seen to - it has been a very long seven months! I also have to see to getting someone to come and remove all plants and bushes from my garden (someone is going to find out about the landscape people who see to the Condo's landscaping), with the possibilty that I might end up having to get a "platform deck" built, to fill the complete, tiny back garden. This would solve the problem once and for all! Need to find some names and pricing.

Beauty in miniature

02 Jul 2011 159
Supermacro shot of a teeny Early Coralroot flower. This is an easily-overlooked wild Orchid, but what a glorious surprise to those who take a close look at an individual flower. Barely visible without a hand lens or camera, but so pretty when seen as a macro shot. Photographed in Weaselhead on June 14th. Posting really early this morning as, all being well, I will be out on a very long day trip way south of the city, to explore the flora and fauna of Plateau Mountain. Later: had a lovely day examining the flora and fauna of Plateau Mountain, though an 11-hour day is a long day, even more so as I have such poor endurance these days! It's about a two and a half hour drive there (I didn't drive, but many thanks, Arnold!). These long, warm days of fresh air and exercise totally knock me out, lol! Those who knew Jim Dubois (Garnite), personally or through Flickr, are hoping to raise enough money to pay for a memorial bench in the Campbell River area, B.C.. This would be a perfect tribute to this kind, humorous, good man, who did so much towards educating about and protecting the environment.

Winter magic

01 Feb 2010 203
Very simple, but there is just something that appeals to me about the colours and light. A couple of tiny waterdoplets on a tiny bird feather (in my kitchen, LOL). Makes me think of a winter scene with a delicate, snow-covered branch. Finally got out for a very short walk this afternoon, to test my knees after landing very heavily on them last Tuesday, when I tried to jump across a small creek. Have stayed home the last four days to give them a chance to recover, so it was good to get a bit of fresh air today. Saw one of the few American Robins that overwinter in the city, too, which was a treat. It was the first Robin I'd seen this year. Nothing worth keeping as far as photos go : )

A sprinkling of mushrooms

22 Sep 2009 166
This was such a dainty little group of mushrooms, on the path through the Retreat at Paskapoo Slopes (in the city). I am suffering so badly from mushroom withdrawal - thank goodness for photos in my "archives", LOL.

Spreading Dogbane

31 Aug 2009 136
Photographed on 3rd August along the Marston Creek trail, Kananaskis. This native plant grows in dry, sandy areas and open forests, June-August. It has small, very attractive, cup-shaped flowers (6-9 mm long). A member of the Dogbane family. "The milky juice of this plant yields a type of latex and several attempts have been made to grow Spreading Dogbane commercially for the production of rubber. The Blackfoot used the milky juice as a shampoo to make their hair shiny." From "Plants of Alberta" by Royer and Dickinson.

My first Snowdrop

27 Apr 2009 198
I had been hoping to see a Snowdrop again this year, and this one that was growing at the Reader Rock Garden recently was the first and only one I've seen this spring. Such dainty little flowers : ) Since I took this photo, the poor flowers have been buried by further snow falls!

A single tiny flower

29 Mar 2009 245
This is just a single tiny flower of the flower cluster of the wild Round-leaved Orchid. There are several (2-8) of these small flowers along a main stem. This plant grows in mossy areas of moist coniferous forests. It looks rather like a little angel with wings and a polk-dot gown. Very delicate little flowers, each one 12-15 mm long.