Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Cladonia
Fungi in the Ghost River forest
25 Jun 2019 |
For the next few days, I will be posting photos from an outing on Sunday, 23 June 2019, and also a few of my usual local birds taken on the way home from this event. The map feature is not working yet again, though images were showing up on it for a day or two. Now it is back to being faulty yet again, and I don't mean just the mystery name. Causes such a hassle when I post Texas photos that need to be put on the map, so Texas photos will have to wait.
That day, 23 June, was a fun day, despite the fact that it was raining a good part of the time. It was the annual Ghost Watershed Alliance walk, which ends with a delicious fundraiser BBQ at noon. This botany walk, through the forest and on top of the cliff along the Ghost River, is led by our main Naturalist, Gus Yaki, and hosted by Erik Butters. I can't remember how many of these events I have been to over the years, but certainly a few.
I like to drive myself out there, as I then have the choice to drive somewhere else when all is finished, if I have any energy left. Exactly what I did, enjoying myself photographing Mountain Bluebirds, a Snipe, and a Bobolink which was unfortunately perched on a high wire. Better than nothing, though.
It was a very early start to the day yesterday, as I wanted to allow about two hours' travel time. There has been some flooding in certain areas and I wasn't sure if there might be a road or two blocked off. As it turned out, I reached the meeting place in plenty of time, so drove a bit further to see what I could find. Just an attractive, old wagon that I have seen before, and some adorable, new calves in one of the fields.
Reindeer lichen
22 Sep 2016 |
Two similar-looking species of lichen are known by the common name Reindeer lichen. Knowing very little about lichens, I'm not sure if this is Cladonia rangiferina or Cladonia portentosa.
"As the common names suggest, reindeer lichen is an important food for reindeer (caribou), and has economic importance as a result. Reindeer lichen, like many lichens, is slow growing (3–5 mm per year) and may take decades to return once overgrazed, burned, trampled, or otherwise consumed." From Wikipedia.
"The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has a rare opportunity to protect a 640-acre (260-hectare) property neighbouring Alberta's capital city. In 1974, five families bought Bunchberry Meadows Conservation Area — a parcel of land bordering Edmonton near the Devonian Botanic Garden. For 40 years the families cared for the land, protecting important habitat for moose and numerous other species.
The five ownership families have generously offered to sell Bunchberry Meadows Conservation Area to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) for half the asset value. Their vision is to ensure that the land is conserved for our province; particularly for our children.
Over the years Bunchberry Meadows has remained intact. But the surrounding lands and the city of Edmonton have undergone significant changes. Natural spaces in and around Edmonton continue to be developed. It’s increasingly difficult for city dwellers to find open green spaces to enjoy a sunny afternoon, or teach their children about the outdoors.
The campaign for Bunchberry Meadows was officially launched in Edmonton on May 21, 2015. Since then, Edmontonians have stepped up in support so that this special community amenity can be created.
Urban development on this property would mean the loss of habitat for many plant and wildlife species, and the loss of a wonderful space in which Albertans and all Canadians can reconnect with nature.
In June 2016, the Bunchberry campaign was closed sucessfully. NCC willl open Bunchberry to the public in the fall of 2016 as a natural retreat for everyone to enjoy."
Five days ago, on 17 September 2016, it was a long day, spent with a group of people - some of us travelled north from Calgary and others lived in or near the capital city of Alberta - Edmonton. Two friends had been invited to meet with members of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, to do a walk at a newly acquired 640 acre parcel of land, immediately to the east of the Devonian Botanic Garden. Edmonton is a three-hour drive north of Calgary, so it makes for a long drive when one goes for just a day trip. Set my alarm for 4:20 am. That, plus walking for several hours (my pedometer said 16,175 steps by the time I went to bed) completely knocked me out.
One of the two friends I went with, Dr. Peter Whitehead (who drove us there and back, which was wonderful) is an ecologist and bryologist, founder of the Western Canada Bryophyte and Lichen Interest Group (not a group on Flickr). Also, see the first link below about his exciting program for school children.
The other friend I went with was Dr. Janet Marsh, Lichenologist. She is considered one of Canada's leading authorities on lichens. So, as you can see, I was in the company of extremely knowledgeable people. I'll add that I have been on many outings the last few years that have included both these specialists. Always most enjoyable and lots of fun!
My big confession is that so many of the lichens that they find are growing in forests - and when I'm in a forest, my focus immediately turns to fungi! Which is why I still barely know anything about lichens : ) I do enjoy photographing them, however, and have quite a few in my photostream. This day, I was able to see a number of different fungi, which made my day.
The people of Edmonton and area are so very fortunate that this land is being preserved by the Nature Conservancy of Canada. What a beautiful area of meadows, bogs and forest! I especially liked the spectacular Birch trees that were growing there, with their beautiful peeling bark - some of these trees were quite large.
Thanks so much to the Nature Conservancy of Canada for inviting us for this walk. I know you will receive extensive lists of the species that Peter and Janet found. Many thanks, Peter, for organizing this trip and for all the driving you did, too. I really appreciated the opportunity to visit this new area and capture a few species with my camera. Even the weather cooperated, giving us a very pleasant temperature for walking (around 18C?) and the rain that had been falling in Edmonton, stopped for the rest of the day. A great day in great company!
