Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: 10 April 2018

Ring-necked Pheasant male / Phasianus colchicus

11 Apr 2018 1 1 291
I wasn't going to edit and post any photos this morning, as there are things that I have to get done on a deadline, and it will take me many hours to do. Changed my mind this morning, as I wanted to post a couple of photos taken yesterday, 10 April 2018, just as a record of a three-hour walk with friends in Fish Creek Park. A dull, overcast morning, and definitely not the greatest for photography. However, I don't often get the chance to photograph either a Ring-necked Pheasant or a Hooded Merganser, both of which were a long way off, but within camera reach. "The ring-necked pheasant is a native of Japan and southern China. It was first successfully introduced into southwestern Alberta in 1908. It soon became common throughout central and southeastern Alberta in agricultural areas of the prairie and parkland zones." From Alberta Fish and Wildlife.

Hooded Merganser male

11 Apr 2018 195
I wasn't going to edit and post any photos this morning, as there are things that I have to get done on a deadline, and it will take me many hours to do. Changed my mind this morning, as I wanted to post a couple of photos taken yesterday, 10 April 2018, just as a record of a three-hour walk with friends in Fish Creek Park. A dull, overcast morning, and definitely not the greatest for photography. However, I don't often get the chance to photograph either a Ring-necked Pheasant or a Hooded Merganser, both of which were a long way off, but within camera reach. "“Hooded” is something of an understatement for this extravagantly crested little duck. Adult males are a sight to behold, with sharp black-and-white patterns set off by chestnut flanks. Females get their own distinctive elegance from their cinnamon crest. Hooded Mergansers are fairly common on small ponds and rivers, where they dive for fish, crayfish, and other food, seizing it in their thin, serrated bills. They nest in tree cavities; the ducklings depart with a bold leap to the forest floor when only one day old." From AllAboutBirds.