Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: posts


14 Dec 2008 232
Yes, a rather typical winter photograph, which I'm sure many of us have in our photo files,but I still always love to see these snow-capped poles. These ones line the parking lot at Bebo Grove, Fish Creek Park. Margit, if you happen to see this photo, remember your comment about what a straight line these trees must have been growing in? We have laughed and laughed over this - not going to let you live it down, LOL! So cute.


15 Feb 2007 133
Might just delete this photo once it is uploaded, but will first check to see if it's worth keeping once I see it in a slightly larger size. I need more wildlife and definitely long to see some birds again.

All in a row

15 Feb 2007 113
As you can see, there are these rows of short posts all over the place in the park. It was too cold to take photos of birds! Couldn't see the two adult Great Horned Owls in their usual tree this afternoon. Most unusual for them not to be there.