Treasures of the forest floor
17 Aug 2016 |
Wow, it's noon and there are only 10 new photos on My Contacts page.
A few evenings ago, on 12 August 2016, friend Dorothy phoned and asked if I'd like to go with them to Kananaskis for the day. A last minute decision - and of course I said yes! What a great day we had in the mountains, with perfect weather and so many mushrooms to keep all three of us happy.
When I think how many endless rainy days we have been having the last few weeks, we were so lucky that the sun shone, the temperature was pleasant, and a slight breeze kept comfort levels just right.
Our first brief stop was at a pond on the way to Bragg Creek, where a mutual friend had been seeing a Common Loon, but there was no sign of it when we were there. From there, once we eventually reached the mountains, we stopped at a large pond to check for birds and kept our eyes open for any mushrooms. The ground seemed too dry here, for any fungus to be growing. However, we were treated to wonderful views of a beautiful Osprey perched on top of a tall coniferous tree further down the path. It flew to a few different trees and then finally made the plunge for a fish, with success. What a splash it made! Once caught, it flew out of sight - maybe it had a nest somewhere with young ones to feed.
"Unique among North American raptors for its diet of live fish and ability to dive into water to catch them, Ospreys are common sights soaring over shorelines, patrolling waterways, and standing on their huge stick nests, white heads gleaming. These large, rangy hawks do well around humans and have rebounded in numbers following the ban on the pesticide DDT. Hunting Ospreys are a picture of concentration, diving with feet outstretched and yellow eyes sighting straight along their talons." From AllAboutBirds.
Our next stop was further into the mountains and we found that the ground was damper and more conducive to the growth of mushrooms. I suspect that after all the rain we've had this summer, one could find mushrooms growing anywhere now. We were certainly lucky at this location, finding various species. One of the highlights of the day for me was seeing one of my favourite fungi, Strawberries and Cream fungus / Hydnellum peckii - the one that produces small, ruby red droplets on the surface. The individuals we saw were not hugely photogenic, but wonderful to see, both at this location and our next stop, at Kananaskis Lakes.
Lunch was eaten at a convenient picnic table right by a large creek after this first walk. While we were sitting there, a cute little Chipmunk (Least Chipmunk?) stopped long enough to take a quick peek at us through the tall grass blades. I suspect it thought it was well hidden.
After our lunch, we drove to Kananaskis Lakes and went for a most enjoyable hike - a very slow one, as there were mushrooms everywhere! We had been along this trail in previous years and had found a good variety of fungi. There were so many people on the trail! Good to see everyone out enjoying the good weather, fresh mountain air, and beautiful scenery. My friends returned to the same areas two days later and found about two-thirds less the number of mushrooms, so hopefully we will have more rain soon (and preferably at night!).
Thanks so much, Dorothy and Stephen, not just for this great day out, but for also helping to make my wait for my new car to arrive, easier! Greatly appreciated.
One busy log
11 Jul 2014 |
On 12 June 2014, I drove westwards to the mountains, along Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66) as far as Maclean Pond. I did a very slow walk, and was very happy when I noticed these tiny fungi growing on a fallen, rotting log. They may have been something like an inch tall. When I come across fungi that look like these, I'm never completely sure whether they are mushrooms or if they belong to a lichen that grows mushroom-like "things". This time, I know it's a Lichen, thanks to Ken Dies' help. I had intended cropping this image to square, but then decided to leave the original, as there are a few interesting things growing from the log, including mosses and Cladonia species.
"Lichenomphallia is a genus of lichenized Basidomycetes or club fungi which has spores produced on club-shaped basidia. The lichen fungus resembles a mushroom and the algae are concentrated in special tissues or lobes at the base of the fruiting body. This plant is found in both books on Lichens and books on Mushrooms as Omphalina."
I had hoped to find lots of wildflowers in bloom, but the main plant was the Dandelion, so it was obviously too early after our late spring. Also a very few Shootingstars, one Blue-eyed Grass in bloom, several Valerian flowers, several clusters of Mouse-eared Chickweed, and not much else.
On the way home, I drove a few of the backroads SW of Calgary, where I photographed a pair of Mountain Bluebirds, a Snipe, a Tree Swallow, a Brewer's Blackbird, and a Black Tern that was perched on a fence post. Usually, when I see Terns, they are flying fast and my camera can't catch them.
Pebbled Pixie-cup Cladonia / Cladonia pyxidata
21 Apr 2011 |
Not sure which species of Cladonia lichen this is. This little grouping was growing at Horseshoe Canyon, August 21st last year, when a few of us spent the day botanizing the canyon. This location is in the Badlands of Alberta, east of Calgary. This is a macro shot - these Cladonia are only tiny.
Later: thanks to Doug (dougwaylett) for the ID, Cladonia pyxidata, Pebbled Pixie-cup. Much appreciated!
According to the Alberta Wild Species General Status Listing, 2010, the status of Cladonia pyxidata is Secure.
