Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: veins

Goodbye fall, hello winter!

02 Nov 2017 1 254
I don't know if everyone is getting so many small things going wrong with Flickr at the moment. It seems as if everything I try to do goes wrong or takes too long to work. Stats are a mess. Last night and this morning, 2 November 2017, we had our first major fall of snow in the city (at least in my part of the city). Still snowing this afternoon, and I'm just so thankful I don't have to go anywhere today. Temperature is -10C (windchill -18C) at around 1:30 pm. Stay warm, everyone, and drive safely! Again, all three photos posted this morning were taken three days ago, on 30 October 2017. They show what a varied day I had. I spent the day driving mostly roads that I had been along before (a round trip of 230 km). I still find a few roads so confusing! My destination was partly to check on two old barns that I had only seen and photographed once before. Having been there with my daughter in January 2015, I knew that there were several other old barns and homesteads en route. This day was definitely a barn day, not a bird or wildlife day. The large barn in a photo I posted the day before yesterday was one that I had been looking forward to finding and seeing for the first time, which I finally did in January 2015, with my daughter. I would love to have been able to get photos from both sides of it, but it was in a farmer's field that was, of course, private property. The second old barn that I saw in this area is in far worse condition, but I love it. It was funny, because I was standing in the road and had already taken a handful of photos of this crumbling, weathered structure, when I noticed someone walking towards me in the distance. Talk about deja vu! I started walking towards her and it turned out that she lived at the farm just down the road, but had previously lived in the house next to this decaying barn and it was her property. She told me to wander wherever I wished, take as many photos as I wanted. I laughed and said that in January 2015, when my daughter and I had been standing right there in the road, a lady came by on her horse and told us the very same story - it must have been the same person! Felt so good! Another place I stopped at was a farmyard full of old barns, sheds and vehicles. I pulled over and got out to take a quick shot of an old, blue truck from across the road. A person happened to just appear, walking across his farmyard, so I called out to him and we had a delightful chat. I think he was very amused at my passion for old things and told me to walk around and take whatever photos I wanted. Which I did, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! The blue truck in a photo posted two days ago was just one of several old vehicles, mainly cars. I told him what an amazing place he had, full of interesting things. I got the impression that he saw things very differently - lots of old things that needed fixing or tidying up : ) I told him to just leave everything as it is - a photographer's dream : ) On the way home, I called in at the Saskatoon Farm to see if the restaurant was still open, but it had just closed (3:30 pm). I realized I had been enjoying myself so much that I had totally forgotten to eat anything all day. Managed to get a much-needed cup of coffee, though, and I did buy a box of frozen, uncooked Saskatoon Berry and White Chocolate scones. I bought some of these last time I was there and they are so good, piping hot, straight out of the oven. Noticed this lonely autumn leaf on one of the shrubs - added a touch of filter to the image in post-processing.

Leaf patterns

10 Feb 2014 1 1 402
Happened to notice this leaf stuck to a narrow tree trunk when I went for a walk in Fish Creek Park, on 26 August 2013. Glad of the tiny patch of bright orange lichen growing near it. It's another brutally cold day today, just like yesterday. I have a birding walk with friends, so yet another day of bundling up with endless layers of clothing and having to scrape the ice off my car windows. Stay warm, everyone!

Unnatural nature

07 Apr 2010 205
The vein pattern on a petal from a blue-dyed Carnation - in case you were wondering what on earth "she's found now", LOL. Just loved the colour and the neat design.

Spots and lines

02 May 2013 255
A pale pink Hollyhock flower that was growing at the Reader Rock Garden on 10 August 2011. I always love to see the centres of these large flowers, especially the blackish flowers. "Alcea (Ál-ce-a), commonly known as hollyhocks, is a genus of about 60 species of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae. Most species are native to southwest and central Asia, although a few are native to southeast Europe or Egypt. Hollyhocks are popular garden ornamental plants, cultivars selected, particularly from A. rosea. The flowers have been selected for variations in colour, with dark purple, red and white-flowered plants available in addition to the colours found in wild plants (pink or yellow)." From Wikipedia.

