Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: camel

Dressing the camel

24 Aug 2013 1 1 384
This is a scan of a print from an old colour slide, taken in the desert outside Doha, Qatar (Middle East) in 1967. I have several of these old photos from Qatar that I need to scan and post as soon as possible. I don't know just where outside Doha this was taken, so I will mark it as Doha on my map - just in case anyone isn't quite sure where Doha is : ) We lived in Doha, Qatar, for just six months. This particular day was very special. One of the local Sheikhs, Sheikh Nasser, put on a "picnic" for employees and their families of one of the large oil companies. Various aspects of nomadic life were carefully arranged for us to see and enjoy, including a typical woven tent, a magnificent camel wearing its spectacular woven dressings, the slaughter of an animal hung from a wooden tripod and then prepared and cooked for us. This meal was eaten inside the tent, with everyone sitting in a circle on woven rugs - no knives or forks of course - and was followed by the preparation of coffee over a fire (and using the beautiful coffee pots that I love so much). Also a trained Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) was on its perch. A day I've never forgotten, including a ride on one of their camels (what an experience!). A most enjoyable day and one that we all greatly appreciated.

Camel races 6

20 Jan 2007 137
Scan from an old print, taken in Oman in 1977.

Camel races 5

20 Jan 2007 136
Scan from an old print, taken in Oman in 1977. I hope that life has been good to all the gentlemen in my camel racing photos!

Camel races 4

20 Jan 2007 165
Scan from an old print, taken in Oman in 1977. The silver "khanjar" (dagger) worn here is part of a man's traditional dress. These khanjars (curved daggers) have beautifully ornate silver sheaths. The national emblem of Oman consists of a khanjar dagger in a sheath that is superimposed upon two crossed swords. This is also seen on the Omani flag. "The curved dagger, the khanjar is a distinguishing feature of the Omani personality as well as an important symbol of male elegance. It is traditionally worn at the waist. The shape of the khanjar is always the same and is characterised by the curve of the blade and by the near right- angle bend of the sheath. Sheaths may vary from simple covers to ornate silver or gold-decorated pieces of great beauty and delicacy. In the past the silver khanjars were made by melting down Marie Theresa silver coins. Different types of khanjars are named after the regions in which they are made and vary according to size, shape, type of metal and the overlay. The top of the handle of the most usual khanjar is flat but the "Saidi" type, which takes its name from the Ruling Family, has an ornate cross-shaped top. However, all possess certain common features and have the same components: • The hilt may be made of costly rhinocerous horn or substitutes such as sandalwood and marble. • The blade determines the value of the khanjar according to its strength and quality. • The sadr, or upper part of the sheath, is decorated with silver engraving. • The sheath , the most striking part of the khanjar, is worked with silver threads. Khanjars are supported on belts of locallymade webbing, sometimes interwoven with silver thread or belts of leather covered by finely woven silver wire with handsome silver buckles, and a knife with an ornate handle of silver thread is often stuck into a simple leather pouch behind the sheath. Khanjars are worn on formal occasions and at feasts and holidays, and almost all Omani men boast one. Once worn in self-defence, the khanjar is today both a fashion accessory and a prestige item much in demand." All this information is from , the Ministry of Information's excellent website.

Camel races 3

20 Jan 2007 142
Scan from an old print, taken in Oman in 1977.

Camel races 2

20 Jan 2007 133
Scan from an old print, taken in Oman in 1977. I've been wanting to scan some of my Oman photos and these happen to be some of the first ones I scanned.

Camel races 1

20 Jan 2007 134
These six photos are scans of old prints taken in Oman in late 1977, hence the poor quality. My oldest daughter's school class went on a trip into the desert to watch the Camel Races and I went with them.

Looking for food

26 Nov 2006 80
A donkey and a camel searching for food, Doha. Scanned from an old photo.