Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: on green

The purity of white

04 Jun 2016 149
Photographed this beautiful flower at the Reader Rock Garden late afternoon on 25 June 2014. Drove there on my way home from a volunteer shift, as I wasn't all that far away. The sky had darkened and I was expecting it to rain by the time I got there, but the sun came out (along with the wind). Not sure of the ID for this daisy-like flower. The gorgeous Himalayan Blue Poppies were in bloom, too. It is always a joy to see these beautiful, large Poppies, though they seem to grow in the shade, and I never find them easy to photograph. Apparently, they are not easy to grow, either.


28 Sep 2009 263
A couple of white mushrooms growing in Bragg Creek Provincial Park, on 20th August.


16 Nov 2010 185
I can never resist photographing an Echinacea flower, whether in bud, fully open, or withered and brown. This flower was growing at the Reader Rock Garden on August 11th.

Pretty in pink

21 May 2011 127
Macro shot of a very small, tropical flower, seen at the Calgary Zoo on May 17th. Linda, hope this image sends warm and comforting thoughts to surround you. Jim (Garnite) is in everyone's thoughts, needless to say. He is missed.

Nodding Onion with a visitor

23 Mar 2011 179
This Nodding Onion bud was seen when we spent a very enjoyable day botanizing J. Edworthy's land, past Black Diamond on July 29th. I didn't notice the little green visitor (maybe a Shield Bug?) until I went to crop this supermacro image : )

For those living in a world of white

02 Apr 2011 145
The ground is white, our trees are white, our sky is white - yes, we are in the middle of a spring snow storm and the Winter Storm Warning is still in effect. We should be used to this, but it doesn't make it any more pleasant, ha. So glad I went out for urgent groceries yesterday afternoon. So, here's a splash of colour for all of you who are once again living in a world of white. At least it's only -2C today, and not -22C or -32C, which is definitely something to be thankful for. I think these are orchids, but I'm not sure. Suspect they could be Spathoglottis plicata. Photographed at the Calgary Zoo Conservatory on 8th July 2010. Drive carefully, everyone! To my youngest daughter, Rachel - ha, ha, ha, I guess the Winter Snow Storm warning that came into effect yesterday was NOT an April Fool's joke, like you'd hoped. Enjoy the fun of going to work today. No sympathy for you at all, not after the April Fool's joke you fooled me with!!!

Wrinkles and veins

08 Apr 2011 123
A photo from last July, taken at the Reader Rock Garden.

Egyptian Star Cluster

09 Apr 2011 133
I think I have the right name for these very pretty tropical flowers, but I could be wrong. They were growing in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo a few days ago. Green and red together are always so beautiful.

Face to the sun

24 Jan 2011 127
A beautiful yellow Lily seen at Reader Rock Garden on July 28th.

Thank you so much, everyone!

03 Feb 2011 168
Just wanted to thank all of you for your wonderfully kind comments and words of support, especially during the last five weeks. It really has been an exceedingly hard time for me, unexpectedly losing my brother (from Ischaemic Heart Disease) in England, helping to plan the funeral, and dealing with his house and belongings. I would not have been able to do this without my amazing friends in England who have done and are still doing SO much, but I do want you to know how much difference the support of my Flickr friends/Contacts has made during this difficult time. John's funeral was just a few hours ago and I stayed up all night, worried that I might sleep through my alarm that I'd set for 4:30 a.m. : ) I knew the order of the songs/music and I had even been sent all the words that were going to be said through the Service, so at 4:30 a.m. this morning, I sat at my computer and played the music in turn and read the words, having my own little service at the same time as all John's friends and colleagues. Apparently, the morning went very well, just as I knew it would in the capable hands of my friends. Actually, thanks to friend, Tony, I have even just seen the first bit of video - already! Thanks so much, Tony! You're the best. Now, there is the legal stuff to see to, and going through the rest of my brother's belongings (via photos sent in e-mails) and then the house can be put up for sale. Lots of Thank You cards and notes to be written, too : ) Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support, and bearing with me during these few weeks!!! Oh, and after more than a day of e-mail problems yesterday, it turned out that I had a corrupted file in there, which is what the Shaw technician suspected. Looked like I was going to have to back-up all 2,470 Inbox e-mails (ha!) , then delete Inbox and start from scratch, but thank goodness I happened to delete the culprit - whichever e-mail it was - and all seems OK now. Phew! This year, I have so many thousands of photos to back up and I definitely need to save all these very important e-mails, too. It really needs to be a year in which I make myself see to an awful lot of things, lol!