19 Mar 2011 |
We came across this little cluster of Puffballs on September 3rd, when we spent the day botanizing at Bragg Creek Natural Area, west of the city. I always think Puffballs are such amazing things, with their beautifully textured surface.
There has to be some sort of incompatability between my computer and my friend's in England. Two days ago, I started getting the same (?) problem with my Inbox - two or three e-mails from England would not stop repeatedly sending. Had to just sit there and delete and delete - and watch another batch arrive. To say the least, this is not what I needed - and now I still feel completely drained and exhausted. All is OK (for now!).
Which then, of course, turns my thoughts to wondering how on earth are the Japanese people dealing with all that has destroyed their lives? They are strong people and will overcome all this, but my heart and my prayers are with them each and every day.
A close up view
03 Nov 2010 |
LOL, I have taken so many photos of tiny Cladonia lichen and always wondered if I would EVER get a photo that was sharp enough for my liking. I think this macro shot is probably the best one so far : ) Can't remember exactly, but the Cladonia were probably around half an inch tall. Growing amongst the mosses at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on 12th October, doing their job of disintegrating the fallen log they were growing on. How I love the miniature world that surrounds us! You know, the world that most people never, ever see.
I always used to call these Cladonia Lichens little green Golf Tees. Then I saw on someone's photostream the name "Shrek Ears". Wish so much that I could remember who gave this name (then I could give credit where credit is due). I LOVE that name!!! Also, Maxine below described them as little green angel horns - and I love that name, too. Thanks, Maxine! How I miss being in the forest - I always get the wonderful feeling of being "home", that that is where I belong ; )
Cladonia Lichen sp.
18 Sep 2010 |
A closer look at the tiny world of Cladonia lichen. These little stalks were maybe half an inch in height : ) No idea how many different species of Cladonia grow in Alberta, but I'm not going to even try to give an ID to the one shown in this image. We found these on one of our stops along Highway 40, in Kananaskis. There were lots of very tiny mushrooms nearby, growing on the droppings/scat of some large animal.
What is a Lichen? "Lichens are amazing living entities, in that they are not a single organism like plants, animals or fungi. Instead every single lichen is the result of two or more separate organisms living permanently together. All lichens are made up of a fungal partner and either/or an algal partner or a cyanobacterium partner, or both.
Lichens first appeared about 400 million years ago so they have been around for a long time. Some individual species such as Hypogymnia physodes have been around for at least 25 million years and maybe for as long as 70 million years. Obviously the lichen symbiosis is a successful strategy.... For many ecologists lichens are an accurate monitor of quality of the air in any given place.... Lichens are useful as food, medicine, for making dyes, in perfume manufacture, as decorations and in science." From
Shrek ears
09 May 2010 |
I'd never seen these regular, very tiny Cladonia growing on soil on a dry, open hillside before (photo is macro, of course. Most people would never notice them). I always thought they were to be found in the forest. Fascinating little things - Shrek Ears, Golf Tees, Pixie Cups ..... LOL. (This sample was being collected to be examined further at home by one of our botany members.) Found on a botanizing trip yesterday to the Western Sky Land Trust's Wheatland #1, formerly Jack Nodwell’s Property, 59 acres of land near Carseland, Alberta.
Lycopodium clavatum moss
07 Nov 2009 |
I had never seen this attractive moss before - trying to remember if this was the first time it had been seen/reported in Alberta. Doug, if you happen to read this, perhaps you could confirm or correct this. You can also see a small cluster of a Cladonia species in the centre (like tiny, green golf tees).
Added later - thanks, Doug, for the correct information: "It is found throughout the northern 2/3 of Alberta. This was found near its southern extent."
"Lycopodium clavatum (Stag's-horn Clubmoss or Ground Pine) is the most widespread species in the genus Lycopodium of the clubmoss family Lycopodiaceae.
It is a spore-bearing vascular plant, growing mainly prostrate along the ground with stems up to 1 m long; the stems are much branched, and densely clothed with small spirally-arranged leaves." From Wikipedia.
24 Aug 2009 |
Cladonia (cup lichen) is a genus of moss-like lichens in the family Cladoniaceae. These very tiny cups were photographed on 20th August in the forest at the west end of Bragg Creek Provincial Park. This is an enlarged close-up image. Usually, my photos of these come out very blurry, but finally I have one that is sharp enough : )
Tiny mushrooms
04 Oct 2008 |
These are the tiniest, most delicate mushrooms and I finally managed to get my camera to focus on one of them.They seem to be surrounded by various mosses and lichens. Seen at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park (where, apparently, there IS a resident Grizzly, I learned yesterday!).
Little green golf tees
28 Sep 2007 |
I was thrilled to see some of these tiny, fascinating Lichen at Bowness Park yesterday. Though I had seen some a couple of times before, I don't usually see them. They remind me of little green golf tees. I did post a previous photo of the same species quite a while ago - not sure if I had the ID correct. Does anyone know if this is Cladonia Lichen? Also not sure if these come under a heading of "Fungi."
Cladonia lichen
01 Oct 2006 |
I believe this fungus is Cladonia lichen. Love the way it looks like miniature golf tees!
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