Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: drizzle

On a cold summer day with mist and drizzle

16 Sep 2018 217
Tonight, I have just added 8 extra photos of poor quality. They were taken during a walk with friends this morning, 15 September 2018, at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. I just wanted to add them to various albums for the record. The weather was so unpleasant today - cold (just a few degrees above freezing), misty and drizzling. Longjohns, gloves, two fleece jackets and a light shell were all needed. Some people were even wearing their thick, padded winter jackets. The atrocious light was useless for photography. However, I so rarely get to this location and so I wanted to add several sightings that were much appreciated, especially an American Mink that was spotted the far side of the lagoon, a few deer and a very distant Great Blue Heron. After our walk, some of us went for lunch at the Blackfoot Diner. It was cold enough outside to make it feel really good to be able to wrap our fingers round cups of hot coffee, Everyone here is really hoping that we will actually have an autumn this year. Quite a few of the trees have turned yellow, but we have had rain and snow this week and some of the leaves are already on the ground. This is SUMMER! What a crazy summer we have had this year - heat (including breaking an all-time record for here!), slightly cooler days in between, snow and rain accompanied by temperatures that are barely above freezing and windchills that have plunged below 0C. Oh, and weeks of very poor air quality because of the smoke that was blowing in from the Britisih Columbia wildfires. Just when we were thinking that fall has arrived early, along came the snow. Keeping fingers crossed that another week of crummy weather and hopefully fall will return, with much-needed sunshine and warmth.

Raindrops on the back of a Canada Goose

15 Apr 2016 264
This photo was taken yesterday morning, 14 April 2016, when I was on a walk with friends in Carburn Park. I almost didn't bother to go on this walk, as it was such a gloomy, overcast morning, along with an occasional bit of light drizzle. I love to see water droplets on a bird's feathers, and this Canada Goose was close enough for a photo in the drizzle. Ducks and Geese preen and rub oil from a gland at the base of their tail all over their feathers. Water really does "roll off a duck's (Goose's) back", as the old saying goes. We used to see lots of goslings at this park several years ago, but people started to complain about the mess that Geese made on the ground. This resulted, sadly, in the Goose eggs being 'oiled', to make sure no goslings were hatched. "A familiar and widespread goose with a black head and neck, white chinstrap, light tan to cream breast and brown back. Has increased in urban and suburban areas in recent years; just a decade or two after people intentionally introduced or reintroduced “giant” Canada Geese to various areas, they are often considered pests." From AllAboutBirds. The large group divided into three smaller groups, and each group didn't necessarily see every species on our main leader's final list. The list is long, but it might just give someone an idea of what is being seen at that park at the moment. Also helps to jog my own memory. "FFCPPSoc. Spring Birding, Carburn Park, Calgary, 0915-1215, Thu 14Apr2016. Cloudy, light sprinkle, N wind 15 kph. 4 – 8°C. Combined results of three groups. Canada Goose-70 Wood Duck-2 American Wigeon-8 Mallard-50 GREEN-WINGED TEAL-5 Common Goldeneye-40 Common Merganser-128 OSPREY-1 Bald Eagle-2 ad.. Sharp-shinned Hawk-1 COOPER’S HAWK-1 RED-TAILED HAWK-3+ Merlin-1 FRANKLIN’S GULL-15 Ring-billed Gull-30+ California Gull-1 Herring Gull-6+ Rock Pigeon-1 Downy Woodpecker-8 Hairy Woodpecker-1, excavating nest cavity Northern Flicker-12 Black-billed Magpie-10 American Crow-2 Common Raven-2 TREE SWALLOW-2500+ NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW-1 Black-capped Chickadee-8. Red-breasted Nuthatch-4, excavating nest. White-breasted Nuthatch-1 RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET-3 American Robin-60 European Starling-100+ Bohemian Waxwing-10 SONG SPARROW-2 Dark-eyed Junco-2 Red-winged Blackbird-3 House Finch-3 RED CROSSBILL-4+ White-winged Crossbill-1+ Pine Siskin-2 House Sparrow-12 Eastern Gray Squirrel-3 Muskrat-2 JUMPING MOUSE sp.-1"