Sowthistle buds

01 Nov 2010 138
Photographed on a walk at Clearwater Park, along Highway 8, on September 4th. Not sure if these are the buds of Perennial Sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis) or Annual Sowthistle (Sonchus asper). Both are introduced, invasive plants. I always enjoy seeing the buds that are shaped like the middle one in my photo.

This little light of mine ...

23 Aug 2010 3 361
The actual quality of this photo is far from good, taken in really low light, but I still like it : ) I think this little fungus was something like 1" diameter. Found on 12th August in West Bragg Creek, Kananaskis, west of the city. Thanks, Sandy! Just a reminder of the tiny miracles of nature's beauty! What we can find if we don't just "look", but really "see".

Little blue spider

30 Aug 2010 174
It was the colour of this little blue spider that caught my eye when we were walking one of the trails at Bow Valley Provincial Park on Saturday. Saw a photo of what appeared to be a similar spider, and the ID given was an Orbweaver, but I could be very wrong : )

Popp(y)ing off the page

26 Jul 2010 145
Just a pretty Poppy blowing in the breeze at Reader Rock Garden nearly two weeks ago. Can't imagine what state all the flowers will be in now, after a huge rain and hail storm earlier this evening!

Wolf Lichen

22 May 2010 219
This is such a brilliant green Lichen and it almost glows : ) This beautiful specimen was found in the forested area of Janel Butler's farm a few days ago, when we botanized their acreage. "Wolf lichens are so named because of their common use as poisons for wolves and foxes in Europe centuries ago. The lichen, with its toxic vulpinic acid, was mixed with ground glass and meat, apparently a deadly combination. The lichen was also used as a source for making a yellow-coloured dye, which is not difficult to imagine." By Daniel Mosquin, on Botany Photo of the Day. Went on a morning's walk at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary this morning. We saw one of the Harlequin Ducks sitting on a log in the middle of the river and the male Hooded Merganser was on the lagoon. I had really hoped the Merganser would be swimming in an area where I could get a close view and shot - out of luck again, LOL. Wasn't sure if my legs would work today, after our very long day of hiking yesterday, but I was glad I managed to get in a walk today.

Dwarf Powder Puff

21 Apr 2010 141
I was so happy that there was one perfect flower on the low Dwarf Powder Puff shrub on my last visit to the Zoo. Usually, the flowers are shrivelled and drooped when I see them. Gotta dash, as I have my volunteer shift this afternoon, and then may call in to see the owls on my way home.

Miniature Rose

11 Mar 2010 200
One of the Miniature Roses growing in the new Enmax Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo.Such vivid colour. Note added this morning: 11 of my flower images have been posted on someone's Flickr photostream (name removed now that my 11 images have been removed by Yahoo). He only has four pages of images so far, so most unlikely that any of them are yours. Might not hurt to keep an eye on it, though. I have put a comment under each of my images displayed on his photostream (some of which he had also turned into black and white) and will send him a Flickrmail, asking if he knows that he just cannot do this.

Drooping Japanese Anemone

21 Jan 2010 122
I was a little bit too late to catch these pretty Japanese Anemones in prime condition a second time, but I thought the overlapping petals were still pretty. Seen at the Calgary Zoo on 6th October last year.

24 items in total