Blue for a change

28 Mar 2013 156
Thought I'd better try and get at least one shot out of a beautiful bunch of flowers that I bought maybe a week ago. They died so quickly, before I got round to taking any photos. Loved the curled edges and the gorgeous shade of blue of the Iris flowers. Taken on 25 March 2013.

Fall, last year

11 Nov 2011 152
A quick shot of golden, autumn leaves at the Calgary Zoo more than a year ago, on 8th October 2010.

Roadmap for bugs

12 Oct 2011 165
There are so many leaves that have wonderful patterns on them - another leaf seen in the butterfly room at the Calgary Zoo (though this room may by now have been transformed into a Fall display instead of the butterflies.)

Nature's artwork

22 Sep 2011 148
Macro photo of this beautiful, small leaf in the butterfly room at the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. My knowledge of garden plants is almost nil, so I'm not sure what this plant is called. Makes great ground cover, though. Taken on September 10th. Could it be some kind of Coleus?

Blue Clematis

25 Jun 2010 242
There seems to have been quite a lot of wild Blue Clematis (Clematis occidentalis, Clematis columbiana) this spring, twining up twigs and branches or growing closer to the ground in the forest and woodlands. Such a gorgeous blue. This flower was growing in the West Bragg Creek Environmental Studies area on 20th June. This is a native, perennial, woody vine that climbs or creeps along the ground. There are no petals, but there are four blue/purple sepals to each solitary flower. Flowers May-July. Just got home from a day of botanizing south of the city, near Black Diamond, at the Three Point Creek Natural Area. We even had Great Horned Owls flying nearby when we were there - gosh, there are owls everywhere, LOL! A fairly hot day - too hot for me, but at least there was no rain, so we were really lucky. On the way home, we called in at a Bakery and coffee shop in Black Diamond - the coffee tasted SO good! Ralph, if you happen to get on to Flickr and see this - thanks again so much for driving today - much appreciated!


27 Oct 2009 3 585
The ground was covered in wet leaves on a recent walk in South Glenmore Park. However, this was the leaf that caught my eye : ) This actually made it to Front Page (interestingness#5) on 28th October 2009 - thanks so much, EVERYONE! I never bother with this, but after a few people left comments here to let me know, I just had to check the screen shots they very kindly left for me! Much appreciated.

Beauty at its finest

07 Sep 2009 206
This was one of the gorgeous Hollyhock flowers growing in the amazing homestead gardens belonging to Jim Coutts. Jim lives in southern Alberta, near Nanton. A few of us were lucky enough to go and be shown around his gardens yesterday morning, including a display area of native grassses. After lunch, we all went for a hike in the rolling hills west of Nanton, to botanize the area. I'm trying to give my very painful arms and shoulders a bit of a break, being careful not to spend too much time on the computer. Thanks for your patience and understanding : )


02 Feb 2009 132
Just an autumn leaf that I picked up at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary last fall. I was never sure whether to post it, but having just come across it again, I decided it would brighten up my Flickr page. My other two photos today are very brown and grey : )


19 Feb 2009 187
So, who knows what this is? I wasn't sure whether to post this image or not, but decided that it was worth posting just for the splash of vivid blue - I love this shade.

A single drop

03 Jan 2009 124
An autumn leaf seen out in the mountains, near Mt. Lorette, which is where the Golden Eagle migration watch takes place twice a year. A bit of snow had fallen, but was already melting. I happened to just catch three teeny little "stars" around the droplet.

Heavily veined

15 May 2008 108
Loved the light shining through this brightly coloured leaf in the Tropical plant room at the Calgary Zoo.

Crystalized leaf

20 Oct 2007 137
Most of the fallen leaves were covered or edged with ice crystals this morning, on a walk in South Glenmore Park. The temperature was -3C early this morning, though I think it has warmed up to around 8C this afternoon. On Tuesday, it is supposed to get up to 21C. Calgary has such crazy weather!